Say hello and introduce yourself

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New member
Jan 7, 2024
My mom just died on New Year’s Eve from Alzheimer’s Dementia/Vascular Dementia. The last 2 1/2 years of my life was a whirlwind of trying to meet her constantly changing needs, wandering, delusions, psychosis, falls, incontinence, paranoia, sundowning. I am so sad that she is gone. She starved to death and no one could make her eat. My heart is broken and I miss my mom so much.


New member
Jan 8, 2024
Hello, my 86 yo mum lives with me and my husband. She was diagnosed last week with Alzheimers. We've been aware for around 5+ years things weren't right, so in a way relieved to have a diagnosis. Designated the weekends will be dementia free days, no discussions of dementia, but focus on our own relationship otherwise our relationship will suffer.
Looking forward to hearing others experiences.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Silverdaisy41 and @Lizzie62 to this friendly and supportive forum. There is a wealth of shared experience of dementia to be found here so I am glad you have found us.
This is a community where you can ask questions, find information, and also share with people who understand.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
My mom just died on New Year’s Eve from Alzheimer’s Dementia/Vascular Dementia. The last 2 1/2 years of my life was a whirlwind of trying to meet her constantly changing needs, wandering, delusions, psychosis, falls, incontinence, paranoia, sundowning. I am so sad that she is gone. She starved to death and no one could make her eat. My heart is broken and I miss my mom so much.
I am so sorry to learn of your Mom's passing. Do please give yourself time to grieve - grief is different for everyone, so take each day as it comes. Some days you will cry and others you won't. There is no set path and don't let anyone tell you differently.
Wishing you strength in the coming days.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello, my 86 yo mum lives with me and my husband. She was diagnosed last week with Alzheimers. We've been aware for around 5+ years things weren't right, so in a way relieved to have a diagnosis. Designated the weekends will be dementia free days, no discussions of dementia, but focus on our own relationship otherwise our relationship will suffer.
Looking forward to hearing others experiences.
I am sorry to read of your Mum's recent diagnosis. It's tough even if you were half expecting it..
It's good that you have thought about you and your own relationship as through supporting someone with Alzheimer's. you certainly need your own 'me time' too.

Poppy is my name

New member
Jan 8, 2024
Hallo fellow people
I'm watching my previously highly intelligent, chess playing man unable to work out how a plug fits into an electric socket. .. I'm presuming everyone has similar pain here.

I'm looking to find a place where I can speak about these things and find support to find a way forward if possible... however small.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Poppy is my name and welcome to Dementia Support Forum which is the place you are looking for. Here you can ask questions, join conversations, find solace in sharing with people who truly understand, and let off steam. There's always someone here who'll listen. I am sure that you'll find our friendly community will give you support when you need it.

Poppy is my name

New member
Jan 8, 2024
Thank you. I'm not sure why I'm here really or what I'm looking for, except that it gets really lonely looking after a partner with dementia. I've no wish to press it on others but I thought some might understand here

Hi @Poppy is my name and welcome to Dementia Support Forum which is the place you are looking for. Here you can ask questions, join conversations, find solace in sharing with people who truly understand, and let off steam. There's always someone here who'll listen. I am sure that you'll find our friendly community will give you support when you need it.

Toby Griffiths

New member
Jan 9, 2024
Hi 👋

My Dad has early onset dementia, diagnosed in his late 50s. No other history in the family, he was estranged from his family, drank heavily and isolated. I'm here due to my own (irrational?) worries about contracting this awful disease - me, my kids, my family.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Toby Griffiths and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your situation. No-one can say for certain whether they are at greater risk than the person next to them of developing dementia. I am no expert - and it differs depending upon the type of dementia - but my understanding is that hereditary factors play only a small part in dementia risk.

There are plenty of other risks one could worry about in terms of health conditions everyday activities and external factors over which one has no control. If you have a feeling that worrying about dementia is irrational, then maybe it is.

Now that you have joined our community you'll find a mixture of good published information alongside a wealth of direct experience that our members have accumulated. I am sure that you will find this Forum helpful and supportive.

Toby Griffiths

New member
Jan 9, 2024
Hi @Toby Griffiths and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your situation. No-one can say for certain whether they are at greater risk than the person next to them of developing dementia. I am no expert - and it differs depending upon the type of dementia - but my understanding is that hereditary factors play only a small part in dementia risk.

There are plenty of other risks one could worry about in terms of health conditions everyday activities and external factors over which one has no control. If you have a feeling that worrying about dementia is irrational, then maybe it is.

Now that you have joined our community you'll find a mixture of good published information alongside a wealth of direct experience that our members have accumulated. I am sure that you will find this Forum helpful and supportive.

Thank you for your reply and welcome, it really helps :)


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Hi, my father passed away at 60 after EOD. I am now 40 and seem to see the signs of it in myself. I wonder if there are any trials, to testing I could contribute to?


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hallo fellow people
I'm watching my previously highly intelligent, chess playing man unable to work out how a plug fits into an electric socket. .. I'm presuming everyone has similar pain here.

I'm looking to find a place where I can speak about these things and find support to find a way forward if possible... however small.
Hello Poppy, I've just seen your post. Sadly, I think we all can identify with your pain. To see once highly intelligent people struggle with basic tasks is upsetting. My partner was a skilled engineer whose maths was phenomenal. He had answers seconds after a question and now can't count to twenty. In fact he can do so little now I'm living his as well as my own life. But... He is happy and content and we do enjoy going to dementia cafes and singing. Never thought my retirement would be this,we had plans that can not materialise. I've learnt acceptance. In fact that 'prayer' God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change ,courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference ' has become my mantra 🙂
I've made friends with wives of other PWD . I try to see the humour in life. Not easy, looking after my partner is hard work! I send you my best wishes


New member
Apr 2, 2019
My name is Stephanie. My Dad has Vascular Dementia, Has been in care for 4 years.
I am worried about my Dad as I think he may have later stages of Dementia. He doesn`t reconize me anymore and losing the ability to talk. Last time I visited he was just staring into space, and could hardly walk

Leila Stuart

New member
Jan 13, 2024
Hello, my name is Leila. My Mother has dementia, she has had a few years of mild dementia, but two months ago she was diagnosed with multiple myloma at the age of 87. A period of delirium plus the cancer treatment has escalated her dementia rapidly. I am hoping I can find help/suggestions on developing communication skills with someone who has dementia. My Mum still knows who I am, her voice is just the same, but she is confused and paranoid which I find upsetting, also she often just wants to get me off the phone ASAP. My Mum is in a care home and receiving all possible medical help, it's me who is struggling.


New member
Jan 13, 2024
Good Morning everyone! or at least it's still morning here in the mountains of West Virginia, USA. I've been recently diagnosed with possible Lewy Body Dementia, at least that's what the Doctors are saying, and unfortunately......all of my symptoms fit :( I'm trying to stay positive, it's early yet. Looking for good support groups to find my way on the days when I'm sad, like today. I'm 62 years young.


New member
Jan 13, 2024
My mom just died on New Year’s Eve from Alzheimer’s Dementia/Vascular Dementia. The last 2 1/2 years of my life was a whirlwind of trying to meet her constantly changing needs, wandering, delusions, psychosis, falls, incontinence, paranoia, sundowning. I am so sad that she is gone. She starved to death and no one could make her eat. My heart is broken and I miss my mom so much.
Oh sweetie, you've had such a rough road. Sending you a big hug!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Good Morning everyone! or at least it's still morning here in the mountains of West Virginia, USA. I've been recently diagnosed with possible Lewy Body Dementia, at least that's what the Doctors are saying, and unfortunately......all of my symptoms fit :( I'm trying to stay positive, it's early yet. Looking for good support groups to find my way on the days when I'm sad, like today. I'm 62 years young.
Not a support group but you might find something helpful .


New member
Jan 13, 2024
Hi my dad has vascular dementia, he has had it around 3.5 years and has deteriorated very quickly over the last year, he is bed bound, he says the odd yes or no very rarely, he now has to be spoon feed, it’s heart breaking seeing my dad like this, I feel that he is nearing the end? I feel so bad as u don’t see him enough as I live 3 hours away and circumstances don’t let me get to see him enough, my mum is his carer and doing an amazing job!
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