Mum in hospital again


New member
May 16, 2024
Hi my mum was admitted into hospital again on Monday to have more furosemide infusions because of her heart failure..when she went in she was a bit sleepy and seemed a little poorly.The last couple of days she seemed really confused and cannot stay awake to have a conversation or eat. She has been asking for one of her sisters that she has not seen for 13 years through a falling out.I sat with her for hours today and listened to her mumbling in her sleep and her body keeps twitching.I was told she now has mrsa .I have been trying to find out if she has an infection or if the dementia is doing this They are saying she doesn't have an infection she had dementia..Does it get that bad that quick cause Monday she was a bit forgetful but now it's like she's not ther


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I was told she now has mrsa .I have been trying to find out if she has an infection or if the dementia is doing this They are saying she doesn't have an infection she had dementia
I dont understand this. MRSA is an infection - and a nasty one at that. Any infection always makes dementia symptoms worse
How are they treating it?


New member
May 16, 2024
I dont understand this. MRSA is an infection - and a nasty one at that. Any infection always makes dementia symptoms worse
How are they treating it?
With antibiotics but they told me it wouldn't make her confused and it's not that bad .They put her in a room on her own yesterday but back on ward today and said she wasn't in contact with other patients..she couldn't stay awake today to eat .she also had hurt her arm don't know how cause she ain't been out of bed to hurt it .They are just taking her down for x-ray. I feel really useless .she must feel like **** she smells she's not eating I wish she was at home at least she would have some dignity


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Just hang on in there @terri326
I dont know where they got the idea that an infection wouldnt cause confusion - it doesnt if you dont have dementia, but if you do it definitely does.
You should start to see some improvement soon as the ABs start to kick in


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
Hi my mum was admitted into hospital again on Monday to have more furosemide infusions because of her heart failure..when she went in she was a bit sleepy and seemed a little poorly.The last couple of days she seemed really confused and cannot stay awake to have a conversation or eat. She has been asking for one of her sisters that she has not seen for 13 years through a falling out.I sat with her for hours today and listened to her mumbling in her sleep and her body keeps twitching.I was told she now has mrsa .I have been trying to find out if she has an infection or if the dementia is doing this They are saying she doesn't have an infection she had dementia..Does it get that bad that quick cause Monday she was a bit forgetful but now it's like she's not ther
If your mum is having furosemide injections then it indicates that her heart failure is getting worse and she is having trouble shedding some of the excess fluid. Heart failure causes great fatigue and with blood supply being reduced there may well be some loss of kidney function as well I am not surprised that she needs lots of rest. With MRSA as well as heart failure, there must be a huge impact on dementia.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
Staff on a standard ward won’t necessarily be aware of dementia-related issues. MRSA is an infection and can definitely prompt an uptick in dementia. There’s also the possibility of hospital delirium, where a PWD becomes completely disorientated - our Mum veered between believing she’d been kidnapped, abandoned in an empty warehouse, was in an airport waiting room ready to go on holiday, and other scenarios.

Maybe contact your hospital’s PALS service, explain the issues, and ask whether someone from their Memory Clinic or Dementia Service can visit the ward to assess your Mum and advise ward staff.

The antibiotics for MRSA should help if that's a factor, but hospital delirium will only resolve once the PWD is out of the hospital environment. This was the case for our Mum once she got home, but her dementia had taken a turn for the worse overall.


Registered User
Nov 21, 2022
Staff on a standard ward won’t necessarily be aware of dementia-related issues. MRSA is an infection and can definitely prompt an uptick in dementia. There’s also the possibility of hospital delirium, where a PWD becomes completely disorientated - our Mum veered between believing she’d been kidnapped, abandoned in an empty warehouse, was in an airport waiting room ready to go on holiday, and other scenarios.

Maybe contact your hospital’s PALS service, explain the issues, and ask whether someone from their Memory Clinic or Dementia Service can visit the ward to assess your Mum and advise ward staff.

The antibiotics for MRSA should help if that's a factor, but hospital delirium will only resolve once the PWD is out of the hospital environment. This was the case for our Mum once she got home, but her dementia had taken a turn for the worse overall.
I agree with Collywobbles, hospital induced delerium
is very real. Dad's improved as soon as he came home


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
Staff on a standard ward won’t necessarily be aware of dementia-related issues. MRSA is an infection and can definitely prompt an uptick in dementia. There’s also the possibility of hospital delirium, where a PWD becomes completely disorientated - our Mum veered between believing she’d been kidnapped, abandoned in an empty warehouse, was in an airport waiting room ready to go on holiday, and other scenarios.

My dad had pneumonia and then delirium in hospital, he too had been kidnapped and dumped in a barn (apparently I had arranged this to get his money) The following day he was waiting for his suitcase so he could board his cruise ship. So similar and very upsetting at the time.

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