on duty 24 hours a day!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Elaine , Just sending you Love , Support & Prayer's for to day & the Day's to come . Postive Vibes the C P N can be Supportive to you & Gary

You are both in my thoughts

Love & HUGS , Love Grove x x


Registered User
Mar 31, 2010
Elaine, hi
Fingers crossed that there is a bed in your nearest or most convienent location, thinking of you and Gary today.
With best wishes from Jo

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
They've found a bed in a specialist unit in Yeovil which is about an hour away, they can take him at 3pm. I hope they can do something to help him.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts xxxe


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
sutton coldfield
thats a brilliant result elaine, get today over with then you will be able to relax properly and have time for yourself which you so badly need, sending hugs and thinking of you and gary todayxxx


Registered User
Apr 27, 2011

Ive just spent the last hour and a bit reading all 21 pages of your thread and can only say what an amazing woman you sound and how very lucky your husband is to have someone like you to care for him.

i hope everything goes well for him at the dementia unit and you get some well deserved rest.

i can only hope i can have a fraction of the strength when it comes to times like this with my mum, which fingers crossed are a long way off yet as shes only in early stages.

Sarah x


Registered User
Jul 27, 2010
Rural North Northumberland
I have just been through most of this thread and don't know how you've coped all this time. You're one amazing woman and should be very proud of yourself for the devotion you've shown to Gary. Hope you get things sorted and can have a bit of a rest.

Take care and thinking of you xx


Registered User
Mar 31, 2010
Oh Elaine, I am so glad and so sad for you that today is here, it's the day we all fear but at least 3pm isn't far away now.

Are you going with him or will they arrange transport, whatever, extra special time with your doggies tonight though.

My heart goes out to you, with kind regards from Jo


Registered User
May 20, 2009
I can't say how sorry I am that it has come to this.
You are doing the right thing.

Such agitation must be an awful experience for Gary.
They will be able to monitor and find a balance to help him.
The main priority is keeping him safe, but my heart does go out to you.

Chin up girl. Thinking of you.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Elaine,

I've just caught up with today's events and I have my fingers crossed that you will soon see evidence of a positive change in Gary once he has been properly assessed with regard to the disease and medication. You take all the support that you can get and try your best to let go of the responsibility for just a little while and let them do their job.

Big hug and tons of sympathy. I do remember how stressful it can get at times:eek::eek:



Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Dear Elaine,

Haven't been on this thread for a little while, but see that Gary is off to an assessment unit this afternoon at three o'clock.

I know just how difficult this is for you, but that you also realise it is absolutely necessary to enable you just to keep going.

Thinking of you and hoping that all goes well for you both.

Sending love,


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Elaine, well done for getting this dementia unit stay sorted. I'm really sorry you are feeling rotten, and wish I could give you a big hug. You know you are doing the right thing, don't you? You've coped with so much but it really sounded as if things were getting way out of hand these last few days and you simply HAD to do something. Who on earth could blame you? No-one, so don't blame yourself.

Hope that all goes well on the trip to Yeovil, and that afterwards you can sit down and relax and pamper yourself a little.

Thinking of you both. Love Deborah

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Dear Elaine

I had an overwhelming feeling of relief when I read about the dementia unit. Please don`t feel bad, something had to be done to avert a potential disaster.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Elaine I'm so glad you have made this move and that it's happening so soon. I do hope you get the right help for Gary and that you benefit from the respite. x


Registered User
Feb 6, 2010

I remember when my Mum got really ill and lost her mobility completely. It was an intense time and my Dad had been trying to cope with her mobility difficulties for a while before this. The fact was that it came down to safety for both him and my Mum. In the end, I went to our GP. I was there at 8.30 after the most horrendous of nights and I must have looked as exhausted as you feel. My Dad had finally admitted he couldn't do it anymore, had heeded the doc's warnings that he would be ill if he continued to try, so although it was one of the worst days of my life, that following day, my Mum was moved into a local hospital (she had a urine infection or she would have gone direct to a care home). From that point on, choices had to be made. My dad went through all the emotions of admitting he couldn't care for her anymore and he had to let her go to be cared for elsewhere. But, heed this. Now, she is safer, he is safer and has quality daily time with her, has support from the care home staff and he's much healthier. He isn't worrying the same, he doesn't have a bad back anymore (well, not often) and he's able to cope with the tasks he needs to.

It's one of the hardest choices in the world to let your man go to be cared for by someone else because you can't do it or, you can do it but at high risk to your own help. Remember, if you wreck yourself, he will end up somewhere else anyway and then have to walk that journey without you. I don't know if you are at this stage yet where you really can't cope anymore but it sounds like you are approaching it.

Please be brave and be strong and go and talk to your GP for your own sake and your man's. It all comes down to safety in the end and a care home isn't the end of life. To be honest, in my experience, it has provided another chapter for my Mum and Dad and me. She wouldn't have gone for days out with my Dad as he couldn't cope with her needs. The home has arranged these for him and I went too on some of them. Really, when the times comes, try to look at it as a good thing. You may not want him in a home and that also is OK but whatever your choice ... STAY SAFE!

Thinking of you and hope my words and experience help you a little.
With you,


Registered User
Mar 12, 2011
Dear Elaine - I have thought so much about you over the last few days - you must have been terribly frightened. I think you have been amazing at what you have had to cope with and you have made the right decision for both yourself and your husband. I do hope everything has gone OK today and that Gary has settled alright in the unit and that they are able to sort out his medication. Look after yourself, have a good nights sleep and take care. With love and warm thoughts. Sox

sonia owen

Registered User

How you doing Elaine? So sorry to think of you and Gar.Things seem to have been such so very hard. Hope now things become easier for both of you.
Sounds as if he will hopefully get some help for him. I am sure he will get the help he needs. Thankgoodness there was a bed for him today.

Please try your very best to get some rest this evening. Give your doggies a big hug.
I am thinking of you. I am not sure if you have any family around you for support.
Take care.
Love and hugs
Sonia xxx