A (probably very occasional) diary and comment thread.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh dear….🐁🐁🐁 I have never been the same after picking up my wellies from the garage and finding a mouse jump out 😱😱😱

Perhaps a new cat is in order in the long term…..buy the young child a kitten for Christmas 🙈🙈

Did you get a report from your Dads funeral from your Uncle? That must have been very surreal knowing it was on but not being able to be there. I hope you have been able to do something even if just in your head to mark it.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Oh dear….🐁🐁🐁 I have never been the same after picking up my wellies from the garage and finding a mouse jump out 😱😱😱

Perhaps a new cat is in order in the long term…..buy the young child a kitten for Christmas 🙈🙈

Did you get a report from your Dads funeral from your Uncle? That must have been very surreal knowing it was on but not being able to be there. I hope you have been able to do something even if just in your head to mark it.
The guy next door did say they were now thinking of getting another cat, so fingers crossed 🤞.
The thing with these old houses is the gaps in the airbricks are wide enough for a mouse to squeeze through - not sure about modern houses. I did put mesh on them years ago, but then removed it on someone's recommendation.

My uncle did email the service to me, which included my tribute which was read out by the person conducting it - not easy reading, especially seeing a recent photo of my dad.
I can't really process it all yet.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi @Eddcorner - you can check in anytime. 🙂
The rodent situation is good as there's been no sign of the things since that first 2 days. Mind you, every gap has been sealed with steel wool and filler.

Next door have had their follow up visit from the pest controller and I did put my ear to the wall - he advised the chap to cover up hole(s) in his kitchen - things seem to be better there, though.

Major success today, as I persuaded my mum to change her T shirt and jumpers for the first time in weeks (never gone this long). Bottom half, no problem - once or twice a day for underwear and trousers, but top half, very stubborn this time. 😌 Why? Who knows.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hi @Eddcorner - you can check in anytime. 🙂
The rodent situation is good as there's been no sign of the things since that first 2 days. Mind you, every gap has been sealed with steel wool and filler.

Next door have had their follow up visit from the pest controller and I did put my ear to the wall - he advised the chap to cover up hole(s) in his kitchen - things seem to be better there, though.

Major success today, as I persuaded my mum to change her T shirt and jumpers for the first time in weeks (never gone this long). Bottom half, no problem - once or twice a day for underwear and trousers, but top half, very stubborn this time. 😌 Why? Who knows.
Been there at the outset in those first twelve months with the clothes situation! Just had to ride that one out, a little gentle persuasion on my part resulted in not so much fun ;) but got there in the end... eventually! Hope it resolves itself sooner rather than later @Neveradullday!

Ooh rats :/ We have our problems too as we're not that far from an abattoir in a very built up area. Lost count of the number I've dealt with, mightily clever those little chaps though! On the bright side managed to 'catch' my nemesis (a broken tail with a plastic ragend attached), been chasing that one for best part of a year 👍 Will keep my fingers crossed 🤞 for you.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2023
Those free libraries are a great idea, I'm thinking of the ones set up in disused phone boxes etc..
I live in a big city and I haven't seen any about, too many 'tea leaves' perhaps. 😱

I wish you happy reading, though.
Hi, I'm very new to the forum, so I hope I've got the right bit! Referring to the library thingie, I wonder if you have an online version. Mine is so, so good, I can read all manner of magazines, order book titles not in the library,and access a huge volume of books. If you're OK reading online ( i found it difficult at first), I hope you can find one that you can join. Of course. It doesn't make up for missing a little pop out and maybe a chat here and there! I'm glad to start being involved in the community here. It helps.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi, I'm very new to the forum, so I hope I've got the right bit! Referring to the library thingie, I wonder if you have an online version. Mine is so, so good, I can read all manner of magazines, order book titles not in the library,and access a huge volume of books. If you're OK reading online ( i found it difficult at first), I hope you can find one that you can join. Of course. It doesn't make up for missing a little pop out and maybe a chat here and there! I'm glad to start being involved in the community here. It helps.
Hi @Bevvywevvy - welcome to the forum, and thanks for the info.

Yes, I did investigate the online option, but to be honest I can't really get into reading books online - much prefer the real things. Come to think of it, I've not read a book in 3 years.
The physical library visits will have to wait until this 'journey' of 24/7 caring ends - if it ever does.
This is a great forum, I'm sure you'll get a lot from it.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Well I did say "probably very occasional"!

Yesterday was definitely a day of two halves.
Sunny but not too warm - we had our usual walk to Tesco (just over 20 mins there, different route back (30 mins)). We both enjoy it - it breaks the day up. One thing I've discovered is routine helps my mum.
We pass through two parks which is ideal.

An elderly moslem gentleman (he sometimes has his prayer beads in his hand) walks around the bigger park, we pass the time of day.
He's obviously curious about us - yesterday he stopped us and said to me,
"One question"
"Yes, that's fine"
"This (pointing to my mum) relation?"
"Yes, this is my mother"
And with that a beaming smile came upon his face. A friend for life had been made!

Back home in a good mood we had lunch, then my mum took her cup of tea upstairs (this is a new development - she can be in her bedroom for about an hour).
I took my chance and lay down on my own bed (a luxury!).

I was just drifting off when........
I heard banging, she got up and went downstairs in a terrible mood. I was just getting up when I heard her go into the garden and.......... CLANG!
Another cup broken (the 5th? in 3 years?). I rushed downstairs.
Shouting incoherent words followed. At one point there was a "Get the police!"
At times like this I've learnt to keep quiet - it blows itself out.
Sure enough, 45 minutes later, we were enjoying a cup of tea (now down to the cheap cups from the local pound shop) as if nothing had happened!

Jekyll to Hyde to Jekyll again.
Happy days!


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
The jekyll and hyde thing definitely rings true. My piglet is not ( well very,very occasionally) violent , thank god , but it's the not knowing who i'm am. Every time she speaks i have to listern very carefully to see who i am at that moment, I. E. her last husband ( 45yrs ago) a carer or someone else, ( who i haven't found out yet) but it does keep one brian active and can be enlightening, you learn what she thinks of you cos you're someone else she is talking to. Yee gods i'm rambling sorry.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
The jekyll and hyde thing definitely rings true. My piglet is not ( well very,very occasionally) violent , thank god , but it's the not knowing who i'm am. Every time she speaks i have to listern very carefully to see who i am at that moment, I. E. her last husband ( 45yrs ago) a carer or someone else, ( who i haven't found out yet) but it does keep one brian active and can be enlightening, you learn what she thinks of you cos you're someone else she is talking to. Yee gods i'm rambling sorry.
Ramble away @tonebear whenever you feel the need :)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Yes, @tonebear , rambling is definitely allowed - it's my middle name!
The not knowing who we are - very familiar. I get mistaken for her mam or brother (both long since deceased) and more.

On yesterday's excitement - I think what might have happened is my mum probably dropped off to sleep then woke up disorientated, and that set it off. I should say she's normally a kind, gentle person who would never have dreamed of shouting in public before d. Even now it's rare.
In fact (famous last words) she's been in a really good mood today. 🤞


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
You will have gained great kudos with the Islamic man for caring for your mum…..you may find a lovely curry coming ur way next time you see him! Sadly we’ve lost that respect for our elders in our culture 😢 in the care home all the old ladies were called ‘Mumma’ by the foreign male carers - it was rather lovely!


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
You will have gained great kudos with the Islamic man for caring for your mum…..you may find a lovely curry coming ur way next time you see him! Sadly we’ve lost that respect for our elders in our culture 😢 in the care home all the old ladies were called ‘Mumma’ by the foreign male carers - it was rather lovely!
Yes, that was the vibe I was getting from him, @sdmhred.
I may pass on the curry, though - trying to watch my figure. 😏

But the only kudos that really matters of course, is the kudos I get from myself for doing the right thing for my mum (the details of which may change).
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Can I have the cooler weather back, please. I'll keep the sunshine (it's actually gone a bit hazy here oop north), just cooler.
I've developed a migraine this afternoon - first time in ages, so I've taken 2 Solpadeine Plus (very rare for me). Having someone ask incomprehensible questions, sitting next to you doesn't help! 😒 Is it something to do with the humidity? Don't know.

In other fascinating news - last week I sent the form in to DVLA for my photo driving licence together with my old one. Sent it by Signed For, Royal Mail tracking tells me they got it last Wednesday - there's even a digital image of the signature. It'll be at least 3 weeks apparently.

My uncle has signed for my dad's probate (code from HMRC came through last week) so it'll probably be granted in about 16 weeks.
I've learnt my phone (Honor 8s) doesn't have an NRC(?) reader so it can't scan my passport when Santander's app asks me. Luckily, a few weeks ago I got a Samsung A15 which does. I've not even charged it yet. I'm working out if I should use the same Google account with it or go with a new one. I have another sim card. I'm pretty sure Santander only lets me have the app on one phone. 🤔

As I've finished this the tablets seem to be working! 🙂