on duty 24 hours a day!

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk

What an evening!
After a fairly uneventful day with all the doors locked but countless trips to the loo that didn't produce anything at about 7 this evening I could see Gary was becoming disturbed so gave him his half tablet of lorazapam to no avail. By 7.15 we were out driving round the lanes - he wanted to go home. Pulled into the drive- he wanted to go out again- out we went, he wanted to go home so back we came. within 5 minutes he was trying to get out. The house has been on lock down all day just in case - this evening he was beating the doors with a broom, trashing the utility room, a cupboard in the dining room , climbing into a wardrobe in a downsairs bedroom. I sat quietly at the kitchen table, checking every now and then to make sure he wasn't at risk. I'd locked the dogs in the sitting room so that they were safe and didn't feel at risk myself because I wasn't confronting him, just letting him be...
When I found him trying to get into the wardrobe I rang a friend who came - I was hoping to interrupt his behaviour and it helped a little but not enough so rang the out of hours doctor who said he's on a baby dose of lorazapam and to give him 2 more tablets - he's asleep now thank god and I'm frazzled! Have written it all down in the communication book for the day hospital so I don't forget - they have to do something if this goes on or I'll dump him on their doorstep to make them listen!


Registered User
Aug 16, 2009
sutton coldfield
oh gosh having just read your thread you must be at the end of your tether you cant go on like this please think of your own health and wellbeing you must get help for you and gary, thinking of you and hope you have a peacful night xx

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Thanks Lyn
It's all quiet here at the moment, I'm hoping the larger dose of lorazapam will do the trick but I feel a bit guilty, feel like I've used a medicinal cosh in a way although I realise Gary needs some relief from this too


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008

Don't feel guilty please.. Tom is on what is considered a very high dose of haloperidol but if it means he can stay here where he feels safe I have no problem with that.

I only get verbal aggression, although when I was away Kevin found Tom moving (heavy) furniture around in the kitchen.

We can only do our best, but stay safe lady,
Helen x


Registered User
Apr 22, 2010
Upton Northamptonshire
bless you elaine my predictive text came up with fragrant when I typed in your name !
glad the picture arrived in one piece you must have a huge letter box ! but I know you don't do things by halves . sorry today was so traumatic
lu and stuff sarah


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
I hope you've had a peaceful night, Elaine. You must be feeling very fraught this weekend. Sending you love and hugs, Deborah


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh Elaine even though you said you didn't feel at risk it must have been very scary. The lorezapam seems like a sticking plaster over a bigger problem. I hope you can get help soon. Thinking of you. x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I hope you had a peaceful night Elaine.

Please don't feel guilty about medicating. Gary must have been feeling as terrified as you were. All you did was give him respite . X

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
I think the tablets were too strong for him. I woke at 8am to a thud, Gary'd got out to use the toilet and fell in his bedroom. He's not hurt and I managed to get him up off the floor and back to bed, he's completely zonked though so I don't think I'll be so keen to give him that many tablets tonight even if it did give a full night's sleep


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I'm so sorry to hear of Gary's fall, Elaine. I suppose he'll have been relaxed when he fell, and that is why he's not hurt (that, and a bit of good luck too) but it's exactly what you don't want to happen, isn't it. What you should not do is feel guilty that you gave the tablets to him - you needed to at the time and it was for the best. It's so difficult looking after someone who is big and strong. Mum is only six and a half stone wet through, but I cannot shift her for the life of me when she's stuck in a funny position, so how you manage, and have managed, all this time, well I am in awe of you.



Registered User
Feb 11, 2010
Hi Elaine,

My brother has Lorazepam for his agitation. He says it feels lovely when it takes effect and such a relief. :) So PLEASE don't feel guilty for taking the anxiety away for Gary. It's the kindest thing.

I hope you've had a lovely, long night's sleep and that he's better this morning for a sleep. He must be getting pretty frazzled himself after missing so much sleep. ;)

Maybe if he's more relaxed he will prodce something next time he goes to the loo. The anxiety may be preventing the natural bowel movement.

Sounds like the Lorazepam may be your saviour for now.

Big hugs,



Registered User
Mar 15, 2007
Hi Elaine

Isn't that exactly what I said happened when they put David on Lorezapam!!! He kept falling all over the place whilst he was in hospital on those tablets. In the end they had to take him off them. He was a big man and when he fell you certainly knew about it - he would fall backwards!!

I hope you have a better day today!



Registered User
Sep 9, 2009
cornwall/real name is Angela
Hi Elaine. I really think the professionals are laying a lot at your door.

Monitoring types and dosages of meds for this type of thing is not down to you.

What if Gary has a severe reaction to increased levels of medication.

I know you are doing your best at the minute to hold everything together but I really feel , yet again, that our caring system is letting you and Gary down.

You have done nothing wrong Elaine, you have not let Gary down by using this medication, it just should not be happening without professional support and monitoring.
Fingers crossed that someone listens to you!!!!!!!

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Gary finally woke properly at 2pm enough to get him out of bed and dressed and dowstairs but he's been out of it for most of the day really. His son came over at about 10. 15 and spent most of the day with me which was a great help, just to have someone else here makes such a difference. We actually had a result in the loo this evening so fingers croosed he'll improve now. At 6 o'clock he started to get agitated and trying to get out of the house so I had the difficult decision of whether to give him a half tablet of lorazepam, in the end I did because he was trying to climb on a waste bin in the utility room to get out of the door. He's a bit dozy again now because I don't think last night's overdose is out of his system properly so I may sleep him downstairs tonight rather than risk the stairs. I'm pretty knackered this evening to say the least :(


Registered User
Mar 25, 2009
Hi Elaine,

I hope you get some sleep tonight. What you've been going through recently sounds like a nightmare. I would ring your GP tomorrow and ask for an assessment of Gary's medication. You really can't go on like this, you will make yourself ill. I've just written "ask", but actually the right word would be "demand"! You need to keep safe, and that's not being selfish, it's in both your interests. What would happen if you couldn't care for Gary any longer? You may have to change where you do your caring (ie a care home), but you would still be the most important person in his life.

Fingers crossed for a peaceful night for you both. I'll be thinking of you, and will look for your news in the morning.

Love and hugs,

Sue xxx

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