on duty 24 hours a day!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It will be all right Elaine.
Gary has dementia, he is very poorly, you could have done no more.
You don`t need reminding I know but only the medics can help him now and you have sent him for help. x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Elaine,

I know what you mean about the finances because life continues no matter what and makes no concessions for dementia sufferers or carers!!! We carers have to hold so many responsibilities both to our cared for person and ourselves (and often our children and wider family)!!!! I took heart by the fact that if other people could manage, then so could I;) You will manage one way or another.

I am so pleased that you have managed to hand over the responsibiliy and that Gary will now be properly assessed. Just try to let them do their job and you concentrate as much as you can on recovery. You will probably find some relief in the fact that the hospital also found it hard to cope when Gary is having an episode and confirm the impossibility of being able to do this 24/7 solo-handed:eek:

REST, REST and more REST.

Love and a big (HUG)


Registered User
Jul 27, 2010
Rural North Northumberland
Hi Elaine, Thinking of you and just to say that you have done the right thing. Gary will be well looked after and hopefully his meds sorted. You need to take the time to rest so that you can face up to whatever the future may bring.

Take care xx


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Dear Elaine,
I know it all feels rather unreal at the moment.
Do try and rest through the day when you can.
I went to my doctor when I was in your position and he prescribed Zopiclone to help me sleep.
Just the lowest strength was enough to help me get several hours' sleep.
I hope the dogs are helping you through.
Do take very good care of yourself.
Thinking of you and Gary,
Love, Nan XXX


Registered User
Mar 12, 2011
Hello Elaine - I am sorry you felt ill this morning, but it is only to be expected after what you have gone through. Perhaps it is your body telling you to rest. I hope you have a reasonable day today and that Gary settles and his medication gets sorted. Thinking about you and full of admiration for all you have achieved. Take care. Sox


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Thinking of you and Gary, Elaine and wondering how today has gone. Hope you're ok. x

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Thank you every one.x
I haven't done much today, just pottered really. I've been freezing cold all day, went to the supermarket wearing a fleece and boots - looked silly next to the ones in shorts and tee shirts
They've tried using Respirodone today because the Lorazepam didn't last long enough, it clears the system in about 4 hours. I haven't spoken to anyone since lunchtime and now it's near bedtime I don't want to know if he's struggling. At lunchtime he was still being constantly watched so I guess he's not calm yet.


Registered User
Mar 31, 2010
Elaine, hi
What a worry but you have done your very, very best and Gary is with the experts now and they will take good care of him. Now it's up to you to take the best possible care of you, it will probably take about the same length of time for you both to recover from the life you've been living.

Thinking of you and sending positive vibes for a good recovery, with kind regards from Jo

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Thanks Jo
I think you're right, I feel like I've been fighting a war (well, I have really I suppose - we all are) a bit shell shocked. I am feeling stronger this evening than I was this morning - still standing even if a bit wobbly.
I'm hoping we can visit tomorrow although I'm dreading it as well but have to wait for the staff to ok it. If Gary's still agitated then we can't go :(


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Thinking about you Elaine. Hope you manage some rest tonight and enjoy some dog walking tomorrow.

Try not to think of the future too much. How true the saying here on TP 'one day at a time'.

Best wishes


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008

I do hope that seeing that even in the care of the medics, Gary's needs are at a critical stage shows what a wonderful job you have done over the last few months.

It is taking a full complement of Doctors and nurses with immediate access to a range of medication, to try and calm Gary.

If you cannot visit, then so be it, you have got this far and now you have to let the experts work at it..

I think that you should be very proud of what you have achieved for Gary, so please try to take stock of yourself, and allow yourself to recoup from the past few weeks of trauma.


love Helen. x

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
I know it's out of my hands now and it's a relief not to have to keep struggling to get things right and keep him on an even keel on my own. I feel a bit bruised and battered emotionally from the last few days but that will pass


Registered User
Sep 9, 2009
cornwall/real name is Angela
Hi Elaine. Have been thinking about you most of the day.

A big hug from me.

Make sure you get lots of rest.

I need you firing on all cylinders when we interview those hunky au pairs!!!!


Registered User
Apr 22, 2010
Upton Northamptonshire
bless you "my lovely " said in a west country burr! hope you manage to get some quality sleep Is Paul going with you when you visit gary ? I do hope someone will be with you I would if I could
luv and prayers sarah


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006

I do hope that seeing that even in the care of the medics, Gary's needs are at a critical stage shows what a wonderful job you have done over the last few months.

It is taking a full complement of Doctors and nurses with immediate access to a range of medication, to try and calm Gary.

If you cannot visit, then so be it, you have got this far and now you have to let the experts work at it..

I think that you should be very proud of what you have achieved for Gary, so please try to take stock of yourself, and allow yourself to recoup from the past few weeks of trauma.


love Helen. x

I'm shamelessly borrowing Nellbelle's post because I think she has written so well, Elaine and you should re-read it! :)
Hope you are having a deep restful sleep tonight and that the morning brings you whatever you want from it.
Take care of yourself, and remember to take whatever help is offered. Hugs.

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