Hello again


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Hello all,

Firstly I want to apologise for going into my first post without properly saying hello.


A little bit about my situation

My father in law has been diagnosed with dementia and we are trying to find a care home.

I know you all appreciate what a difficult situation this is so just looking for some support and advice.

I hope along the way I will be able to return the favour.

Looking forward to hearing from you all Tx


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Jaffacake104 and welcome to the forum

The time when you have to move a relative into a care home is always fraught with emotion - sadness, guilt and a feeling that you have done it too soon, that you should have tried harder and you have let them down.
Dont listen to the guilt monster
I hope you get sorted with finding a good care home


Registered User
Sep 26, 2022
Haywards Heath
Hi Jaffacake104 - I recently had to make the decision for my dear wife to whom I have been married for 67 years, to go into
a home. My OH was diagnosed with Alzheimers 5 years ago during which period I was her sole carer at home. We are both 91 years old. I can't pretend the decision was easy and there were times in the beginning when I questioned whether I had made the right choice. It goes without saying that I miss her tremendously but sadly my loss of her had become increasingly evident as the problem progressed - especially in recent months. To now witness her smiling and ' chatting ' again during my brief visits is so reassuring and comfort to me. Suffice it to say I am now resigned to the thought that I have made the right decision in the interests of us both- and would be more than happy to share my experience. However each case is different and there are many factors to consider, not least of all the stage the problem has reached, the care/ nursing home itself - not to mention the financial considerations. I wish you well ,