Where am l?


New member
Jun 30, 2024
It's 3 am and my partner has been restless all night. When l asked why he said he was just visiting. I put the light on he still didn't know where he was and said l might be his sister. He's never said anything like this before though evenings from around 5pm he does get a bit confused or hallucinatory. But this statement upset me very much. I tried Samaritans as the only 24/7 helpline just to talk to some one but they're not answering


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Story.

I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. It really is heartbreaking when your loved one doesn’t recognise you. I’m glad you’ve come to this forum as many members will recognise what you’re going through.

It might be part of the ‘sundowning’ he goes through - you say he gets more confused in the evenings. It may be that the restless night and tiredness has brought this one. It may be that he has an infection of some sort. It might be an idea to have him checked for a urine infection as these can play havoc with dementia.

Sorry about all the links I’m about to add but you might find something helpful in them -

This link explains a bit about not recognising someone

This one is about sundowning

If you want to speak to someone another option is the Admiral Nurse Helpline. They’re open from 9 to 5 today -

I’m sure as the day goes on members here will share their experiences and understand with you.


Registered User
Nov 23, 2012
It's 3 am and my partner has been restless all night. When l asked why he said he was just visiting. I put the light on he still didn't know where he was and said l might be his sister. He's never said anything like this before though evenings from around 5pm he does get a bit confused or hallucinatory. But this statement upset me very much. I tried Samaritans as the only 24/7 helpline just to talk to some one but they're not answering
Hello @Story, welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, it must have been very distressing for you both. You said he had been restless - he wasn't too hot? or wanting to go to the loo? I wonder if he had been having vivid dreams and woke up disoriented? Sometimes a 'break' and cup of tea / drink of milk will get things back to (relatively) normal.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Must have been tough for you to find there was no one to talk to when your were so upset

Keep posting, no magic here to make everything go away, but lots of folks who truly understand and can and do offer great compassion. Hoping this is a blip that settles ❤️