vascular dementia

  1. R

    Caring on your own

    My mum has vascular dementia and I have been caring for on my own for some years now this weekend has come to breaking point when I have realized I can no longer do this . As heart breaking as it is I have had to ask for help.
  2. T

    Hi. I'm new here.

    Hi all. Happy to find this group. I was diagnosed July 22 with vascular dementia. Struggling as I'm only 43 & so much has had to change in my life over the last year. Carl.
  3. I

    Vascular Dementia & Pneumonia

    Hi, this is my first post My lovely cute grandmother unfortunately has vascular dementia for nearly 2 years now with a fractured hip bone. Things have been tough it’s changed our life upside down, it breaks my heart to see my grandmother in this condition. Just recently she had been rushed into...
  4. Cappy67

    Mums stopped eating

    My mum has been diagnosed with vascular dementia for 12 years and is now in a care home. The last2 weeks she’s stopped eating and refusing meds. I think she takes a bit of water. Question is do you think we are now nearing the end? Up until a month ago she was her usual confused self.
  5. C

    Mother has moved into my home

    Hello all My father passed away late July and my mother, having a diagnosis three years ago of vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s has come to live with me on a permanent basis. She has been stable since her diagnosis having memory issues and loss of executive function. She can’t remember that my...
  6. C

    Mum recently diagnosed.

    My mum has been diagnosed with Alzheimers and vascular dementia. Always been a miserable person very unsociable. Everything is a no.. Hard work and not looking forward to the future.
  7. F

    New to the game

    My sister has just been diagnosed with mixed Alzheimer’s and vascular. No one wants to answer the question of life expectancy, think it started 2/3 years ago and has been declining. How do you know or plan?
  8. H

    Vascular Dementia

    I have had this disease since 2016. I have kept fairly well on the whole. I do find daily chores hard and have memory loss which can be awkward. I get quite emotional at times.
  9. P


    My dad was diagnosed with vascular dementia 3 years ago and I am his main carer. Looking for support and advice as we navigate the inevitable decline in his condition.
  10. T


    I have been a member of this forum for quite a few years. I first joined whilst looking after my mum who had Alzheimer’s unfortunately she passed away in 2015. I now find myself back here as my husband has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. Things seem to be progressing very quickly as it’s...
  11. T

    Vascular dementia

    Hi my mother in law has vascular dementia and we are not sure what stage she is at now. She doesn't eat a lot and is very frail. She can't walk hardly at all we use a wheelchair for her. She can't remember how to do anything at home either. Any advice given will be greatly appreciated.
  12. K

    Is it the end?

    I've read the advice on the website and spoken to a local hospice but I find others stories informative. My Mum has late stage vascular dementia, she sleeps, a lot! She's exhausted, when she is awake she looks like just existing is tiring. I really struggle to get her to go anywhere, just a few...
  13. L

    My dad has vascular dementia

    Hello everyone. I've joined this forum because I guess I just need to hear that we are not alone. My dad has recently been diagnosed with moderately severe vascular dementia. We've known that he has had some form.of dementia for a fee years now but as my dad really isn't keen on seeing doctors...
  14. R

    New member

    Hi, I thought I would introduce myself. I have been diagnosed for 3 years with vascular dementia. I have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and stroke 30 years and 8 years respectively. I’m hoping to find support when I need it, as well as supporting others. The first thing I would like...
  15. S

    Vascular dementia & Alzheimer’s

    Hi I’m Sue, my mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia in April 2020 & by August she was admitted into a a care home where she still resides. Dad has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s & vascular dementia, he won’t agree to have the test done as he thinks if he’s diagnosed with dementia...
  16. V

    Separate lives

    After a long and unhappy marriage in which I endured both financial and emotional abuse, my husband has now been diagnosed with vascular dementia. Both my children live a very long way away. I cannot now go anywhere or do very much. I face caring for someone with whom I have no relationship...
  17. S

    Dad has Alzheimer’s & vascular dementia

    Hi, my dad was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s & vascular dementia through having a stroke whilst driving. His driving was very slow, 10mph, we checked the footage on his dash cam. He turned into a side road & hit a car on the rear, drivers side, a passing off duty police officer saw him &...
  18. G

    Living away

    My mother was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. I live at a distance and wondered how I can move forward with phone calls . What should the opening line be? ‘How are you’ seems to much of an open question. Thank you.
  19. G


    Thank you for excepting me on here My Husband was Diagnosed yesterday with mixed Alzheimers and Vascular Dementia We are in shock ! We have our severely disabled Daugher home still 😭😭 where the heck to start now ! She is hopefully going into a supported living placement soon Social care are a...
  20. Billybongos

    Hello everyone

    My mum has just been diagnosed with vascular dementia last week at the Memory Clinic. She is in total denial that she has any problems, physically or intellectually!! I am her sole carer as I don’t have any other siblings or children of my own. Last month, I enacted her power of attorney on...