vascular dementia

  1. always dancing

    Dad 💜

    Hello, my dad is 85 and has had vascular dementia for a few years now as well as two strokes. He has recently been in hospital with severe pneumonia and is now back home. Since he’s been home, he has been coughing lots and making a groaning sound whilst coughing. This is something he’s never...
  2. R


    2nd post today as so many things are progressing, Dad lives with me, has ALZ and VD. Spent 5 and a half hours at A&E last week as bowels not opened for 12 days and toxins caused psychosis, went to docs on day 11, no help, sent home with lactulose prescription. Memory doctor said A&E for enema...
  3. R

    My Dad has lost the use of his legs overnight

    So my Dad has VD and ALZ, possibly later stages as now incontinent but can feed himself, knows me etc, up until 2 days ago could stand from chair with help and could walk a short distance holding my arms etc, he has always been controlling, strong willed, won’t be told what to do for as long as...
  4. B

    In sickness and in health

    When you make those vows you have no idea what your future holds. My husband has alzheimers and vascular dementia for about 6 years now but as he has always been a bit of a comedian we would all laugh at the daft things he said or did. Now we know better and although life has become very...
  5. O

    Help x

    I can’t beleive I’m actually writing this message I just feel I need some support , my lovely mum has been diagnosed with vascular dementia not a new thing and honestly I don’t feel we are any worse than we were when she was diagnosed back in feb 2022 perhaps I am kiddinf myself but the bad...
  6. A

    Hi all.

    Hi all, I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Agata , im 21. My mam had been diagnosed with vascular dementia last year and has been on a downward spiral ever since. Her mobility is pretty much non existent. Most of the caring responsibilities are on me. I also work and am in university ...
  7. C

    New Member

    Hi, My name is Cheryl and my husband has vascular dementia and lives in a nursing home in Penarth. He has been there about 5 months. He is not happy. It is not the homes fault, they are amazing to him. He wants to come home and thinks there is nothing wrong with him because the care is so good...
  8. D

    My mum has vascular dementia

    Hello, my mum has dementia, with a history of strokes and a couple of heart attacks. She’s a tough cookie. My dad has recently: in the last three weeks had a heart operation. He is her full time carer. My sister and I have been helping since, staying with them 4 days at a time. But it’s been a...
  9. M

    Forgotten love

    Hi, I am new to the forum and I hope its ok to post this but I find it hard to talk to friends and family about the reality of my life. My husband has end stage parkinsons,parkinsons dementia and now vascular dementia. I looked after him for 15 years but after a long hospital stay following a...
  10. L

    Mums diagnosis

    Hi, My mum got diagnosed with mixed vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s on Tuesday the 10th of October. We are all absolutely devastated and since then she’s become more muddled and not always making sense with her conversations… Seems to be worse in the afternoons. The Dr has put mum on 5mg of...
  11. C

    Vascular Dementia

    Hi. My Mother has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. Lots to find out about, but it is clear this is not going to be an easy journey.
  12. C

    A lucid period but so sad

    I’ve been a member since March 2022, when my OH went into a Care Home. He has vascular dementia and also suffered some effects on his vision and balance from a TIA in 2019. He’s 84. He is self-funding, I am financially independent, he agreed to the placement and settled in well so compared with...
  13. T

    Mother diagnosed with vascular dementia

    Hello everyone I am new to this forum Hello. my mum had a series of TIAs last year and now has been diagnosed with vascular dementia. She seems to be deteriorating quite quickly and is in a constant state of anxiety and cry’s all the time, she has suddenly seems to have lost her balance and...
  14. A

    Looking for live in carer in Surrey- any recommendations?

    Hello everyone, My dad’s vascular dementia has recently rapidly progressed, and we’re now looking to up his care to 24/7. Does anyone have recommendations for a care agency in Surrey that specialises in dementia care? Dad’s current carer said he had a good understanding of dementia but this is...
  15. M

    New member

    Hi, I am a new member to the forum. My husband has late stage Parkinsons, Parkinsons dementia and has now developed vascular dementia. I have looked after him for 15 years but the last few years have been hard. He had a lengthy stay in hospital during which I was told he would not be permitted...
  16. F

    Problems to get the right help for Dad

    Hi my name is Lena I live in Sweden and my Dad lives in the UK and my sister and brother also lives in the UK. Dad has Vascular dementia and the signs where there already around when Mum died 2018. He started to forget things and seemed to be very confused some times. 2022 he was scammed for 5...
  17. G


    Hello, I have joined as I would like some advice. I'm a carer for my hubby, who I ( and some friends) are sure he has Vascular Dementia but it is undiagnosed.
  18. H

    Playing-down efforts

    Hello everyone, Been looking after my father, diagnosed with Vascular Dementia Dec 2021. Symptoms arose earlier, but ignored and dismissed as normal ageing or outright denial. I think the main reason behind that is that dementia is terminal. There's no going back, or a cure. Once acknowledged...
  19. A

    New member

    Hi. My wife has dementia (Alzheimers and vascular) and I notice it has got worse this week. She has a complex respiratory condition and rheuamatoid arthritis which have also worsened. I would like to start off with two questions. Does a worsening of general health correlate with dementia...
  20. T


    I lost my lovely Mum in August to Alzheimer's and vascular dementia. She was diagnosed in 2019 and it was so sad to see her struggle. This year she really went downhill until she was on end of life care from early August. Dad and I sat by her bed every day in the care home, but she never really...