vascular dementia

  1. B

    Pain - Real or Imagined???

    Hi, My mother (87) has vascular dementia after a stroke 7 years ago and, since we lost our Dad three years ago, me and my brother are caring for Mum at home, my brother has moved in and one or other of us is there all the time. We have been coping reasonably well and mums dementia has been...
  2. P

    Mother has Dementia. How do I handle controlling father?

    Hi I've just discovered this forum and am looking for help please. My parents are in their late 80s. After a spate of TIAs over 15 years or so, my Mum is probably in her 5th year with vascular dementia. She has some really good days where you can engage well whilst sitting but more where she...
  3. M

    Vascular dementia and a change in cognition

    I have been asking for advice for a while now and I have learnt a lot, adjusted my approach and reactions accordingly and things have been ticking along relatively nicely for a good few months. Mum has vascular dementia diagnosed after a few worrying/distressing episodes about 18 months ago...
  4. D

    Husband Just Diagnosed With Vascular Dementia

    Well if the start of the journey is this stressful I dread to think what is to come. He's been on periodic memory review for a few years, the last test score was borderline but as things were deteriorating and worrying him he'd already been to the GP who made a new referral to the same...
  5. E

    My father in law has dementia

    I’ve joined the forum to look for information regarding help at home to see whether another people have found help that we’re looking for. My father jn law was diagnosed with vascular dementia a few years ago and scared for by his wife. Only now are we seeing difficulties and are worried it’s...
  6. S

    Help with Parents

    Im looking help or support regarding dealing with an ongoing situation. My mum has vesicular dementia and unfortunately is getting worse rapidly. My dad is her sole carer. I would love them both to except local support in terms of support groups or support with day to day activities. They are...
  7. P

    Financial assessment regarding second property

    My wife had a stroke several years ago and has since been diagnosed with vascular dementia. I care for her at home. I have both a health and welfare, and property and finance lasting power of attorney for her (I'm the sole attorney). She and I, as her carer, have been assessed by our local...
  8. A

    VD diagnosis for my mum this week

    Hello. I've just joined following my mum's diagnosis this week for vascular dementia. She hasn't been herself for 5 months or so, and has had many falls this year, including 2 falls in the last two weeks which resulted in two overnight stays in A&E. She has also struggled to keep her diabetes...
  9. A

    Two parents potentially different care homes?

    Help, I don’t know what to do. I’m in the awful position whereby both my parents need care: Dad - has duel diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and Vascular Dementia as well as some physical health needs. Went into residential care in September and loves it and has chosen to stay meanwhile.. Mum - was admit...
  10. C


    Hello my name is Cathy and I care for my mum who has vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  11. A

    Hi, I’m Alison & my Dad has, had Alzheimer’s & Vascular Dementia. He passed away 4 days ago 💔

    My Dad passed away 15/11/23 following a massive seizure 8 days earlier. It was his first for 9 years when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s & Vascular Dementia 💔 Until 7/11/23 we didn’t know that seizures were a rare symptom of dementia. We thought his first was a one off. It’s early stages...
  12. Leroy

    New member mom got vascular dementia what should I say when mom goes on about wanting bank card she gets confused with money

    New member mom got vascular dementia what should I say when mom keeps asking for her bank card she gets confused with money
  13. B

    Hello everyone, my wife was diagnosed with Altziemers/vascular in November last year, and I would like to

    Hi, I am a new member, and I’m a carer for my wife who was diagnosed with Altziemers/vascular dementia last year, we are both in our seventies, i have two stepsons in their fifties and both work. I am the main carer, and i must admit it’s hard on my own, as my wife has mood swings and is very...
  14. M

    Hi , my name is Caroline and my beautiful mum has vascular Dementia

    My beautiful mum has vascular dementia and has not eaten much for the last five days due to not being able to swallow and choked on ice cream the other day . Back in may she was admitted to hospital with another suspected TIA and I asked about a peg the consultant refused point blank saying they...
  15. M

    Partner with mixed dememtia.

    My partner was diagnosed with vascular dementia after a mild stroke 3 years ago. He was then diagnosed with Alzheimers a year after that. So he has mixed dementia. He has a brother and 2 sisters who had Alzheimers. He also has a failing heart...a lot for him to cope with so we never go out...
  16. L

    Heart breaking decision

    Last Friday my husband had to go into care because he has vascular dementia. I always knew it would be hard but never imagined it could be this difficult, it didn’t help when my daughter and I went into his room, it smelled of urine, the bed and bedding wasn’t very clean, and there was someone’s...
  17. H


    Hello, I'm new & am a carer for my mum Dorothy who is 90 & has Alzheimers & Vascular dementia
  18. P


    My wife aged 67 has vascular dementia following a stroke, and has sight in only half of one eye. She has the memory of a goldfish. She cannot locate our toilets, cannot undress to go to the loo, so I have to be with her! You can imagine the looks when I exit the ladies toilet with her. I/we...
  19. F

    hi i am a new member ,thought it would be a good idea to join ,as i have read a few threads that has given me sound advice

    hi i am a new member first post ,joined because it sounds to me that you can get clear advice on topics that compare with my own i am at the point of putting my brother into respite ,he has vascular dementia and has started to sleep in his chair all night and is incontinent ,worried stressed...
  20. D

    5HTP and Seratonin levels

    Thank you for help with shower advice for my mum who has later stages of vascular dementia- it was really helpful. Please can I ask if anyone can recommend a good alternative to 5HTP -my mum has been on this for a while and we are worried as advice seems to indicate to use for up to a year. It...