vascular dementia

  1. S

    Enduring POA

    Hello all I'm wondering if there is a simple answer to this question?! :) I am the neighbour of an elderly man who has recently suffered a serious stroke, is presenting with symptoms of vascular dementia, and is now in a Care Home. He jointly owns the house next door with his partner - and...
  2. D

    Dehydration and vomiting

    Hi everyone I’m Debra. In the past year, my 88 yo mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia. My 88 yo Dad is her sole carer. He copes very well , but recently she been experiencing problems with dehydration and vomiting immediately after eating despite making her soft meals, She was hospitalised...
  3. M

    My mam

    Hi everyone I'm a newbie and joined because my mum has vascular dementia altzimers.I look after mum with my sister. I can see mum deteriorating quickly now. I have a chance of a new flat for mum but I was worried that it would be a hugs change for mum She lives in sheltered housing and an...
  4. B


    Hi I would like to understand an issue pls if someone can respond.... My mother has vascular dementia, I ve had many professional people including social services, visit my mum at home, ask questions and be happy with the answers??. From a late stage patient, when family have asked for support...
  5. S

    hello and some advice please

    Hello, my mother has alzeimers and vascular dementia. She is bed bound due to an open foot ulcer that took 3 years to get better, but still quite lucid. She can hold a conversation but gets very confused and is convinced she can still walk. My father was her main carer but he died a year ago in...
  6. J

    Finding it hard communicating effectively

    It is in my nature to try to explain things to help but I know I'm doing it wrong, my auntie has vascular dementia and I got her an automatic pill dispenser, she doesn't want or need it as she takes her tablets properly... well she doesn't.. she says I don't trust her . Yesterday...
  7. J

    Getting a GP appointment

    Hi, Mum has vascular dementia - diagnosed a year and a half ago and is rapidly deteriorating. She hasn't seen her GP since her diagnosis and her surgery seems particularly unhelpful. I was unaware of the possibility of an annual review until it was mentioned on this site (which has been such a...
  8. J

    Hello - been trying to avoid using these sites as too scared of what I'll read :-(

    Hi I'd like to introduce myself. I come from a family with other brother and sisters. Both parents are still alive and live very close to me. I'm single and live with my adult daughter. I'm very close to my parents. My dad was diagnosed with vascular dementia and I think alzheimers about 2...
  9. Z

    Mum refuses to stop driving

    Hi, I wondered if anyone has any advice on how to stop my Mum from driving. She was diagnosed with Vascular dementia 18 months ago but still refuses to tell the DVLA about the diagnosis and still drives, although not daily and only a mile or so to town. She lives 160 miles away from me and her...
  10. J


    My partner has vascular dementia and I’ve noticed more how he stares into space more regularly. He gets absorbed in his iPad and won’t speak for hours it’s very difficult to engage in conversation.. However if the phone rings and I’m speaking it’s as though he has to interrupt. We no longer...
  11. A


    i am a new member; my husband was diagnosed with combined Alzheimer's and vascular dementia and i am finding it increasingly difficult as he is becoming more erratic and angers quickly. I hope to find support and advice. Thanks.
  12. Y

    Hospitalisation and decline in symptoms

    Hi, This is my first time posting, just joined the forum. My mother in law (82) was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia last year. She has remained pretty much independent at home with one daily visit from a carer and a daily meal service. She was able to take care of her own...
  13. J

    Im new here

    Hi everyone, my auntie who lives next door has vascular dementia and has virtually no short term memory, my husband has had Ms for 24 years and I'm finding it overwhelming, I have three sisters who are willing to help out, I need to explain to my auntie that she needs support but...
  14. D


    Hello - we as a family are reaching the end of the road in terms of how we deal with Dad ! he has vascular dementia is 88 years old but in reasonable physical shape he lives at home with Mum ( 84 ) and her health is declining as a result of trying her best to look after Dad he is now in late...
  15. H


    Hello my name is Alison didn't think I would be joining a Dementia forum but it helps to know other people know what we are going through. It has all happened so quickly mum has vascular dementia been in her new home for a few weeks which is wonderful but mum has literally not been sleeping at...
  16. W

    Hi my name is Andy

    I am worried about Mum who has vascular dementia
  17. K

    Husbands Dementia

    Hi I’m Cath and my husband as vascular dementia he’s only 53 and a year ago he got diagnosed. I’m finding it really hard as he seems to be getting worse each day. I just need to talk about it and explain how I feel.
  18. G

    LPA reporting possible abuse as an attorney

    Hi. My mum has vascular dementia and has lived with my brother and his girlfriend for the last couple of years. LPAs are in place for both finances and health, and my brother and I are attorneys, jointly and severally. I would say that mums mental capacity is ok for making decisions about a cup...
  19. L

    Final straw

    Hi everyone I started a couple of previous threads about my mum who had delirium last Christmas and since has had a diagnosis of vascular dementia. I’ve got a bit of an update. It’s been really tough trying to support her as she is fiercely independent, will not accept she needs help and is...
  20. S

    Hello everyone LPA problems

    My partner of 35 years has Vascular Dementia and lacks capacity. Her daughters behind my back coerced their Mother into appointing them LPA. Office of Public Guardian have launched an investigation. Meanwhile I am her sole carer yet powerless under the law