Dehydration and vomiting


New member
Jan 26, 2024
Hi everyone
I’m Debra. In the past year, my 88 yo mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia. My 88 yo Dad is her sole carer. He copes very well , but recently she been experiencing problems with dehydration and vomiting immediately after eating despite making her soft meals, She was hospitalised around September, when the cycle of eating and drinking, immediately followed by vomiting was relentless. She couldn’t retain anything.
She was out on a drip for 4 days, and nil by mouth. She had a scan, and it confirmed there was no physical problem with her throat, abd we were advised to prepare soft food only.
The episodes of this are getting more frequent. Is this to be expected? Dad is very stubborn and will not accept help. She has severe sight loss, incontinent and can only walk to the bathroom ( 5 steps) using a wheel frame. She is not under the care of any district/ dementia nurses, and sadly, the Go surgery have not offered much advice.
I feel as their eldest child, I must intervene and arrange some assistance. Any suggestions of where to start would be must gratefully appreciated. Thanks

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @DHLDS

If your dad is stubborn and refuses help perhaps he`ll allow you to get help for your mum.

Perhaps you could count yourself as the carer and apply to Social Services for a carers assessment for yourself. This way you could discuss the needs of your parents without involving them to start with and take advice from social services about appropriate moves forwards