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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum @lynnefisher

It`s a very sad tale about your mum.

I`m sure we`ve all heard how dangerous falls can be but most of us don`t realise just how dangerous they are until we have a personal experience.

Falls and infections can have a more significant effect on people with dementia than they do on others. Even the mildest infection can be damaging.

I`m sorry you`ve had such a shock by the change in your mother after her fall. She could rally a little in time but it remains to be seen.

I hope you find this forum helpful and supportive. There are many members who have had similar experiences to yours


Registered User
Jul 1, 2024
Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum @lynnefisher

It`s a very sad tale about your mum.

I`m sure we`ve all heard how dangerous falls can be but most of us don`t realise just how dangerous they are until we have a personal experience.

Falls and infections can have a more significant effect on people with dementia than they do on others. Even the mildest infection can be damaging.

I`m sorry you`ve had such a shock by the change in your mother after her fall. She could rally a little in time but it remains to be seen.

I hope you find this forum helpful and supportive. There are many members who have had similar experiences to yours
Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum @lynnefisher

It`s a very sad tale about your mum.

I`m sure we`ve all heard how dangerous falls can be but most of us don`t realise just how dangerous they are until we have a personal experience.

Falls and infections can have a more significant effect on people with dementia than they do on others. Even the mildest infection can be damaging.

I`m sorry you`ve had such a shock by the change in your mother after her fall. She could rally a little in time but it remains to be seen.

I hope you find this forum helpful and supportive. There are many members who have had similar experiences to yours
Many thanks...I'm sure there are many similar stories and this feels like a safe place to read and learn to gain perspective so vital with anything concerning dementia. And of course support one another.


New member
Jul 2, 2024
Hi all I am new to this I have just been told that I have dementia and I am not sure how I should be feeling my family and close friends have gone to bits but I don’t know how I feel it changes from sad, numb, angry, and scared. I am 65 and live alone.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hi all I am new to this I have just been told that I have dementia and I am not sure how I should be feeling my family and close friends have gone to bits but I don’t know how I feel it changes from sad, numb, angry, and scared. I am 65 and live alone.
Hello @Deedee143 and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am so sorry to read about your recent diagnosis of dementia, even if you were expecting it, it still must come as a shock. All of those things that you are feeling are perfectly normal under the circumstances.

You might find it useful to start a thread in the area of the forum - I have dementia. There you can talk about how you feel, ask any questions you might have or just have a rant now and again. I have attached a link below.

If you have not already done so I might be an idea to make sure any legal issues are up to date, such as LPA and wills. Because you live alone it might also be useful to contact your local adult social services to arrange a needs assessment.

Depending on your age you might also be entitled to Attendance Allowance and I have again attached a link about this.

I know that this is a lot to take in but just take everything one step at a time. I do hope that you will keep posting on the forum as our members do want to help and support you.


New member
Jul 3, 2024
Hello, I've just joined the forum and I'm looking for advice and help with the care of my mother who suffers from Vascular Dementia


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Pablo7.

I'm sorry to read about your mum. You might find it helpful to start a thread in this area of the forum.

You could use it to ask questions, share concerns or just share how you feel. In the meantime these links may be helpful-



New member
Jul 4, 2024
Hello everyone, I am brand new to all this. My partner is exhibiting all the signs of early onset dementia. It started with memory issues and now includes an awful lot of hostility, anger, and paranoia that is increasingly directed at me and our son. It has come on over the last couple of years but seems to get more acute by the week. It is completely out of character as she was always one of the most loving, kind-hearted, generous souls. It seems like it is very early days as she is very functional and manages much of her daily routine. Really just looking for tips and advice on how to deal with it moving forward.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @ScottishLad and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read that your partner has the signs of early onset dementia. Do they have a formal diagnosis, if not I would suggest getting into contact with their GP to see if you can arrange an appointment with the local memory clinic as there are medications that can help with some of the symptoms you have described.

The behaviours that you have described can be difficult to understand especially in a person who was in the past, as you described, loving, kind-hearted and generous. Unfortunately these symptoms are common in someone with dementia.

I have attached a couple of links that you might find useful.

You might also find it useful to start a thread on the I have a partner with dementia area, there you can ask questions, talk about how you feel or even just have a rant if needed.



New member
Jul 6, 2024
Mum keeps getting UTIs and then delirium. She's 99 and was living independently until last year when she started having falls. Every time she gets a UTI we know it, the care staff know it but the tests often don't pick it up until she has had several tests done.
My question is should we agree with her delusions of all the staff (and now me and my sister) are in collusion. She has spatial confusion and thinks the building keeps moving because the original owner of the house wants it back. This has been going on for about 10 days solid. ( It is always a variation on the same theme each time she gets an infection) People have stolen the top floor, the 3 buildings have merged into 2 and she is frightened of getting stuck in the part that has disappeared. She can't go into the living room area as there's a barrier and she will disappear. Etc.
Should we just agree or should we try to explain she is poorly and the medicine will make her better?
She is losing her sight, lost most mobility, can't knit or write due to a broken arm, can't follow TV, and just sits there most of the time.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @moraa and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your mum's UTIs and subsequent delirium. As you have seen UTIs play havoc when someone has dementia. Hopefully the meds will start to take effect soon.

I don't think that you should agree with your mum's delusions as that will reinforce them but nor should you disagree as she won't believe you. It's not easy but it would be better to try to reassure her with neutral comments such as - is that right, we will have to get that sorted, or just sounds like - hmmmm is that so.

I have attached a link that you might find useful.

You said that your mum can't knit, write or watch TV, would she listen to Audio books or the radio, maybe ClassicFM or similar.

Please keep posting, our members are always good at offering sound advice and really understand how difficult it is to care for a loved one with dementia.


New member
Jul 7, 2024
Hello my husband has recently been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia. He is 66 and is currently in hospital. There has been a general decline for the last two years but only just got diagnosis and he has got really bad since Christmas. He was sectioned 3 weeks ago but this has now been downgraded (not sure if that is correct word). I'm not sure what happens next. I have waiting for a call from social worker as presume there will be some sort of meeting. I feel guilty but really don't think I can have him home. I'm still working full time, my sons work away and I don't have any other family near. I am in Wales in case this makes a difference.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @barjrol.

I'm so sorry to read about your husband. He's so young too. Heartbreaking.

Please don't feel guilty - easy for me to say, I know. You will be doing what is in your husband's best interests.

You may want to start a thread of your own in the I Have A Partner With Dementia area of the forum -

I don't know if this would be of any interest to you -



Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @barjrol and firstly welcome to this friendly and supportive forum.

I am sorry to read about your husband's recent diagnosis. It's tough for you even if you were half expecting it. If he is still in hospital, please resist all the persuasion for you to have him back home. If SS are involved, they are required to find a suitable home. Just say you cannot do it, you cannot manage him at home. You will be acting in his best interests, no matter how hard this all is. Do keep us posted on how you get on.


New member
Jul 7, 2024
Thank you both for your replies. I know that I am going to have to be strong and assertive to resist attempts to have him home. Since he's been in hospital I've been able to relax so much more, it's just me and the cat at home now.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @kathy1010.

I’m sorry to hear about your mum. I’m glad you’ve found this forum. I’m sure you will find it a safe and supportive place to share your concerns, ask questions and just let off steam if you need to. Now that you’d introduced yourself perhaps you’d like to think of starting your own thread in the I Care For A Person With Dementia area of the forum -


Chris C

New member
Jul 8, 2024
Hello my name is Chris, my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers recently . So far his decline seems rapid and i am slowly taking over his affairs. Feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Hi @Chris C and welcome to the forum. It's a very friendly and supportive place.

Sorry to hear that you're feeling overwhelmed - I think it gets to us all at some time. If there's anything that you need help or guidance on, please keep posting as I'm sure that there'll be plenty of members who can offer ideas. Problem shared and all that :)
S x
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