alzheimer's disease

  1. B

    Advanced Alzheimer's

    My husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Consultant said it is at the serious/advanced stage and he can't be left unattended. I've applied for help with a sitting service but will be on a long waiting list. How do people cope with being unable to leave the house, make plans etc. We...
  2. PatP

    Panic attacks

    Hi all, sorry about the long post but I hope you can give me some advice. My 78 year old husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's December 2021. His only problem so far has been short term memory, ie. he doesn't remember asking a question repeatedly (or the answer). He's pretty good keeping up...
  3. C

    Hello. My name is Clare. My mum has severe Alzheimer's and can no longer walk. Is there night sitters available in glenravel area. Thanks

    Hello My name is Clare and my mum suffers from severe Alzheimer's. She can no longer walk. Is there night sitters available in the Glenravel area. Thanks
  4. P

    New member

    Hello, l thought l would sign up on here as we continue the long dementia journey which is slowly destroying my husband bit by bit and me too in many ways emotionally plus brings great sadness and stress to my daughter who lives with me. My husband was 60 yrs old in 2019 retired...
  5. A

    Mum deteriorating - don’t know what to do

    My mum is 82 and has lived alone since my Dad died in 2017. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the following year but has probably suffered for longer. She has managed to live alone ok with me dealing with all finances and household bills, I do an online Sainsbury’s shop for her and has a...
  6. T

    Dad appeared to "come back" for 24 hours??!!

    Hello... I wonder if anybody can advise me?? My dad has an Alzheimer's diagnosis ...this is fairly recent...he is 77. He has gone downhill very rapidly in the last 18 months....seems like he's hardly with us....almost no short term memory. Anyway, he was rushed into hospital with sepsis recently...
  7. J

    Looking for the right care home for my dad in the Warrington area

    Hello, my dad was diagnosed with alzheimer's in 2018. We managed to move my mum and dad from Norfolk so they could be near to my sister. After renting until their new house was built they are now in their new home. Mum is finding it increasingly difficult to cope and we are at the stage of...
  8. B

    Suppport for anger when caring

    Hi, Does anyone have any advice or pointers for support to deal with anger? My dad has had alzheimers for over 2 years now. He is towards top end of stage 6 and is frail (still walking), limited communication and lost capacity. He is now in a care home. Despite being in a care home, my mum is...
  9. J

    Am I selfish?

    Hello and thanks for allowing me to join this forum. My name is Christine and I have been married to Jim for 22 years. We are both in our 70's and until approximately 5 years ago blissfully happy. Then his memory started going and, well, you all probably know the rest! He was diagnosed with...
  10. P

    Any others had experience of side effects with memantine or disease progression with AD

    Hi I am new to this forum. My mum is 75 and was diagnosed with AD last year and it's been a difficult journey for all of us. At one point she was on Donezapil but did get very violent and demanded to come off all her meds and this did seem to stop the violence so I wonder if she knew it was...
  11. S

    Difficulty reading signs

    I care for my Mum, who has Alzheimer’s at a moderate stage. In her home, I sometimes write clear notes for her to remind her of something she needs to know or to do. However, although she can read, she tends not to take notice of the notes or - if she does - can very quickly forget them and...
  12. P

    Hello 👋

    I'm a recent full-time carer for my mum who was diagnosed with alzheimer's in 2002. I gave up my job, which was stressful and fast paced. It was the right time as her condition has progressed and she is now longer to do everyday activities without prompting. Luckily she seems to be oblivious...
  13. U

    Eating problems

    Hi, I have had Alzheimer's since 2019. Luckily I am still driving but my memory is getting worse. I find my biggest problem though, is with food. I don't really eat that much and there is very little I actually like. I have gone off most of the things I used to like as they just don't taste...
  14. A

    Alzheimer's symptoms

    Although my dad hasn't been diagnosed with Alzheimer's I have noticed he has a few symptoms. The question I want to ask is, is clearing the throat a lot a symptom of Alzheimer's and having problems swallowing?
  15. M

    Night and Day

    I am 91 and am the sole carer for my wife of similar age who was diagnosed with Alzheimers 5 years ago. Sadly she has reached the stage of becoming completely confused and agitated about everything and everybody and spends much of her time dozing in her chair totally oblivious of the world...
  16. P

    Mam has Alzheimers

    Mam was diagnosed with Alzheimers 2 years ago after showing all the signs and symptoms - forgetfulness, confusion about everything, poor visual perception, unable to process information and misplacing things. She is on Donepezil which she takes once a day (before bedtime) and I have been...
  17. H

    Nursing home

    Hi, just wondered if anyone had any experience with having to move relative from care home to nursing home. Mum has Alzheimer’s and been in care home for nearly 3 years. She suffers from really high anxiety which obviously is 100x worse with the Alzheimer’s. About 6 weeks ago she started having...
  18. G

    First post - my contact is refused by relative with Alzheimer's

    My wife's brother (who I'll call George) was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2022 and has been slowly deteriorating. Our two families are very close and we usually stay with each other for a few days every couple of months as we live several hours from each other. When we went to their house in...
  19. S


    Hi Mum is in the later stages of Alzheimers and has been on pureed food for some time now. She can't feed herself or hold a cup so has a beaker with a spout which we slowly dribble into her mouth. She often has TIAs so the right sude of her mouth us often down making liquids difficult. She was...
  20. Gemini85

    Need advice

    Hi there My mum got diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2021 at 58, she's now 60 She wants to rent a bungalow and I've got her on the council list as she has a knee replacement and her mobility is not the best and then with her having Alzheimers I was advised it would be better for her. I feel like...