alzheimer's disease

  1. P

    Hello!! Can you help?

    Hi, my name is Jane. My mum has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My sister and I aren't sure about how to break this news to mum. Has anyone got and experience of this and could advise how you tackled this situation? Thanks, in advance for your help
  2. A


    My husband passed away January 9th after a relatively short but intense journey with Alzheimer’s. He was working full time the summer of 2021 when we got the official diagnosis. Shortly after that he went on disability. He was still driving in June of 2022, working around the house and yard...
  3. L

    Health and welfare LPA?

    Hello everyone My Dad's Alzheimer's is getting steadily worse - his memory is terrible now, he's increasingly frail and he is beginning to show signs of next stages (can't dress himself, incontinence, etc). At the moment we have carers going in three times a day at home, but we are beginning to...
  4. F

    Hello, my name is Vicki. I am a new member..My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2021 and it would be good to have the support ftom the group.

    Hello, my name is Vicki. I am a new member. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2021 and it would be good to have the support from the group. Many thanks
  5. K

    Mums deteriorating and I need help regarding her driving and the rules around it

    Hi There, My mother was diagnosed with the early onset of Alzheimers last May - it's getting worse, with her being quite poorly and not getting to the loo on time and the other obvs symptoms....I think we're now in the middle ground, bordering the late stage. She refuses to accept help, she is...
  6. Nettie64

    Having a hard time

    Hi all, I am hoping someone can help me. My husband had a confirmed diagnosis on Wednesday that he has Alzheimers. I dont understand my feelings I am angry, emotional sad and feel like I am grieving already. We have been on this journey now for nearly 12 months and I feel drained phsically and...
  7. S


    Hello. My 84 year old Uncle has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s he lives on his own but in the USA. All the family are here in the UK which he used to visit regularly before Covid. I’m looking to relocate him back to the UK so we can care for him but would the journey be too much for him.
  8. Z

    Where to get help

    My Grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in august and has also significantly increased her drinking, extremely high levels of spirits in large quantities. I need to get help and support for her and my grandpa but feel overwhelmed with where to start with so many different things going on with...
  9. Z

    Dealing with mood swings and sulking.

    Hello, I'm a full time carer for my mother who has Alzheimers and Primary Progressive Aphasia. She's already in the later stages, although only diagnosed 5 months ago. Mum has progressed rapidly with new symptoms that seem to appear every other day. Her ability to communicate has dwindled...
  10. N


    Hi my sister has alzheimer's she's only 75years and I'm desperately looking for some ideas for activities we can do together in her room , her conversation is now very limited, I feel sad when I leave her as I don't like her just sitting on her own , we have had little trips out but at the...
  11. D

    In a quandary

    Hoping for some advice please! Mum has Alzheimer’s, and until a few weeks ago, her and my dad managed in their own home. A few weeks ago he had a fall and ended up in hospital. Whilst he was there, me and my siblings decided she would be safer in a care home (respite) and perhaps when he came...
  12. M


    Hello I am new here. I am the caregiver of my mom who is in middle stage Alzheimer’s. We got a diagnosis about one month ago. She has been with me since November when my daughter flew to Oregon and flew her back to me. We knew something was going on with her but she tried to hide it from...
  13. C

    New member

    Hello, I hope you are all well? I just wanted to say hello. My mum is 80 and has had Alzchimers for just over 4 years and has just moved to a nursing home. I’m 39 and really struggling with not having her to talk to. I’m raising 3 daughters and I’m lonely and miss the chats and advice. It’s such...
  14. L

    How can we support my mum (the carer).

    Apologies in advance - this might be long! My dad is in his 8th year since diagnosis with Alzheimer’s. He lives with my mum who is his sole carer. He can’t dress, wash, shave, read…anything by himself. Toilet habits are getting increasingly difficult as even if he knows he needs to go, he has...
  15. S

    No P O A

    Hello. My husband has had Alzheimer 's for about 4 years, he is now in a nursing home ,which is funded under section 117. I have never been told about being a power of attorney,and because all our married life(53 years.) I have dealt with all financial things,I did not think it would be a...
  16. C

    Play acting or wanting help?

    Mum was diagnosed in April last year with Alzeheimers though we think symptoms were there from 2020. She is a proud and independent woman who is used to being in control and managing things. Now she has dementia this is translating into stubborn and angry behaviour, towards me and brother...
  17. T

    Hi I’m new - caring for a father with Alzheimer’s whose partner has just passed away

    I am caring for my dad who has mild Alzheimer’s. At the moments it’s really difficult as my mum has just died - he keeps forgetting and then when remembers he forgets when, how what arrangements are made etc. I have written and write down every day what has happened. It’s only been 3 days but...