alzheimer's disease

  1. J

    Need to vent - no sleep for 4 nights

    I am sorry if this post offends but i need to vent. I am sole carer for my mother who has had alzheimers diagnosed in 2017. She is stage 6. Since new.year i am getting more angry and snapping at her and then feel guilty of course. I have no family or friends and just the 2 of us and i work from...
  2. F

    Hi This is FIFO...

    Dad (86 years) has alzheimer, diagnosed around a year ago. He has some problems giving us. family. a hard time. I really feel sad for him and don't know what to do to help him. One problem is that he keeps wanting to go home, although he is home! The moment he opens his eyes in the morning or...
  3. H

    Can’t cope with husband AND dog!

    I’m very tempted to write a long garbled rant but I’ll restrain myself. Husband has Alzheimers. Can still go out for dog walks alone but any change of routine at home at all completely throws him. Now dog is extremely ill, we’re still waiting for the specialists verdict on the CT scan she had...
  4. P

    Diagnosis and power of attorney

    Hi, My mum was diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's in December last year. She and my dad, now deceased, set up financial LPA's in 2014. Is it too late with the diagnosis to apply for a health LPA? I have 3 older siblings but I am the one living with mum! Thanks 😊
  5. A

    Difficult parent with Alzheimers with phantom noise blaming neighbours

    Hello everyone I am new here and reaching out for specific help really similar to our situation. We feel very much alone and have had very little support. Here is our dilemma. Not sure if anyone has come across noise hallucination. My father in law who is a widower and who has always had a...
  6. S

    Desperate for help with a toilet issue my wife has

    Hello, I'm new here and don't know if this is an appropriate place to start. My wife developed Alzheimer's in 2018. It was initially manageable, but over the last two years, it has become increasingly challenging. The major issue is bizarre behavior in the loo. Initially, she would use the...
  7. T

    July 2024 - exercise

    Hello all My mum was diagnosed last week with Alzheimer’s. Her speech isn’t great , and memory isn’t either - but she is at present still independent . The new drugs that we all have been informed on - I spoke to NICE who have informed me in July this year - they will publish if one of the two...
  8. M

    Social Care

    I care for my wife who has Altzheimers. I t has become necessary to have help twice a day with washing and changing. The people tell me that this is a short term thing, and after settling what her needs are, they will hand over to an agency. This may involve having to pay for her care. Had a...
  9. M

    Home help- where to start

    I'd be really grateful for some advice. My mum (81) has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's. She is cared for by my dad (also 81) and until recently this has worked well. My dad is also showing signs memory problems, so I have booked us a GP appointment next week to start the long...
  10. S

    Section 2 mental health

    Hello everyone, After many months of verbal abuse, occasional physical and no longer recognising me, my husband has had a further downturn in his Alzheimer’s. Three nights ago he was behaving so aggressively, making me leave the house, ordering me back, pushing me out again, I went to my...
  11. Sunshine11!


    In December, my darling Mum died. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers in February 2022. Mum lived with other family members, one of whom has an alcohol problem, the other could not accept that Mum was becoming a very different person and needed support. Thankfully, Mum went into a wonderful Care...
  12. L

    Mum - doesn't shower

    Hi Although I've been on this site for a while and found all the threads interesting, this is my first post so hi to everyone. My mum has alzheimer's and cancer and I'm concerned that she doesn't shower or wash her hair. She has carer's going in three times a day and every time they ask to...
  13. T

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Hi Im new to this forum, and will try and keep it as brief as possible. My brother sadly passed away last week. He had severe learning disabilities and was in care most of his life. That aside, as a family we were very much involved in my brothers life and care and visted regularly. Sadly...
  14. M

    My mam

    Hi everyone I'm a newbie and joined because my mum has vascular dementia altzimers.I look after mum with my sister. I can see mum deteriorating quickly now. I have a chance of a new flat for mum but I was worried that it would be a hugs change for mum She lives in sheltered housing and an...
  15. M


    Hi, Just to say hello. My husband was diagnosed just over a year ago with Alzheimer's and we are learning to live with it but as you all well know it can be difficult at times.
  16. S

    hello and some advice please

    Hello, my mother has alzeimers and vascular dementia. She is bed bound due to an open foot ulcer that took 3 years to get better, but still quite lucid. She can hold a conversation but gets very confused and is convinced she can still walk. My father was her main carer but he died a year ago in...
  17. M

    Needing a break

    Hi, my name is Mary. My husband of 56 years has moderate alzheifers and does well living at home but I need a break. He goes to an adult day care two days a week so that I can continue to volunteer at our local humane society and he likes it there but I need to find someone to come into our...
  18. E

    Hello I am new here

    Hello all. My mum has just been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, although it has been suspected for sometime. It does feel rather ‘oh no, not again!’ as my dad also had Alzheimer’s. He died last year. I’m hoping that the forum will be useful, and that by sharing experiences we can support each other.
  19. H

    How will we tell Mum she has Alzheimer's?

    Hi everyone New to this group and just starting out on the dementia journey with Mum. She has her CT scan in February which will then be followed by diagnosis, which is looking likely to be early-stage Alzheimer's. The symptoms she has been experiencing are failing memory, losing things and...
  20. S

    New member

    Hello, I am new to forum. My wife has Alzheimer's