alzheimer's disease

  1. D

    Trying to understand behaviours

    Hi not been on here for a while since mum passed away. My friend's husband has Alzheimers and seems to be affected by sundowning. He up-ends chairs, empties contents out of drawers, tips the large screen tv upside down if left alone for more than a minute, takes all bedding off the bed and has...
  2. T

    Advice please

    Hello. my mum has mid stage AZ. She has been in an independent living home with twice daily care visits. She has been refusing them entry and is not cooking, eating or washing. Recently she has become unsafe - walking into traffic, getting lost in the town she has lived in for 12 years...
  3. B

    Hello New here

    My Mom has been diagnosed with late onset Dementia/ Alzheimers disease. It's so hard. She moved in with my husband and I. I wad so happy to find this resource and others who are in the same boat or can truly understand. Nice to meet ya all.
  4. T

    Won’t go out

    Hi all, mum has Alzheimer’s mid to severe, lately she refuses to go anywhere with other family members, my brother take her out for the day once a week, last week she refused and today he wants to take her for a couple of days but after saying yes to him on the phone she is refusing, crying and...
  5. C

    New here — exhausted

    Hello all I'm 54 and sole carer for my 85 year old mother who has Alzheimer's. She was diagnosed just over 2 years ago but I can trace signs of dementia back to 2017. She has lived in the house next door to my husband and I since my dad's death 14 years ago. It was a great move for her as I am...
  6. D

    Balance when walking

    Hello, I was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (mild stage) last July. Now I am finding difficulty when with my sense of balance when walking briskly. I have a need to exercise but am bothered by recent balance problems when walking unaided. I have several questions: What does this mean? Does anyone...
  7. K

    What stage is this?

    Hi. My husband was diagnosed with alzheimers 2 years ago. He sort of accepts he has alzheimers but constantly says it's just forgetfulness & is adamant he isn't going to any clubs or cafes to interact with others. He was 63 when diagnosed & I'm in my 50's. I feel I'm out on a limb a little due...
  8. P

    Toileting issues

    My husband has Alzheimer's and recently has started to defeacate anywhere around the house or outside in the garden. Usually I can sense when he needs to use the bathroom and with lots of encouragement and patience I am successful in getting him to use the toilet. Lately however it has been...
  9. D

    Dealing with a younger sibling.

    Hello, my name is Denise and I joined this forum because my youngest sister was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. My father had it and my mom had frontal lobe dementia. I try to stay on top of research, but a lot has changed. My older sister and I have been taking her to different doctors for testing...
  10. P

    Care at home?

    Hello, I am seeking some advice about the practicalities for caring for someone at home with late stage Alzheimer's. My mum was diagnosed 6 years ago and has been in a nursing home for 3 years. Some family members would like to bring her home so she can spend her last period of time in the...
  11. N

    I'm suddenly the enemy

    My OH got his diagnosis last week, alzheimers. In not surprised but he's just ignored it. Yesterday I tried, very gently, to explain about dvla and car insurance, he can still drive but needs to let them know. He exploded, all the anger inside seem to be aimed at me. I'm certainly to blame...
  12. M

    Forgetting my name

    My partner of 50 plus years has for the first time today my name and the names of our children. He has Alzheimer’s and has had it for over four years but this is the first time he has forgotten who I am.Why this sudden development and will he go back to remembering or is the a further stage in...
  13. B

    Difficulty waking Mum up

    I am joint carer, with my Dad, for my Mum who has Alzheimer’s. Two days ago, when it came time to go to ged, we were unable to rouse Mum, who had been dozing in the armchair for a couple of hours. We tried everything.Ended up calling an ambulance etc. It was as traumatic as you could imagine etc...
  14. M

    No help from the NHS

    Hello everyone. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's 2 years ago. He was discharged from the memory clinic after one visit and one phone call. I recently made a GP appointment for a 'dementia review' ---- the only thing the GP wanted to know was do we have a DNR order in place, he didn't...
  15. B

    Feeling lost

    My husband has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s things were going ok but he passed out & knocked himself out since then things have really progressed He has had a 24 hour monitor put on for 7 days he keeps taking it off & gets argumentative when I say he shouldn’t He needs to get results as he...
  16. S


    Hello, I’m Sally. My mother in law has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s (we did know there was something) but we’re still a little overwhelmed. Especially my husband & his sister.
  17. K

    Hello 👋

    I'm new here. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 2019 at the age of 69. He was relatively stable until last year when he was deemed unfit to drive. I'm his sole carer and at the age of 73 I'm finding it hard to cope. I also have mental and physical health issues. It's hard to get away...
  18. R

    Hello and driving query

    Hi, I’m new to the group. My Dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimers. We were told by the doctor at the memory clinic that he should not be driving so I notified DVLA. On Saturday morning Dad phoned me to say that late on Friday night (after 7:30 pm) someone turned up at the house and said that...
  19. T


    Hi everyone I am looking after my mum who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last year (but has probably been suffering for much longer). My father passed away in 2014 so mum had been on her own for a while. Mum has just turned 80. I have a tricky situation to navigate with regard to her having...
  20. E

    Adult Safeguarding investigating me

    Hello everyone, My mum has Alzheimer’s and chose to live in a care home last year which she loves and left me as her LPA to manage her finances. I have medical conditions meaning I can’t work and live in her house, in the last year lots of repairs have been needed to the house so I would get...