Mil Very Near End Of Life ??


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Thanks Butter

I Seriously can`t understand whats going on with her

She was very good for the carers this morning---even they noticed a change


This Road is turning into a motorway

I feel quite silly even starting this thread as everyone and I mean everyone said she was on her way :eek:

I can see her here for Christmas anyway :confused: --- But hubby says very different

x x x


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Sounds like she's running the show, and doing it all her way. A roller coaster is an excellent analogy too, I don't know what to wish you, but threads are very organic, they ebb and flow, as dementia does, it too will follow your mum's lead. I guess perseverance would be a good wish for you all.

Take care
Stephanie, xxx


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Your spot on there
Mil always ran the show and had things her way and her way only

Seriously this cannot last,

This afternoon she has taken her pants off,laying naked :eek:
This time she did let me redress her which was helpful I suppose,I mean after all I am trying to keep her dignity :confused:

Now she looks like she`s having a hot flush

I believe that last week when I thought she had a burst of energy I got it totally wrong because this surely IS the burst of energy

x x x


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk

How did you cope ??

When my Fil was in Hospital and we got the call I raced to hospital at 7am like a rocket,he lasted one week after that but we was able to go visit when ever we like which was a blessing
The real phone call came too late,we missed him by 4 minutes
I miss him so much,he was like a very fragile (93)Ray of sunshine :)

x x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I was told the maximum someone could last was about 3 weeks with no food or fluid or drip. My mum was 8 days and before that 6 days of literally teaspoons only. The GP told me Mum had an unusually long death. I think she did not want to go and dug her heels in.
I do feel for you. It is quite unlike any other time in your life. Days and nights merge together.
Only Kassy knows how she coped. I used to read her thread every night when she came home after another day of sitting tending to her mum. I used to wonder how she was coping.
Hugs everyone. Xx


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Oh Kassy,
That must have been terrible for you

The strangest of things has happened this morning

We have a small dog which is about 13/14 yrs now (she was purchased from dogs home long before hubby & I met)

This dog had gone onto Mil`s bed 4 times this morning :eek:,She`s never ever gone onto her bed in the time Mil has been here

She didnt particularly make a fuss of Mil before she took to her bed,but she did however love Fil to bits,always running up to him upon entering their home

This is very unusual for this dog,she has her own bed,besides that we didn`t think she could jump up that far
I did get her down each time and the last time she actually moaned as if to say `Im staying here whether you like it or not`

Does anyone else think this is strange or has anything similar happened to anyone else ?

Thanks x x x


Registered User
Mar 28, 2012
In the circumstances might it be worth letting the dog lie on the bed - could be a comfort for your MIL?


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk

Her head was actually on the pillow at side of Mil`s :eek:

Mil didn`t object as I don`t think she knew she was there so yes if she jumps on the bed again I`ll leave her there

Thanks again x x x


Registered User
Mar 28, 2012
oh - that does sound as if the dog knows that something is happening. They can be sensitive to things we can't pick up.
Thinking of you and hoping all is peaceful


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
What an emotional marathon. Just wishing you loads of strength and a sense of real peace. How lovely the pup is providing some comfort, animals are so intuitive.

Stephanie, xxx

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Dogs as soul guides / keepers of the soul

Hi Carara,

When Dad died I remember having read (something in German as we had come from Germany), that dogs are very sensitive around death, and they are soul guides. So when Dad died, the dog left the house and sat under a shrub in his garden all day long. We were very respectful and gentle towards her.

Seems dogs and other animals have sixth senses.

Still thinking of you and your Mum and your special man. You must be very very tired now. Hugs from a hot hot hot France, BE


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Hope you and hubby are coping okish. How is MIL today? I also hope the dog slept with her

Thinking of you x


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Hi & Thankyou for your lovely messages

Dog didn`t sleep with Mil,however she did get back onto her bed around teatime last night but came off of her own accord

Mil breathing is very very shallow,her cheeks are grey as are her hands & feet

The dog is on floor by her bed now :confused:

x x x