Mil Very Near End Of Life ??


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Hiya 1954

Yes we take it in turns

Hubby wakes very early anyway

Mil is still having water from a sponge and plenty of it

She asked for tea the other day so like an idiot I gave her some from a sponge

Oh boy did she choke :eek:

She said "no more tea" I thought Thank God for that,I don`t want to go though that again

She`s just been shouting MAMA

Well not shouting but tying to in her own croaky voice

Heard her say Mom but never Mama :confused:

x x x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Hi Carara, your MiL is a courageous fighter and no doubt about it. I can hardly believe she is still with us. The shallow breathing may be a sign of things winding down. You must be getting it right if your MiL feels so comfy that she can take her time. You're doing a fantastic job. Don't doubt it. Try and rest when you can x


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Thankyou Pied for the reasurrance

I`m astonished by her to be honest so is hubby

I have changed her now and she is half settled again

Surely this can`t go on for much longer

x x x


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I tell you what Carara you are a marvellous, loving daughter in law when you think of the way she has treated you in the past. Not everybody can do what you are doing. I admire you. You are doing a fantastic job

I am thinking of you many times a day

Huge huggies and much love xxxxxx


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Awww Thankyou 1954 your so kind

Of course she was the Mil from hell but all things considered she is 91 and a true fighter...
I think to be honest I did look after mil as I stand by what I said to Fil who I loved dearly and he did me
And I ruddy salute him too as she put him through hell :mad:

Must add though I wouldn`t like to do it again :eek: but you never know whats round the corner so they say :)

Just hope and prey that your Mil treats you better than mine did..

x x x

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Oh Carara and hubby,

Another day been and gone and you are still on the bedside vigil.
A mammoth effort, but I am glad you can do this for her, and are able to put the other 'stuff' behind you. And that she has forgotten how to be nasty to you.
Some people are made of stern stuff. Just because they have dementia doesn't mean they don't have a fit heart, good lungs, resilient kidneys and a liver made of iron.
I am thinking of you (even though hubby and I have had one of the worst ever tongue lashings from a very verbal Mum). Determined not to lick my wounds or even have any!
Sending peace and gentle quiet, it won't go on for ever, that is a certainty. Big hugs to a brave lady, ladies actually, BE


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Thankyou BE for your lovely kind words

I know what its like and it does hurt but we have to do it

Take Great Care & Thankyou once again

x x x


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Thankyou BE for your lovely kind words

I know what its like and it does hurt but we have to do it

Take Great Care & Thankyou once again

x x x

I have read the entire thread tonight, in tears. What you are doing is so kind, so wonderful, so compassionate. You and your hubby are special people. xx


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia

Just letting you know that I'm following your progress. It's wonderful the way you've put all the unpleasantness behind you so you can be alongside your MIL during this difficult time.

I'm sure you will be rewarded for your selflessness. I hope your MIL stays comfortable, and you and hubby look after each other.

Take care,
Stephanie, xxx
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Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Sorry if the thread upset you ...Its just a release for me to come on here and like Pied`s thread it helped me so much I hope this thread maybe could help some others in time
The will she won`t she with my mil are very trying to say the least

Nobody thought she would last this long but I have got to the stage where Im like "Oh she`ll be shopping in Sainsbury`s next week":D

Sash & Steph thankyou & Everyone else also for your loving comments

You are all so very kind,
God knows where I would be without TP


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Sorry if the thread upset you ...Its just a release for me to come on here and like Pied`s thread it helped me so much I hope this thread maybe could help some others in time
The will she won`t she with my mil are very trying to say the least

Nobody thought she would last this long but I have got to the stage where Im like "Oh she`ll be shopping in Sainsbury`s next week":D

Sash & Steph thankyou & Everyone else also for your loving comments

You are all so very kind,
God knows where I would be without TP

So sorry sometimes being upset is a relief in itself. Bottling it all up isn't a good thing for me. Being upset lets it out, so weirdly if it makes sense, it's a good thing to talk to others who are going through similar mixed emotions. Thank you so much for sharing. xx

I will follow your story because it has truly touched me. Thank you. xx


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013

Thinking of you still. When this is over you will be so pleased you did all you can for your MIL

Keep your strength up girl, you are all she has got (obviously your hubby too)

Much love xxxx


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I think I posted that one of Mum's carers went off on holiday and I said "see you when you get back", as I'd stopped believing she was mortal! It's funny the way the mind works. The longer it goes on, the less you believe it'll happen.
Now I look back I realise Mum gave me that time to say bye. X


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Pied, that is so strange as I said the same thing only Yesterday :D

Thanks chick but I don`t think this will ever end
I am now thinking how on earth will I look after Mil when I am 91 myself :D

Your emotions are going to be all over the place,believe me mine have been
I`ve been like this :mad: to this :D and back again

Tp has been a life saver for me,I must say I have had a good laugh on here too
When Mil used to make me feel like I was a worthless good for nothing,coming on here helped me because I soon realised I wasn`t the only one going through it..
I`ve walked out,slammed the door ,drove off to don`t know where,
you name I`ve done it and Mil has called me everything under the sun ...but at the end of the day I came back to look after Mil and it wasn`t fair on Hubby who hadn`t done a thing wrong AND
When I got back she was like :D you ok ? I was like :confused: permanatley..

Keep your chin up Chick,easier said than done I know

x x x x


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
I know exactly what you mean. Up and down like a yoyo. None of it is easy. Well done Carara xx


Registered User
May 24, 2011
Im so glad you have shared this journey. I feel that it wont be too long before I also have to wwalk the walk, and this and Pied's threads have really helped me prepare. My cousin sent me an email and summed it are on a very lonely journey, and I feel as though I am - none of the family are interested and many of them scared, but TP has always been there for me, Thanks God. If it wasnt for the bravery and support of people like you, I dont know that I could face mums death in a compassionate way. I actually feel very sorry for my brother and mums brother who are just not dealing with it all.