Mum now on end of life care


Registered User
Jul 21, 2023
Mum went into hospital on Sunday with a broken hip, and whilst she was there we were told that she also has pneumonia. So of course they can't operate.
On Monday they put her on end of life care, as when they turned up the morphine syringe driver it made her completely unresponsive, although they tried to rouse her. They rang us up and now she is just on morphine is quiet and settled and looks like she is sleeping. Breathing very shallow and a long time between each breathe.
I know that it's a stupid question, but how long does this stage last. Its like my brother and I are in limbo land.
My last thoughts are that at least she is quiet and at peace and the terrible time she had with end stage dementia is now thankfully over. I just want her to slip away, and now go on to a better place.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
@rosiedog1, I hope this time passes for you quickly. I think like most dementia related things it’s going to take as long as it takes. At least she is now peaceful and comfortable. Take care of yourselves.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Sorry to hear about your mum @rosiedog1
As @SAP has said, unfortunately there is no particular time limit for this, and it will take as long as it takes. I did read somewhere once that when the body is shutting down it takes, on average, 3 days. My own mum lasted for 4.

Your mum is peaceful and pain-free. Take good care of yourselves.
S x


Registered User
Jul 21, 2023
Well, mum passed away just before 11.00am this morning. At least she is in a peaceful place now and the alzheimer's beast has now been tamed. She died peacefully and probably didn't know anything of the last 4 days. RIP. And thank you all for the advice and support you have given me over the last few months.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Sorry for your loss @rosiedog1
As you say, your mum is at peace now. Look after yourself and take whatever time you need to come to terms with everything that's happened now and in the past.
S x


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
@rosiedog1 This has been a very long, difficult and challenging journey for you. I have reread all your posts and you did everything you could possibly do to be the best of daughters. I am humbled by your selfless actions and the care you have shown towards your mother, in spite of all that was thrown at you. Your resilience throughout your life when dealing with family illnesses has been outstanding. You have a very caring brother and OH and I hope you can all draw comfort from each other. Time now to heal and rest and show yourself some of that wonderful love and care. xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Sending sympathy and condolences @rosiedog1

As far as my husband was concerned and I think for your mother too, syringe drivers are a blessing. All the suffering goes.

I hope your suffering will go too.