Change in taste


New member
Feb 10, 2024
My husband is awaiting feedback from the Memory Clinic Team. He has started to complain that all food and drink tastes wrong. He says it tastes heavily of artificial sweetener, and is really unpleasant. Has this happened to anyone else?


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
My husband developed a really sweet tooth as his dementia progressed.

It might be an idea to ask the GP if they have any advice re this.

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Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hello @hylyne , my OH has gone off a lot of foods, both processed and fresh , that he used to enjoy. He says they don't taste nice. His tastes fluctuate from week to week . He's at the stage where he no longer knows what the names of dishes and foods are so I can't ask him what he would like! It's trial and error I'm afraid .

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
My husband is awaiting feedback from the Memory Clinic Team. He has started to complain that all food and drink tastes wrong. He says it tastes heavily of artificial sweetener, and is really unpleasant. Has this happened to anyone else?
This may sound like the daftest question of the day but has your husband lost his sense of smell?


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
My husband is awaiting feedback from the Memory Clinic Team. He has started to complain that all food and drink tastes wrong. He says it tastes heavily of artificial sweetener, and is really unpleasant. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hello @hylyne - welcome to the forum.
My husband is also awaiting feedback from the memory clinic. His appetite and enjoyment of food, started to decline over the past year I would say. He has however, developed a sweet tooth and prefers yoghurts for lunch and a big bowl of ice cream after a small tea. X


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
It is likely, @hylyne , that with dementia playing havoc with messages inside the brain, the processing info from the taste buds, etc has gone awry. Result = change in tastes. The same can easily happen with other messages and the interpretation, eg., smell, perceptions, spatial unawareness, etc

special 1

Registered User
Oct 16, 2023
My husband is awaiting feedback from the Memory Clinic Team. He has started to complain that all food and drink tastes wrong. He says it tastes heavily of artificial sweetener, and is really unpleasant. Has this happened to anyone else?
Hi there , yes my Husband also has gone off a lot of things that he like. won't eat grapes etc as you say things that he used to like .🥗 likes all this 🍦🍨🍫🧁🍬☕🥛


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
People with dementia slowly lose their sense of taste, so things taste different and/or bland and tasteless. The sense of sweetness is the last taste to go.

I temporarily lost my sense of taste after covid and things that I normally liked tasted horrible. I think that if I had dementia and was losing my sense of taste, but I could still taste sweet things, Id just want to eat cake, biscuits, desserts and sweets too!


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
My husband is awaiting feedback from the Memory Clinic Team. He has started to complain that all food and drink tastes wrong. He says it tastes heavily of artificial sweetener, and is really unpleasant. Has this happened to anyone else?
My husband's s taste buds and sense of smell completely changed. Apparently typical of Parkinsons and dementia as taste/smell receptors in the brain change/die or due to the loss of dopamine that fires the neuron pathways.
The sweet tooth thing seems to be the brain reverting to the safety net of what we ate as a baby/child. Mother's milk (and formula and dairy) are naturally sweet and attractive. Sour and bitter flavours in the primitive wild could be indicators of poison or being inedible.
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