Hi. I’m 22 and need advice.


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Hello, My name is Nicole (22) and I’m the care taker of my grandmother (83) who is in Mid-Stage dementia and lives at home. I am struggling with caring for her as her mood swings and lack of self awareness are hard for me to understand. I’m not good with social cues and that seems to anger her further, It’s like nothing I do is good enough. I barely have any help, My uncle is supposed to be helping me but his idea of helping is taking her out of the house for 1-2 hours every other month even though he lives 7 minutes away from me. I don’t know how to care for her when I can barely care for myself. If you have any advice for me, a 22 year old caretaker, Please tell me.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Nicole I can hardly believe you have been left to shoulder this seemingly alone. It sounds like you do not live together? (In such situation it is hard not to become a carer by default. )

But it sounds as if you don’t live with grandma ?

Please understand that you are not legally responsible for caring for your grandmother social services are.

Write to grans GP and say you suffer from carer burnout and are stepping back for your own well being. Ask them to get social services involved as there is an elderly person in a safeguarding situation as you step back

Ask for an Admiral nurse to visit

Don’t worry about not picking up on social cues. Even is you are the world’s expert on this it wouldn’t help with a person with dementia.

I don’t know if you are in work or in education but let folks know there that you are a carer

Do keep posting

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
This really isn`t your responsibility @Nicoles21 and your good nature is being taken advantage of.

However much you love your grandmother, the difficulties of caring for a 22 year old are far too big an ask when there are other family members who fail to do their share.

Take the advice from @SherwoodSue Contact the Admiral Nurses

Contact your Grandmother`s GP