Mums declining vascular dementia next steps


New member
Jun 30, 2024
Good morning all,
My mum was diagnosed with vascular dementia 2 years ago but we only found out about 8 months ago when we took her for a memory assessment. Her memory in the 8 months has declined considerably to the point that she asks every minute of the day when are we going to take her home. We all live in the same house and have done so for 40+ years. I have always been the main carer, but am now finding it difficult as I work full time as does my brother. At the moment she has carers twice daily for 45 minutes to do her personal care, medication etc. This care was organised by the hospital as she had pneumonia a couple of weeks ago. Mum will be 85 next week.

She has always been stubbornly independent with her own mind about how she does things, and this last week takes herself out with her mobility pram. She has been out in her night dress, slippers on the wrong feet. The problem is she gets lost as she doesn’t recognise where she lives, even walking past her house. Luckily we have a community what’s app which she has been reported on then someone local brings her home. Her doctor says that eventually she will need residential care which is our fear and we are putting steps in place to limit her leaving the house ie a gate lock on the outside which can only be opened on the outside.

we have another two weeks of the free care service, and she will still need to be cared for. What do I need to do to provide this, do I need to contact social services as they sent us A care plan letter to say once the 4 week period is finished we will be charged for any care thereafter. there were no other details listed so I assumed it would be exactly the same service. My mum hates the carers/strangers but she needs more than the 1.5 hours provided each day to care for her. I would appreciate any advice please.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Liseylou20 and welcome to the forum

I agree that 1.5 hours a day is not sufficient for your mum. I would contact Social Services, explain the situation and ask for an urgent care assessment for your mum. This will be followed quite quickly by a financial assessment and if your mum has less than £25,250 in savings there will be help from the Local Authority


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Yes definitely contact social services and tell them what you have told us . They will do a financial assessment and talk you through who pays for what.
Whilst all this is being planned, I would suggest you go to see a few homes, they might be quite different to how You imagine them to be , talk with the manager and see how the staff interact with the residents. Eventually your mum will need residential care or 24/7 care , that can’t be avoided but if you have some recent info about what is available it will make things easier.

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