At a loss

T Travel

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Good morning, I am new to this group as I have no idea what to do next for my mum who has Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia. She was just about managing in her own home but then last month ended up in hospital where there has been rapid deterioration. Long story short after trying 4 times a day care at home (lasted 36 hours) they have said mum needs to go to a care home for assessment. Unfortunately all the care homes that we have approached have turned her down as they feel she is unpredictable, doesn’t take her medication and requires 1:1. I have tried filtering the care home uk site to match her needs but the care homes that have refused her appear in the filtered list.

Do I go to the discharge team in hospital and ask them to give me a list of homes that might take her? This worries me though as they could be miles away. Sorry, not really sure of the process but need to get her out of hospital and equally worried about what comes next in relation to her care.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @T Travel.

I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. It must be such a worry for you. I would try both the discharge team at the hospital and perhaps also your mum’s local social services department for advice.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
If the hospital needs her to move on, then it should be their responsibility to find somewhere suitable. They may have made it sound like your job, but it isn’t. You can hand the issue back to them - you’ve done your best. Do be prepared for somewhere more distant though, as you’ve already exhausted local options.

T Travel

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Thank you for your responses, I will try tomorrow. If they suggest a placement that I am not happy with can I refuse or do I just have to accept what they have given me?

Do prevent further moves is there anything I should be looking for? Mum was quite physical when she first went into hospital, she has settled now but delusions have continued and no sign of going away :(

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
Good morning, I am new to this group as I have no idea what to do next for my mum who has Parkinson’s and Lewy body dementia. She was just about managing in her own home but then last month ended up in hospital where there has been rapid deterioration. Long story short after trying 4 times a day care at home (lasted 36 hours) they have said mum needs to go to a care home for assessment. Unfortunately all the care homes that we have approached have turned her down as they feel she is unpredictable, doesn’t take her medication and requires 1:1. I have tried filtering the care home uk site to match her needs but the care homes that have refused her appear in the filtered list.

Do I go to the discharge team in hospital and ask them to give me a list of homes that might take her? This worries me though as they could be miles away. Sorry, not really sure of the process but need to get her out of hospital and equally worried about what comes next in relation to her care.
I've been in a similar position but had a considerable amount of help from the hospital social worker. Has your Mum been assessed as needing a care home or does she need EMI nursing? As you've said that Mum is unpredictable, refuses meds and needs 1:1, I suspect that she needs nursing as care homes don't usually offer this level of support.

Social worker should have given you a list of homes that can cater for Mum's needs.

T Travel

New member
Jun 30, 2024
All I have been told is that they are seeking a care home for assessment and this will be for 4 weeks. They haven’t said anything else. I am not sure if she has a social worker so I will ask about that tomorrow. I certainly haven’t been given a list but even when looking on the care home site the homes that say they do EMI have refused her. I think a list from SW will help!


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
I would think that if your Mum is being discharged for assessment then the hospital or LA Social worker should be finding the placement not you. How are you supposed to arrange for any care/nursing home to provide an assessment? That’s ridiculous!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I agree with @Banjomansmate - this sounds like the hospital will be using a Discharge to Assess (D2A) bed in a care home and, if so, they will organise it, not you.

Id contact the hospital SW and clarify - sometimes things get a bit garbled on wards

T Travel

New member
Jun 30, 2024
Thanks for your replies. I rang the discharge team and the dementia team today. I asked for the name of the SW but no-one could give me this. They then said I had to speak to Xyla an organisation that I am guessing is outsourced from the NHS to find a home for my mum. When is spoke to them they also confirmed no SW and I would have this on day 7 or her being in a home when they do a checklist for CHC. I asked for a list of homes that could take mum, she only gave me a couple as everywhere else was far away. My sister is going to look at the homes that she has suggested tomorrow. Hopefully they are nice and then hopefully they will take her.