
Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
lost track of if this is the right place to post this

I have a few (only about 6) watched threads. I get alerts sometimes when there are items posted and sometimes not. I thought the purpose of a watched thread was to get an alert when someone posted?

And no I am not seeing that bar @nitram - and I am on a PC using Chrome and W10


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
It is the right place JM. Have you checked that you have ‘Watched thread’ the top of the thread? I have found that just ticking to watch thread from the dropdown of the More options at the bottom of a post doesn’t instigate an alert.
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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I have a few (only about 6) watched threads. I get alerts sometimes when there are items posted and sometimes not. I thought the purpose of a watched thread was to get an alert when someone posted?

Look for the 'there may be more posts after this'.
If there are multiple new posts on a thread you only get an alert for the first post.
Also try 'show all', the list resets at midnight. (sometimes alerts at 23.mm where mm is high slip through)
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
I am aware I only get an alert for the first post, eg on Beate's thread where there have been a lot of posts.

But I didn't get an alert when Ann posted on so bizarre yesterday. This thread was in my watch list before the update - but some of the threads I haven't got alerts on were added after the update and they only get occasional posts, and one that had updated yesterday had dropped out of the recent thread list so I didn't see it when I came back to TP, it was only because I realised that I hadn't had an alert for 'so bizarre' and I went to investigate my watch list I found the update.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Every thread I have responded to appears on that list on the dropdown menu from Forum but I’ve not ticked to watch them. I think you have to have ticked the Watch thread at the top right of the thread to get alerts or at least that is what works for me.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Every thread I have responded to appears on that list on the dropdown menu from Forum but I’ve not ticked to watch them.

The list is a list of watched threads and includes data imported on the migration.
Ticking boxes gives you a choice of

Try doing a clear out and reinstatement as I suggested above.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton

Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
enabled in
https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/account/preferences ?
Yes, I did all that when I was getting all those emails which were driving me mad just after we switched over.
I stopped them by going to the dropdown menu from the blue Forum and sorting things out there.
I don’t get the emails any more so that’s all that matters to me and I have no problem.
It’s Juggling Mum that does and I only mentioned it in passing .


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Every thread I have responded to appears on that list on the dropdown menu from Forum but I’ve not ticked to watch them.

nitram said:
Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply...
enabled in
https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/account/preferences ?

That's why all threads you respond to appear in your watched threads list.
You should get alerts from every thread in that list, you may not get many as some threads have a short life.
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Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
That's why all threads you respond to appear in your watched threads list.
You should get alerts from every thread in that list, you may not get many as some threads have a short life.
No Nitram, I didn’t mean ‘yes’ as in these things were ticked in my preferences. I simply meant ‘yes’ I’d been through that before when I had to get rid of the emails.
I have no idea what is now ticked or not but am happy with the status quo so am leaving everything well alone and as it is. I only get a few alerts and those are for the threads I have opted to watch at from the top ‘Watch this thread’,
I was only trying to help JM - not myself! I’m ok thanks.
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Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
I’m using an iPad, in case that makes a difference.

If I have the message window near the top & attempt to click on the smiley face, it opens the drop down menu from the top bar, mostly “Members”, occasionally “Forums”. I then have to scroll to the very top, or very bottom, sometimes both ends of the page to clear the drop downs

If I move the window so it’s at least an inch from the top, it’s fine. As I can’t even see the headers at times, it’s not a natural move to pull the message window down.

This was happening before upgrading to IOS 11.03 & is still happening after the upgrade.

It’s a silly thing, but it’s very frustrating

Squeaky wheel & all that ... but I am getting frustrated :(

If anything, this is getting worse

The header is now flashing up when draft saved appears, so if I don’t see it in time I find myself in New Members or some other place & have to go back to find the post I was making

I’ve tried checking iPhone against iPad & can’t see anything obviously different in settings etc.

The iPhone is still on 10.3.1, I’ve not updated as some Apps have not been updated for use with the latest version. The iPad is on 11.0.3. I was having these issues before updating the iPad

I posted using the phone this morning, to see if it’s Apple rather than Android, but it’s definately the iPad. I clicked all over the place on the phone & I didn’t want to lob it out the window. It behaved perfectly. No headers appeared. I didn’t end up on a different page. It was great.

Anyone in Sussex using an iPad that’s not having this issue I’ll happily drive over & do a side by side comparison to see what’s different

I can’t screen shot as the headers appear for 1 or 2 seconds when draft saved


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
@jugglingmum and @nitram, sorry to hear that you're not receiving all of the alerts for certain posts in your 'watched threads' list. Thanks for flagging this up - we'll look into this and see what we can do. I'll keep you updated.

In the meantime, if anyone else is having this problem please let us know by commenting on here.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
@Sam Luvit

Have you tried a different browser?

Let’s see. Swopped from Firefox to Safari. :eek: Nope. Header still popping up & covering my typing.

I can have the window slightly higher on the page, add smiley, but picking “bold” top left got me a drop down which covered what I was trying to type

Clicking in my typing to edit got me another drop down (Media this time)



Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
@jugglingmum and @nitram, sorry to hear that you're not receiving all of the alerts for certain posts in your 'watched threads' list.

My findings are that when logged off no watched thread alerts are triggered and also no emails received if enabled.

The system however thinks it has sent the alert meaning that if the member does not visit the thread no more alerts are sent.

Just switching off without logging off gives variable results.

Being concurrently logged on on multiple systems also gives variable results, for many this may mean being logged on on a phone and another device, I can't replicate this as all I can do is have two systems logged on using the same IP.

A simple test is to choose a few threads with a high volume of posts, watch them and then compare the alerts received with https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/watched/threads.

Remember only the first post during the watched time interval should cause an alert, this does not happen for me, sometimes I get no alerts and sometimes it's other than the first post.

The more people who do this test and report their findings the more helpful it will be to admin.

I, and I think @jugglingmum , have started using https://forum.alzheimers.org.uk/watched/threads in lieu of alerts as a broken system is worse than no system.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Let’s see. Swopped from Firefox to Safari. Nope. Header still popping up & covering my typing.

If you disable javascript as a test I think your problems will vanish.

Unfortunately other functions will also vanish, no - auto draft saving, formatting bar, flag alerts, partial quote reply, maybe others found by trial and error.
You should have a basic but stable TP system.

Sam Luvit

Registered User
Oct 19, 2016
East Sussex
If you disable javascript as a test I think your problems will vanish.

Unfortunately other functions will also vanish, no - auto draft saving, formatting bar, flag alerts, partial quote reply, maybe others found by trial and error.
You should have a basic but stable TP system.

Blimey. What’s left working?

That does seem pretty extreme, guess I’m stuck being frustrated or fat fingers, poor eye sight on the phone, or last resort, firing up the laptop & sitting in the lounge on my Todd

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