So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Oh dear, is it some of the uti talking. Looks like she started off as a carry on. Do you feel Pauline will be well enough to go to your groups tomorrow?
Today would have been a Memory Cafe which is just a place to meet and catch up and as she is very tired having had a bad night so we will probably stay in especially as the weather forcast isn’t good but I think the infection is under control, thank you x


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
When the news broke last night of the sad death of Rob Burrow, she was full of questions as we watched the BBC news and yet today the continuing news coverage has the constant questions, “has he died?” And “What was wrong with him?” Such a sad bewildering illness this is!


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Hope things are better today Agzy. I’m with Pauline on Laura Kunsberg though, 😆. Hope you get off to Sorrento though. I have very fond memories of a holiday there with my children many many years ago. Was so beautiful and we took the train to both Pompeii and Herculaneum and they were wonderful. And there have been all those new excavations and finds at Pompeii. You must post some photos for us all .


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Pauline has a very chequered and bewildering family history and this morning, while watching the D Day commemorations, asked me was her father, (who she only met as a newborn) there in the war. As it happens I know most of her family history and that she was born of a sailor man during the war who was not married to her mother and that he was at Dunkirk and part of the D day operation being in minesweepers. Anyway, this led to her asking about her siblings and asking me where they were. Given I try to tell her the truth as far as is sensible I explained that she had a half sister living nearby with whom she has had no contact for years and how, in 2004 I had found another 2 half sisters and half brother living in Kent and Hampshire. Anyway we chatted for over half an hour and she had quite good recall and understanding given her dad had four children to three ladies and her mother 2 babes to different fathers! The sad thing was that within an hour the whole conversation was unremembered and the repeated questions had resurfaced.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
'tis the way of dementia @Agzy.
Are Pauline's sons at all interested in family history? Do they know what you've put down here?
A father at Dunkirk and Normandy landings! What are the chances of surviving both of those terrible times?
We all have to be the keepers of the stories of our OHs.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
A good mood morning and then a nice afternoon at the Light cinema dementia friendly showing of High Society.
The wall to wall coverage of 80th D Day celebrations has had her mentioning several times about her father being there even though we don’t know for sure but to her he was and seemingly might be there today!
Last night I got a text message from our cleaner/next door neighbour who told me that any time I felt like it is all getting too much to just let her know and she will sort out coming in to keep Pauline company for an hour or so while I go for a drive or walk to unwind. And amazing young lady 🧡


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
She sounds great - maybe she wants to work in care….

When ur away @Agzy …is she willing to help Pauline if she’s had an accident?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Our next door neighbour who is so helpful was a nurse until she had her children and has promised to do as much as she can for Pauline but does emphasis that it would be to compliment care from her sons and NOT instead of as, quite rightly she believes they have a duty of care also.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
This morning while listening to 60s musical from M4D radio via Alexa, they played, “shaking all over,” by Johnny Kidd and I mentioned a time long long ago when at Butlins she climbed on a Burger Bar counter to dance to this, especially the “Shaking All Over,” actions. Without further ado up she gets (just to her feet) and does the dance while verbalising her version of the lyrics, pure magic 🤩


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Your neighbour sounds so switched on @Agzy 😀😀

Those sons are the challenge now! Have you got a date for the potential Sorrento holiday you can inform them of?

You have a whole forum of friends willing you to get there ….

Glad to hear your day started off so fun 🤩


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Your neighbour sounds so switched on @Agzy 😀😀

Those sons are the challenge now! Have you got a date for the potential Sorrento holiday you can inform them of?

You have a whole forum of friends willing you to get there ….

Glad to hear your day started off so fun 🤩
No date as yet @sdmhred as my daughter has to arrange time of and sort out family commitments while I have NHS issues to sort, but as she says, even if it ends up postponed the principle of lads stepping up and making a car plan still stands


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
A quite few days but clouded by her back pain from Osteoporosis which worsened by the day, but repeatedly she insisted I don’t call the doctor. Such was the pain this morning I did a ‘patches’ message to surgery and just after 8.30 I got a call and a midday appointment and she made no complaint this time. The GP was new to us and spent a long time on his computer going through her records back to 2007 when, via another practice she was first diagnosed with a ‘crumbling bottom vertebrae.’’ Eventually she was prescribed paracetamol and codeine plus diclofenac gel and to be reviewed in 3 weeks. Just hope she gets some relief as pain is so evident.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I am sorry that Pauline is going through so much pain, the doctor seems to be very thorough which bodes well for future appointments. Take care.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
I am sorry that Pauline is going through so much pain, the doctor seems to be very thorough which bodes well for future appointments. Take care.
If I had tried to give her regular paracetamol and Gel rubs off my own volition she would have (and has previously) gone ballistic, but Doctors Orders? 😀 😀 😊