So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
The conversation has started!
This morning Pauline was still questioning my coffee chat with my daughter and asking if she had upset her somehow as Pauline not invited. Given that, I carefully outlined the holiday my daughter wishes to share with me and told a love fib saying that Pauline was invited to come with us and correctly gambled on her response. As expected she was absolute in not wanting to go but went on to insist I go as she was fine and could look after herself!
This conversation coincided with the arrival of our next door neighbour cleaner who always spends time chatting with P and so I mentioned the conversation and, being a brilliant neighbour and ex nurse, she immediately offered to help with care and promised that if the sons step up all can be sorted. Absolutely blown away and have let my daughter know and raised it in conversation with Pauline several times since and mentioning her sons at the same time so next move will be trying to get Pauline to mention to at least one of them so we can assess their reactions and suggestions.
The daft thing is that also out of the blue my younger brother suggested he and I go on a 5 day Benidorm karaoke break but as he is having tests for Parkinson’s and dementia I suspect I would be his sort of semi carer which is not what I need just now. So, peace has returned and I am so relieved although still nervous as to getting the care needed set up rather than just duty visits from the lads. Thank you all for your support, it has really helped me.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
So pleased to hear you are feeling more positive @Agzy. Such clever handling of THE conversation. Were you a diplomat in a previous life?!!


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
That’s great news 😊 so pleased youve Had that conversation @Agzy ..

What would the care you need look like in practice???
As Pauline is adamant that she won’t have ‘Carers’ coming in our neighbour has agreed to hold on to the receiver for Paulines alarm button that I usually wear on my wrist and to call in early doors for meds and to ensure breakfast goes ok. She has also agreed (volunteered) to drop in during the day and late evening, again for meds. I am hoping hers sons will also visit as well as take her out to our regular groups and activities but need to chat with them in more detail once things have progressed, thank you.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Typical, a suspected UTI this morning and so sample left with GP surgery while P stays in bed as not feeling too good. Looks like Daycare is cancelled Of course!


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
sorry to hear that, but hopefully the uti will be cleared up and your wee break will go ahead....everything crossed ..


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Now on antibiotics for UTI/ Kidney infection, slap my wrist for thinking she was bunking off from Daycare 🙁
No need. Typical isn't it, they only give you a break one afternoon a week and that's the very day they get ill.
My goes to shed on Mondays and either bh or he's been ill so I've had 2 hrs per week break. You try to be sympathetic but it is annoying


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Yesterday she was as bright as a button but today her face is flushed and she is restless and weary. The only time she brightened was when my youngest son called in but that from his high octane personality and says after he has gone, “what was that all about?” We have an activities group this afternoon if she is up for it which I hope she is up for but won’t push for it.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
So sorry Pauline is under the weather @Agzy. Have you checked for Covid? There seems to be a fair bit of it about. My husband and I have both had it recently, and though not very ill it certainly made us very disinclined to do very much.
I do hope your plans for your trip to Canada are being sorted, you really need a treat for yourself.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
So sorry Pauline is under the weather @Agzy. Have you checked for Covid? There seems to be a fair bit of it about. My husband and I have both had it recently, and though not very ill it certainly made us very disinclined to do very much.
I do hope your plans for your trip to Canada are being sorted, you really need a treat for yourself.
Canada looks doubtful but not because of Pauline or caring role but a high possiblity of a 7 night break touring around Sorrento etc. no high temperatures and dip test confirms UTI and Kidney infection, thanks @ Sarasa


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Broke the news to both of her sons about possiblity of week away and caring will be needed and I think it registered but no feedback as yet 🤞.
As usual our Sunday has been a downer and began when she declared she was staying in bed until ‘my’ program was finished as she “hates” that woman’s (Laura Kunsberg) voice.” She then made her appearance well before the programme started and drama got high octane as I presented her with a half pint of water and her single tablet and reminder she had another glass of water to drink and half an hour for her to sit quietly before breakfast and usual retourt that she was refusing breakfst “so there!”
As the day progressed she remained moody and then, when I asked if she wanted to go for a short walk, she informed me that she had already had 2 walks while I was out! Me, who hadn’t been over the doorstep and herself of course, as neither had she 😜


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Broke the news to both of her sons about possiblity of week away and caring will be needed and I think it registered but no feedback as yet 🤞.
As usual our Sunday has been a downer and began when she declared she was staying in bed until ‘my’ program was finished as she “hates” that woman’s (Laura Kunsberg) voice.” She then made her appearance well before the programme started and drama got high octane as I presented her with a half pint of water and her single tablet and reminder she had another glass of water to drink and half an hour for her to sit quietly before breakfast and usual retourt that she was refusing breakfst “so there!”
As the day progressed she remained moody and then, when I asked if she wanted to go for a short walk, she informed me that she had already had 2 walks while I was out! Me, who hadn’t been over the doorstep and herself of course, as neither had she 😜
Oh dear, is it some of the uti talking. Looks like she started off as a carry on. Do you feel Pauline will be well enough to go to your groups tomorrow?