Mil Very Near End Of Life ??


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
No 1954 I`m not alone, Hubby is here don`t worry chick

Mil`s eyes are strange,they`re like glossy,half open and she`s staring at ceiling,sometimes even giving a huge smile

Is she seeing her relations/husband who have passed ?I`m so confused

She has said alot of lovely things although I cant make them out but I know they were nice as she was smiling and nodding slightly

And.................................. she kept kissing my face so I think she likes me now :)

I cannot see her lasting the night out to be honest but she is sooooooo strong you never know

Please God don`t let her suffer any longer x x


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Wishing your MIL peace and you and your husband strength for the days to come. You have been a star! xx


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Carara, she didn't hate you, that was the dementia.
My mum was like that too.
I recognise the eyes that you describe but my mum didn't have the restlessness. She was still throughout but then again she had MS too.
I hope your MiL stays pain free.
I am sure the doctor took a water sample so that he could be sure he had done everything he could.
My mum had a burst of energy a few days before she passed. It was strange. The nurses warned me not to be too hopeful.
Thinking of you tonight. Take care xx love


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Carara it is so sad if you have not been there before. I have many times as a nurse and when my father died when I was 29 yrs old it wasn't hard but I am unusual, I know

You are doing well. I am glad your hubby is with you. Nothing about what you are going through is easy for you. I am glad she is nice to you as you need that. I hope your hubby is coping okish. I am thinking of you. I send you my love and huge huge hugs

Please keep in touch xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Sorry for not adding anything to the many posts but to be honest I really don't know what to say, except i'm thinking of you and hubby at this time.


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Thankyou for your lovely,kind messages everyone

Nothing to be sorry for chick,I know its hard not knowing what to say but Thankyou for your kind messages & thoughts

Pied,Thankyou so much for letting me know about your lovely mom,you`ve helped me alot in your thread,more than you`ll ever know.

Of course I`ll keep in touch chick,
I`ll be there for you when your Mil reaches her final journey
Lets face it we have gone through alot in such a relatively short time:)
Laughed alot along the way too :)

Im pretty sure the doctor will call in every day now but nothing they can do and said we are doing everything we can do so just a waiting game really

I honestly cant get over her eyes,they are very glassy,pupils massive and eyelids half closed

And I found out today that the name of the sister she thinks I am is the one she got on best with so was told to take it as a compliment :)

Ok everyone thankyou once again for your lovely messages & will update tomorrow morning x x

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hey there Carara,

Just logged in to see how you are faring, and that Mum is peaceful, content and restful.
Thank you for the updates - don't know how you manage it at all. You and hubby must be getting very very tired now.

Thinking of you, hope you know that. Hugs and glad MIL shows how much she values you. XXXX BE


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I'd just like to say how much that means Carara - that my thread helped you. I can't imagine how - but thank you for telling me. It really helps me a huge amount to know that something good and helpful came out of my experience with Mum.
You sound as though you are managing very calmly. It sounds as though you don't have as much interference from carers as we did with Mum, turning her every hour, which always distressed her.
I hope that that is the case and that she is still peaceful. You have such a lot to be proud of. What a fantastic DiL you are. Just the sort I would hope to have in my final years xxxxxx


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Good morning Carara,

Just wanted to let you know I am also thinking of you, hoping you are managing and have a peaceful day today.


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Hi All
Thanks for your kind words & thoughts

Mil seems to have this burst of energy ,mumbling etc :confused:

Eyes still very glossy & half open and she is reaching for things above her not in front like before but above

Hubby stayed with her during the night & I went to bed
I think now thats the only thing we can do is to take it in turns to stay with her rather than both ...No use us both being worn out

I am with her now whilst hubby is asleep

I actually asked her to have a little sleep for me and she said No

Do you think she`s frightened of going to sleep ?

She is just laid in bed reaching above and every now & then says something which I can`t understand :(

x x x


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Oh carara

Maybe she is afraid of going to sleep. Its good that you both have a rota to sit with her otherwise you will not be able to cope at all

Thinking of you xxxx


Registered User
Jan 19, 2012
May be she is afraid of going to sleep? I am sure this is something to mention to the GP - there may be anti-anxiety medication?


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Carara, when my SF was doing that reaching for things that weren't there the nurse said it was a sign of agitation and gave him something which relaxed him and helped him rest. Thinking of you x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
My mum seemed like that but it was hard to tell whether she was awake or asleep in the end because her eyes were half open the whole time and she didn't blink.
They did give her some midazolam to stop agitation but I felt it made her worse initially though she settled after about 20 minutes. It sends you away with the fairies.
I hope you are resting enough between you. It's a marathon that drains you and tests your stamina isn't it? X

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