Mil Very Near End Of Life ??


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
Oh Carara, you've had to be so strong for weeks now. I honestly don't know how you do it. In the time your MIL's been fading my stepfather went from being not really great into a final decline which lasted three or four exhausting, excruciating days; we heartbrokenly buried him on Thursday and I've spent today filling out paperwork and packing up personal effects. Throughout this time I've popped in to TP to check on you and Stephanie, and every time I'm amazed at your stamina and humbled by your devotion to your MIL's care. Take care, Toni x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
So sorry to read of your loss, Toni.
Dear Carara, hoping your MiL has had a peaceful night and allowed you to get some rest. I think the water she's been taking from the sponge has kept her going - my mum took nothing all and even so it took 8 days. But if she had taken water I would've given it - she just refused it and then was too weak. X


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Oh Mamsgirl Im so sorry for your loss
Its hard and no one should suffer this way:(

Thankyou so much for kind words

Pied,Yes I got some sleep:D FULL NIGHT YIPPPEEEEEE

Mil still here I just don`t know how she`s doing it to be honest

She`s started to choke on the water since yesterday too
I do still keep her mouth moist

Its the `keeping her clean` Im struggling with

We have load of bedding for her but it dont seem enough :(

She`s comfy now fast asleep whilst I gather her washing

On a plus side the kitchen`s looking nice :D:D

Gosh how I need a life,getting excited over the kitchen:eek:

Thankyou everyone for your caring thoughts and so much support

I simply couldnt do this without Tp

x x x


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Hi Carara

I really don't know how you are managing.

I hope this doesn't carry on for much longer for all of your sakes.

Peace to you, your Husband and your MIL

Love from Lyn T

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Carara,

Great that you got sleep. Sleep does help.
Regarding the water and keeping her mouth clean and moist.
30 years ago when I had surgery in Munich, I was so uncomfortable due to those meds they give to dry up saliva (so I didn't choke on my own spit). The kind nurses showed my then boyfriend how to add a drop of peppermint oil to a wet piece of cotton wool, and dab my lips and the inside of my lips. The flavour and the freshness was something I have never forgotten. It has a pleasant smell, it is tangy, but use it diluted in a little water. She may find that comforting and a sensation to focus on.

Peppermint oil can be bought in any chemist or health food store.

Holding you three in my thoughts. BE and a big hug. xx


Registered User
Jan 3, 2013
Well done Carara, thank goodness for a whole nights sleep. Does that mean your hubby was awake with his mother?


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Amazing. That's you and your hubby.
Glad to hear you got some restorative sleep last night. Your MiL is blessed to have you. You are witnessing a very special journey xx


Registered User
Apr 23, 2013
Hi Carara glad you got some sleep and hope it has recharged your batteries a bit.
Mamsgirl so sorry hope for peace now you deserve a rest.
Hugs to everyone on here you all deserve a medal.
Jan xx


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Thanks everyone & Thankyou BE for your tip

Yes 1954 hubby stayed with her :D,however he did doze off around 5-6am ,and oh boy was she in a mess :mad:

Feet are nearly black today theyre so dark,hands so purple up to elbow and face yellowish:confused:

Asleep all day up to now

x x x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
My mum's hands went like that but not her feet. And she slept all the last day - but with her eyes half open. However her blink reflex stopped working. I think that is another sign that things are slowly winding down. It's only with hindsight though that I can see that. At the time you just think, mum, are you going to sit up and ask for porridge in the morning?!
Hang in there, Carara. Hugs to you & Hubby xxxxx


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
Thanks everyone & Thankyou BE for your tip

Yes 1954 hubby stayed with her :D,however he did doze off around 5-6am ,and oh boy was she in a mess :mad:

Feet are nearly black today theyre so dark,hands so purple up to elbow and face yellowish:confused:

Asleep all day up to now

x x x

I can't see how much longer she is going to last, incredibly difficult for you, I can't begin to imagine. I wish her a peaceful passing and hope her suffering ends soon. Clearly if we could have them back and well we'd wish for that, but given that we can't, that is all that is left to us. (((hugs)))

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Carara,

Thanks for update - colourful and not sounding too lively!
When all this is over, you and your husband will be able to remember how she clung to life. It is people that make life precious. And what precious care you have given. Are giving still.

Still thinking of you. Gentle peace and may she sleep as long as she needs to. xx BE


Registered User
May 19, 2013
West Mids,Uk
Hi & ThanksPied,Noorza & Be

Well for once I don`t think she`s going to last much longer now

Colouring is still same only difference now is

Her nails are bluey/grey which they weren`t this morning

I `ve been ironing and watching her all day :confused:

x x x


Registered User
Jun 16, 2013
Oh Carara, hope you are managing - it must be so surreal. I just can't imagine what it must be like for you.

Take care, all the very best for her peaceful moving on...

...and ((hugs)) to both you and your hubby, what strength you have shown!