

New member
Jan 13, 2024
My mum has dementia and I live overseas. So I am trying to manage her care from here with occasional visits. Lots of guilt as you can imagine. But looking for a community that can help me answer some questions and just general support. Nice to meet you all :)

Nicey F

New member
Sep 25, 2022
You will find a lot of help and information here. Lots of people with different experiences.

My Mum has Alzheimers and is in a care home. She had an incident 2 years ago that lead to the Alzheimers diagnosis, hospital stay then transfer to a care home. We looked into other options, like you , my Brother and I live 2 hours away. Feel guilty for taking away Mum's freedom. She would be on her own at home and even with carers, she still could have wondered off or had an accident. We could not be there for her in 5 mins.
Her Alzheimers has progressed now and definitely in the right place. The home are caring and do their best,
I visit every weekend.
AS much in my heart I would think of Mum at home. It is better for her in the care home. She has people around her, who are trained to deal with dementia. It is a very tough disease, you learn something new every day.
Visit when you can, write a card, anything to keep connection.
Everybody situation is different. Just do your best. Your Mum will know you love and care for her