
Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton

Well the Delete draft icon didn’t work for me.
It is very small on this iPad so hard to hit accurately too but I have tried it a few times with no effect.


Registered User
Nov 7, 2011
Testing delete draft..... H'mm, it did for me just now, Saffie. I'm on a touchscreen laptop but I agree, the icons are very small on an iPad. I daren't even think about using them on my phone.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Testing delete draft..... H'mm, it did for me just now, Saffie. I'm on a touchscreen laptop but I agree, the icons are very small on an iPad. I daren't even think about using them on my phone.
How strange. I’ll try again. I take it you don’t have to highlight the draft first or it would be easy to simply use the x as I do now.
Nope. Nothing happened!


Registered User
Nov 7, 2011
I presumed the delete action deletes the saved draft in the cache. The text turned from grey (saved) to black (current). Not sure it's that much use, tbh, as it simply auto saves another draft a short time thereafter.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Where is the Delete icon Chemmy?

If you leave the post and then return there is no need to 'restore saved content' it's on the screen but greyed out.
You then have two choices:
  • Click anywhere in the text box, the saved draft will be fully restored and you can carry on typing.
  • Click on the arrowed icon, you can then either save the draft or delete it.

Whoops - see that's been covered, it works for me.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I presumed the delete action deletes the saved draft in the cache. The text turned from grey (saved) to black (current). Not sure it's that much use, tbh, as it simply auto saves another draft a short time thereafter.
Oh yes, the text became black but I’d assumed that ‘delete’ meant deleted! Silly me! :D


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Same for me even though it flashes up "draft deleted" the text stays there. Both tablet and DT.
I never even got that message! Now I understand - thanks Chemmy - that delete doesn’t actually mean delete but changes it back to black so you can delete it yourself!
Last edited:


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
If you leave the post and then return there is no need to 'restore saved content' it's on the screen but greyed out.
You then have two choices:
  • Click anywhere in the text box, the saved draft will be fully restored and you can carry on typing.
  • Click on the arrowed icon, you can then either save the draft or delete it.
View attachment 56648

Whoops - see that's been covered, it works for me.
Let’s see it this is the magic bullet.
Nope. Nothing happened!


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
@jimbo 111

Hello Jimbo, hope you saw the flag alert to guide you here.

In chat you said that when you were working on a post and went away you had difficulty finding the post again.

If the post was a reply there is a way of finding it again:
  • Click on 'bookmark' on the post you are replying to with quote (reply to member) or on the last post in the thread if you don't want to quote (post reply)
  • A box will pop up with instructions.
  • When you want to find the post again hover over your avatar and click on 'bookmarks'
  • Click on the thread title in the displayed information.
  • Click on either 'reply to member' or 'post reply' as previously
  • The post you were working on will appear, it well be greyed out
  • Click anywhere in half finished post, it will become black and you can now carry on typing.
You can also use 'bookmark' to list any threads that you regularly follow.

Post back with any problems.


Registered User
May 21, 2014
Is there any way of removing the chat room from the bottom of the screen please? I often click on it by mistake as it's really just in the way and I have no desire to read the last sentence someone posted hours ago. If people are interested in the chat room, they could access it by simply clicking on the chat link at the top of the page. But I don't see the chat room being very popular right now - and I don't think it was on the old site either. It's for casual chat but most of us don't have time for it. People who post real problems don't get an answer because most people don't check the chat room. But as I said I have nothing against there being a chat room as long as I can ignore it - and I can't at the moment because of the line at the bottom of the page!


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
I agree that I can't see the point of the chat, on my PC it sits at the bottom, with not much going on, on my phone I had to look for it, and only realised it was there from having seen it on the PC.

I prefer the weekly chat thread as then something can be posted in the morning by someone and I would see it in the afternoon, rather than I seem to scroll through chat and find not much and new members are using it instead of posting threads, and not then starting a thread.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
I am really struggling with navigation.

When I am in the forum drop down menu 'recent posts' then I can click on the minutes since post under the name of the poster on the right hand side to go to the last post so on image below I click on a moment ago under Stanley's name:


However when in a thread, with the recent posts menu on the right hand side I can only click on the thread name and it often takes me to a random place 3 pages back which I have already read and the time since posted can't be clicked on ( I then seem to end up clicking on the posters name - which just give a pop up mini profile)


Is this a glitch or the way it is meant to work, I am giving up on some threads as I keep rereading things.

On the phone on recent threads I can only see the thread starter not the latest poster, which again makes me less inclined to read a thread


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011

There appears to be a delay in the population of the side bar, don't know whether or not this can be fixed.

On testing it would not have been picked as there was insufficient activity for it to be noticed.

No comment on mobile use.


Registered User
May 18, 2014
Is there any way of removing the chat room from the bottom of the screen please? I often click on it by mistake as it's really just in the way and I have no desire to read the last sentence someone posted hours ago. If people are interested in the chat room, they could access it by simply clicking on the chat link at the top of the page. But I don't see the chat room being very popular right now - and I don't think it was on the old site either. It's for casual chat but most of us don't have time for it. People who post real problems don't get an answer because most people don't check the chat room. But as I said I have nothing against there being a chat room as long as I can ignore it - and I can't at the moment because of the line at the bottom of the page!
My question too Beate. As I have decided not to use this chat I would really like to remove it from my screen, but I cannot see anyway of doing it, so far!


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
@jugglingmum re navigation - are you aware that you can click on the blue dot to the left of thread title to get to the last unread post? It works on both the normal format and also on mobile. Although I agree, I wish it showed me who last posted when I'm on mobile.

I can't say I've noticed the problem you are experiencing with the links to threads on the right side: for me it does seem to go to the last unread post.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I can't say I've noticed the problem you are experiencing with the links to threads on the right side: for me it does seem to go to the last unread post.

My experience is 'not always', there can be a time delay before the bar is updated meaning that you do not always go to the latest post .


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
@nitram - Are we talking about 2 different things here? I've not experienced what JM mentioned: going back to posts that I've already read. I don't think it's supposed to go to the "latest post" but the "latest unread post" no?

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