You guys sometimes goof up too?


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Maybe just take some time to remember how to do this internet one? I'm goof up that put the headlight in my life wife car and was take too long is then make her late to do that appointment. Kind of sad when can't do so many thing I'm used to do always so good I'm feel like I'm not sure maybe useless the right word just take up space I don't want to be this way I don't know why I can't keep straight the way to do thing or remember where I am put my tools I probably shouldn't be saying all this stuff do you guys but I don't know it's just sad only word I can know to say sorry I don't want to bring other people down just get sad and the night time whenever everyone is sleeping and it's just me thinking anyway this is Matt hope is good with you guys God bless you this is Matt


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @MatthewB I am sorry that you feel that you goofed up but at least you are still trying to help and to do things and I am sure that your Lisa appreciates that.
Things always seem worse at night and we always love to hear from you, so keep posting, we are always here for you.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello @MatthewB.

My wife has dementia and she, like you, will often say "sorry". I'll say to you what I say to her - "there is no need to say sorry".

You are correct - we all make mistakes.


Registered User
Dec 8, 2023
Hi Matthew, you are not alone in making mistakes or losing things. Just keep on trying your best and don't let it get you down. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you 🌞

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
humans are good at 'goofing up' , older humans even more so. You are a good man, Matt, and that is most important quality to have

David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
Hi Matthew B,
In my experience it is important never to
blame yourself, because basically it is obvious that you, or any of us, would ever want to goof up on purpose. That is why you have said sorry. Goof ups are like unintended accidents. We don’t blame people for tripping on uneven pavements, it’s the town council’s fault for not having it properly repaired. The same goes for potholes in the road. No one blames a football player for being injured if no one intended harm. The same rule applies to people with dementia for the minor mishaps that, well, just happen. The losses we are suffering are enough without blaming ourselves for something that is dementia, which is an illness that often strikes at random out of the blue, and that can happen to anyone, even Presidents and former Prime Ministers.
Your friend,
David Joseph


Registered User
Apr 1, 2021
South West
Maybe just take some time to remember how to do this internet one? I'm goof up that put the headlight in my life wife car and was take too long is then make her late to do that appointment. Kind of sad when can't do so many thing I'm used to do always so good I'm feel like I'm not sure maybe useless the right word just take up space I don't want to be this way I don't know why I can't keep straight the way to do thing or remember where I am put my tools I probably shouldn't be saying all this stuff do you guys but I don't know it's just sad only word I can know to say sorry I don't want to bring other people down just get sad and the night time whenever everyone is sleeping and it's just me thinking anyway this is Matt hope is good with you guys God bless you this is Matt
Hi Matt you not alone here. You can still do a lot so keep doing what you can. I try not get upset when i forget stuff as i know i will. I write down what i need to remember. Doesn’t always work but sometimes does. I have early onset alz. 53 now and incontinent. Was very sad about wetting in public but got pull ups and sorted it. Nice People here also give me other tips to help manage this. Really good to be on here. Keep going Matt and God bless you.

David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
Hi Matthew B,
I have not written to you in some time, so I thought to add to what the others have said. You are certainly not alone in your struggles with dementia in your daily life. I have become so forgetful that I couldn’t even remember the title of my last book, which took me 5 years to write. Worse still, this happened twice —- once with a relative and once with a close friend. My mother and grandmother both had dementia, and in their own ways said they they had learned not to fret about it, because it is just like any other long term disease, and that their way was to just get on with doing the best you can with whatever positives you have. It’s normal to feel sad, but all of us who have been touched by dementia have made our fair share of goof-ups, and have somehow managed to carry on, and keep going, with help from all the good people around us and in the wider caring community.
Your friend,
David Joseph


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
Matt, don't you ever think that you're useless, you're still trying to do things, and doing your best, we all make mistakes...and I mean everyone...take care...


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hi Matt, goodness , you most certainly don’t bring other people down. You are just being honest about how you are feeling, and believe me, people on this forum really value being able to speak honestly amongst friends. You are our friend Matt, keep talking to us, we like hearing from you.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Maybe just take some time to remember how to do this internet one? I'm goof up that put the headlight in my life wife car and was take too long is then make her late to do that appointment. Kind of sad when can't do so many thing I'm used to do always so good I'm feel like I'm not sure maybe useless the right word just take up space I don't want to be this way I don't know why I can't keep straight the way to do thing or remember where I am put my tools I probably shouldn't be saying all this stuff do you guys but I don't know it's just sad only word I can know to say sorry I don't want to bring other people down just get sad and the night time whenever everyone is sleeping and it's just me thinking anyway this is Matt hope is good with you guys God bless you this is Matt
Hi Matt. Nobody's perfect, you can only do your best overall and some days you just don't get to where you'd like to be. It's not you, blame the dementia!


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Hi Matthew B,
I have not written to you in some time, so I thought to add to what the others have said. You are certainly not alone in your struggles with dementia in your daily life. I have become so forgetful that I couldn’t even remember the title of my last book, which took me 5 years to write. Worse still, this happened twice —- once with a relative and once with a close friend. My mother and grandmother both had dementia, and in their own ways said they they had learned not to fret about it, because it is just like any other long term disease, and that their way was to just get on with doing the best you can with whatever positives you have. It’s normal to feel sad, but all of us who have been touched by dementia have made our fair share of goof-ups, and have somehow managed to carry on, and keep going, with help from all the good people around us and in the wider caring community.
Your friend,
David Joseph
Hi hi Mr Joseph it's so nice you too right to write me that no is more these days I'm making mistake doing stuff but but it's better to be glad about the same the same you can do good still so I'm think you are right now on that one I'm I'm just asking fall down accident on that brush pile and was not right too many stuff on here or forgot to or something but my boy was help get back on here to see and people scared people not scared good people was right some nice thing is grateful for that for them post to go on some therapy on on in the Big Town when can get around some more I'm better not so so sore this is math math Matthew God bless you guys

David Joseph

Registered User
Oct 20, 2023
Dear Matthew B,
It’s been good that you are understanding what the other folks on this Forum have been saying. If you are feeling isolated there in Tennessee it’s important that you use the good folks on this Forum, anytime when you have anything to get off your chest or any questions you may have.
Although I’m living in the UK, I am an American, born and raised in northeastern New Jersey, so I understand how you feel. I too have problems with my research and understanding what I hear, even though I can hear fine.
Your friend,
David Joseph


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Hi Matthew. Hope you having a good day, just want to say us ‘carers ’ also goof up - I thought I’d missed little girl next door’s birthday. Dropped a card (with a little cash) in her door a day late- have now realised I was a whole month too early!!! Feel a right twit.