Got myself and some trouble


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Hi this is Matt I'm got myself in some pickle and maybe you guys can know what to do I've got them come continent thing from that stroke so I'm got some bad rash and is hurt but I'm didn't want to say that to my Lisa cause she saying not keeping clean up enough so she had to go to Big Town and a mask that doctor can I'm come and see him and he said yeah so I went up there to that doctor and he's look at it and say I need to talk to your wife and I'm saying she's not there and he want to know how I'm get there so I'm said my truck and he got all grumpy act grumpy act say I'm not supposed to be drive that far and he can call that DMV and make me take some tests again so now I'm scared he will tell my Lisa and she will get mad I'm drive up there when she's gone and maybe he will tell her about that bad sores down there from that continents then she will be want to be checking on that too and I don't like that cuz it's some embarrassed bears so now I don't know what to do maybe I should tell her I'm driving up there before he calls I didn't think he was going to get like that just give me some medicine for themsource sores I mean shooting them I'm in a bad pickle


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
I'm I'm got to be able to go in my truck or I will go crazy maybe I'm should call that doctor back and tell him please pretty please don't call them ones? I asked him so many when I was there but he couldn't didn't never say he would not so I don't know


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Matt,the sad fact is, if I remember correctly,you have been told not to drive.The stark reality is you coud end up in big trouble if you continue to do so. You Dr is right to tell Lisa that you did so.
How are you going to feel if you run someone down?

If you have incontinence issues, try and remember to shower or bath daily ( or a good wash round your boy bits!) and apply barrier cream. Same cream that you put on babies bums will do - You probably need to change your pad more often.
let Lisa help you - its nothing to be ashamed of.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Okay you say said a true thing they did say don't be drive to town but could keep him licensed on if I'm just stay on the dirt road around my house and I need that so I can go up to the eagles roost and see them and the deers and the coyotes I do that a lot in and them bad sores he gave me some some kind of cream stuff to put on there and he said the same thing you said to his change more times than I do and if I'm not pay attention let somebody help or remind you but that's but that's mighty embarrassed saying in and is is mate make my belly so nervous


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
I'm I'm can promise that I won't go to town no more just on the roads dirt roads and and you know what I'm never would run nobody over not ever I'm not mean guy bad


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh @MatthewB you have got yourself in a pickle - it must be very frustrating for you to have your independence taken away.

I think you’re right. Tell Lisa that you have driven to town and that you’re sorry. You know you need to stick to the dirt roads near the house to keep the truck. If you can promise to do that hopefully you can keep your truck. Would one of the boys take you to town when you want to go? I bet you drove them loads when they were young - I’m sure they would pay you back by driving you now.

It must be painful to have an incontinence rash. Could you ask someone to set a reminder on your phone to change the pad? Maybe every few hours? You would do that for Lisa or the boys if they needed so don’t be embarrassed to ask them to do that for you. That way you only need the help once as the phone will tell you when to change the pad.

Do you prefer a shower or bath? Have a time every day for that. Make sure you dry your boy bits after washing and put some cream on to protect them and your bottom.

Im glad you can Tell us. None of us are embarrassed as we help people every day with going to the toilet. I like to help my mum go to the toilet and wipe her bottom. Perhaps there is someone at home who is wanting to help you too??

keep in touch!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Oh @MatthewB , Im so sorry you have got into a pickle, but glad you have felt able to tell us.

I agree, tell Lisa about the driving and say you are sorry. Im sure she wont be angry, well only a little bit because she loves you and doesnt want anything bad to happen to you.

Incontinence is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about - it is just one of those things. I think asking someone to set alarms on your phone to remind you to change your pad is a good idea. Do tell Lisa about the rash - she will want to know and perhaps help you with changing or washing. I have to help my husband wash and dress, but neither of us are embarrassed, we know each other too well.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
You guys are so nice all of you I'm glad I'm got you guys to talk to my Lisa got home and she was already know cuz that doctors nurse call her on her cell phone but I already was going to tell her true what I did she wasn't mad too much just worry them get lost or dizzy she say the doctor tell her to was IAD on them private area don't know exactly what that means but she said she knew something was messed up anyway but was afraid to do anything cuz I get some weird about that and don't want nobody to have to fool around with that but she say will start remind more to change but she wants to make sure his get is yet so better clean cuz that nurse say I'm not been doing that too good. But that is a real real embarrassed bears various thing for me I feel kind of weird about that but I don't want to get all messed up more than it is already I don't know what to say about that it's just something it's just I don't want people and other people to have to do that those kind of thing for me I guess it's pride I don't know I'm feel wretched for doing it and drive over there and hide it all it's not right it's not good way to be and I'm sorry about it I'm telling her that I'm telling her I'm so very sorry and she is so kind and good always and I'm should have told her I guess about it but man I'm a grown man I used to manage multi-million dollar projects now I can't remember to change my damn drawers Lord help me sorry keep you carrying on this way. But it helps you know no one you guys are there and always are nice and say the right thing even if it's hard to hear like that just bow guy said I reckon it's right someday I'm half a give up that truck and people helping me my bathroom stuff oh Lord this is hard thank you all that was a bunch of stuff to say I'm sorry God bless you


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh @MatthewB thank you for being so honest with us and telling us what it’s like for you.

i think i would probably be the same.

All of us on this site need to remember that its a sign of strength to ask and accept help. I’m pretty bad at it too.

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