Tonight I actually snapped

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Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
Just a snack then Dave? :)

I'm back again....
May I suggest the next time SS visits, or indeed her replacement,
greet them with a massive hug as they come in the door .....
Then say.... "What do you mean inappropriate behaviour" ?

As she is leaving, give her (not really) bum a friendly sharp pat ,
and say... What do you mean inappropriate behaviour"...

Well done for filling the HADS form. Print it off. You never now it might help.

btw... as if I need to say this, please don't touch the SW / SS :)

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Just a snack then Dave? :)

I'm back again....
May I suggest the next time SS visits, or indeed her replacement,
greet them with a massive hug as they come in the door .....
Then say.... "What do you mean inappropriate behaviour" ?

As she is leaving, give her (not really) bum a friendly sharp pat ,
and say... What do you mean inappropriate behaviour"...

Well done for filling the HADS form. Print it off. You never now it might help.

btw... as if I need to say this, please don't touch the SW / SS :)

Hi Grace

Yep, Brekkie, all mine and now in my belly. I have not had a breakfast like that for eons.

I laughed at your "inappropriate behaviour" quips but don't worry, I am not that stupid, I do have a good imagination though so can see the scenarios as real time in my noggin :)


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Re the passport, we had to renew my dad's passport at his insistence, he just couldn't accept that he wouldn't be going abroad again and he said he felt insecure feeling he couldn't just leave the UK if he wanted to.
I think for your wife saying she can't have a passport must feel to her like you are denying her something that she 'needs'. I totally understand that she won't be going anywhere but how would you feel if someone told you you would never ever be going abroad again and don't need a passport? It may be false hope on her part, but it is a little dream she wants to hang onto. I think to hell with the money, let her have one if it is going to make her happy?
Just spent a depressing couple of hours with mum, who is :Dvery grumpy today and also thinks she is the queen. It isn't a good combo.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Glad you enjoyed your breckie looked yummy. Always taste better when someone else cooks it. Yeah Dave didn't mean house painting, although did enjoy that sort of painting when I was a single mum. Well had to do then. Now I just paint on canvas. Stopped for lunch. Cheese and ham tastiest and back to the painting board. Hells bells me mum turned at 3 she thought it was Sunday, shell be back at five for her dinner. When I run away I'm taking my paints so no sod can interrupt me and I can do it in peace. My brother made me laugh. Told me I would get out and do some outdoor painting, don't know where he thinks I'm going to get that sort of time. With two houses to run.:confused: not had a chance to paint for months so I'm getting some done before the old AD kicks up again. Linda. Oh nearly forgot well done for going to sort your passport out:cool:


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Just reread GraceL post Dave don't start slapping sw backend they might lock you away, loo. Still you might get abit of peace and quite:)

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Glad you enjoyed your breckie looked yummy. Always taste better when someone else cooks it. Yeah Dave didn't mean house painting, although did enjoy that sort of painting when I was a single mum. Well had to do then. Now I just paint on canvas. Stopped for lunch. Cheese and ham tastiest and back to the painting board. Hells bells me mum turned at 3 she thought it was Sunday, shell be back at five for her dinner. When I run away I'm taking my paints so no sod can interrupt me and I can do it in peace. My brother made me laugh. Told me I would get out and do some outdoor painting, don't know where he thinks I'm going to get that sort of time. With two houses to run.:confused: not had a chance to paint for months so I'm getting some done before the old AD kicks up again. Linda. Oh nearly forgot well done for going to sort your passport out:cool:

Breckie was lovely, only problem is that I will not be able to eat my dinner now, I usually only eat once a day (always have done since when I can remember)

I assumed it was canvas painting you were doing, Something I cannot or could not ever do, absolutely rubbish with a brush.

We AD carers are really putting on all this hard work, of course we will or can make plenty of time for ourselves every single day :D

Yep, Passports, thought about it and was wrong and am never to proud to admit when I make a mistake

Don't forget to share your painting with us as I am sure everyone here would like to have a nosy even if only to criticise your achievements (only kidding) :D

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Just reread GraceL post Dave don't start slapping sw backend they might lock you away, loo. Still you might get abit of peace and quite:)

A swift kick up the backside would be more preferable than a hand slap

Problem is though I have no one to look after my little wifey if they lock me up for 20 years :)


Registered User
Apr 30, 2014
West Midlands
Dave, I was thinking....can you ask your step daughter to go to the psychiatrists appointment with you both. I took both my step daughters with me to every appointment their dad had. He was happy for them to be there and they understood what was happening and the seriousness of it all. One helps me now whilst the other rarely visits.

Forgive me if it's already been suggested but I've had a tough day caring and may be behind times a little..... Best wishes Dave and I hope the 28th comes quickly for you xx

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dave, I was thinking....can you ask your step daughter to go to the psychiatrists appointment with you both. I took both my step daughters with me to every appointment their dad had. He was happy for them to be there and they understood what was happening and the seriousness of it all. One helps me now whilst the other rarely visits.

Forgive me if it's already been suggested but I've had a tough day caring and may be behind times a little..... Best wishes Dave and I hope the 28th comes quickly for you xx

OOOOOOO - What a great idea, I have not thought of that

This way whatever is said by the psychiatrist can be heard first hand by all three of us so there is definitely no confusion as to what was said

Well done you. I think you have just offered me the solution that I really needed

Thank you so much

I am going to get my wife to call her daughter this afternoon and suggest that we would like her to be present during the the psychiatrist's consultation

O WOW, how come I did not think of this before


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
My scores: Depression = 18; Anxiety = 20 Which means I am an Abnormal (Case)

No, Dave, it means you're in an Abnormal Situation. It means you desperately need your super-stressful, exhausting situation to change to a better one. You also must have recovery time, because you've been carrying too heavy a load for too long. None of your TP friends would be surprised by those results - and some of them will have similarly horrendous anxiety and depression scores.

It seems to me you're already making changes to improve the situation and get useful help. I think you started with this when you decided to get Zeus ... and now you've got your daughter-in-law and son more involved. I hope the psychiatrist's appointment for your wife produces the benefits (for all) that you're counting on.

Please change your GP to one you can have a good working relationship with. My experience says it's worthwhile. At one stage I found myself thinking "At least I'm not too ill to cope with the doctor" and that's when I realised I had to find myself a more congenial GP!

Good luck, good eating and a restful night!

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dave, I was thinking....can you ask your step daughter to go to the psychiatrists appointment with you both. I took both my step daughters with me to every appointment their dad had. He was happy for them to be there and they understood what was happening and the seriousness of it all. One helps me now whilst the other rarely visits.

Forgive me if it's already been suggested but I've had a tough day caring and may be behind times a little..... Best wishes Dave and I hope the 28th comes quickly for you xx

My wife has come downstairs from having an early bath and I suggested that I may be a great idea to have Mr Dave (me) Mrs Dave and Mrs Dave's daughter all present at the memory clinic to hear the results of the SEPT scan told to all three of us directly from the memory psychiatrist.

Well she was really happy and made the call to her daughter who replied, OH YEAS I WANT TO COME, I was waiting to be asked

So I'm happy, wife is happy and step-daughter is happy - Sorted

At least this way 1 of her 3 kids will know exactly as I will know so maybe, just maybe this information can trickle down to the other 2 kids without prejudice from 1 person to another (Chinese Whispers and all that)

So, looks like another hurdle I have jumped over

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
It sounds as though things are working well for you all :)

I really hope so, but I have learnt to never count my chickens until they are hatched, I am going to calm down and take things day by day or even hour by hour

I have had my hopes dashed too many times to expect that nothing will go wrong

I never thought about taking wife's daughter with us for the results, why did I not think of this, I should have thought of that, but, no I didn't

Wife's daughter was waiting to be asked, so why didn't she ask? - Seems like I have to think for everyone, not only my wife and the decisions I have to make but for everyone else that is not directly involved

Now I know why I get / am always so tired


Registered User
Mar 16, 2013
Oh, this must mean so much to you, what a brilliant suggestion. That's the cause of so much family trouble, nobody talks to each other. Maybe through just misunderstandings sometimes.

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
No, Dave, it means you're in an Abnormal Situation. It means you desperately need your super-stressful, exhausting situation to change to a better one. You also must have recovery time, because you've been carrying too heavy a load for too long. None of your TP friends would be surprised by those results - and some of them will have similarly horrendous anxiety and depression scores.

It seems to me you're already making changes to improve the situation and get useful help. I think you started with this when you decided to get Zeus ... and now you've got your daughter-in-law and son more involved. I hope the psychiatrist's appointment for your wife produces the benefits (for all) that you're counting on.

Please change your GP to one you can have a good working relationship with. My experience says it's worthwhile. At one stage I found myself thinking "At least I'm not too ill to cope with the doctor" and that's when I realised I had to find myself a more congenial GP!

Good luck, good eating and a restful night!

Thank you for caring, Oh no, just thought, does that mean I have 20 or 30 carers caring for me here on TP, who are caring for somebody else too, Oh gosh, I must seem like a real drain on you all

I will try to limit my updates from now on in as it does seem that I have become a burden on all of you, never really though of it this way

I do thank you all for helping me out, especially the nagging team as the past 2 years have been dreadful for me, I know I only joined TP (in desperation) a couple of months or so ago) solely to find more information with regards to AD and ended up here on this forum pouring my heart out day after day, night after night

I am sure I am only on the start of my journey but with your help, care, love and guidance I have achieved so much over the past week or two

I thank you from the bottom of my heart (right to the top of it too)
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