Tonight I actually snapped

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Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
I am afraid I have done that aeons ago, even got her a PC and screen loaded with 60's music but I am afraid that was a no go as she wants to be with me when she watches the videos.

The only way I can calm her down is with Elvis Presley playing on the top right monitor, I move this monitor to point to her whilst I carry on working, the only time I mute it is when a call comes through from a customer

Wife can not operate iPad's, iPods, PC or any device that was not around 20 or 30 years ago any longer, this includes a microwave, front loading washing machine with fancy dials, mobile phones except the one I got for her with a special app for "Elderly use" (push face picture to call that person) she even struggles with answering a call as she forgets how to swipe the button to answer (this, I wish I could change but Android phone will not let you change this feature with the app I am running)

She has a book of her kids phone numbers and addresses written down and prefers to use this

My wife has never been into technology or any new device invented after the 1970's no matter how I try to explain how to use such devices. I have even put permanent marker arrows drawn on the washing machine controls to turn the knob to the arrow and push the GO button, she simply can not work this out or understand the instructions

So I do it all, my life is better if I work the gadgets but listening to Elvis Presley and only Elvis Presley is hard to take on board as I can put the same 2 hour concert on every night and she watches it as if it was the first time she has ever seen it

I really understand. My mom used to love soap opera, I just memorized all dialogues of 10 years or 'friends' and some movies with jonny deep. ( when mum went CH I wanted to trash all DVD)

Try to introduce other singers ,even not so efficient as Elvis, that can give you some Elvis break. Mine break was a looping of penguins walking on Edinburg zoo (I downloaded from YouTube )


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
Good morning Grace

No upset caused whatsoever, I think I have said that if Daughter want's to pay for her Mum's passport then no problem, can not ever see her using it though, but maybe Daughter might take her Mum away on holiday

I will definitely and silently be renewing my passport as my Son does like to flit across to Europe a few times a year so my passport is vital just in case I need to get to him

I can not see myself going on holiday abroad any longer as if I am not prepared to take wife then I have no rights to go, but if Daughter want's to take her Mum away for a few weeks (oops meant days) then that is fine and dandy with me :D

Dave I know it's nothing to do with me but couldn't help picking up on your comment 'I have no rights to go [abroad]' because you don't want to take your wife. I believe your wife is somewhat older than you, my husband is 18 years older than me. I can't take him abroad now as he is so unwell but also because the insurance cover costs almost as much as the holiday. However I, selfishly perhaps, don't see why I shouldn't go while I still have the ability so I have booked a holiday to Iceland in January with a friend so hopefully we can fulfil one of our bucket list wishes to see the northern lights. Resentment is a pernicious thing that can make caring even harder and I don't want to end up resenting my OH so I'm planning to do a few getaways with the full blessing of my daughters. OH will have to go to respite.

Sent from my iPad using Talking Point


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Right gang, who is going to point out to DaveK that we are all winding down now as it will soon be bedtime. BEDTIME MR DAVE! It is going to take a lot longer than training Zeus to get Dave to sleep regular hours. :D
First thing, Dave, the little green light has to go out, turn the computers off, brush your teeth, jimmy jams on and if you are good I'm sure someone will come along and read you a bedtime story. Night night, try to get another good sleep in tonight. X


Registered User
Mar 16, 2013
I'll second that, Raggedrobin. Dave is going to take longer than Zeus but with patience and repetition, we'll get him there (how do you send virtual treats as a reward?). Ok, Dave, sleep well and no waking up with QUERTY again.


Registered User
Aug 4, 2013
Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Joining in the nagging,

Repeat after me,

I must sleep

I must sleep

I must sleep

try this as well,



  • counting_sheep_image_of_sheep_jumping_a_fence_0515-1003-2807-5412_SMU.jpg
    14.5 KB · Views: 389


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Tick tock tick tock

I'm waving my hypnotism watch...

Getting sleepier
Eyes getting heavy


Sent from my iPhone using Talking Point


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Oh oh what? Sorry, I dozed off there! I'm off to bed, just like you Dave. (Ha ha some hopes). Night night, sleep tight, something about bed bugs......hmmm. Zzzzzzzzz AH! :rolleyes:


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Morning Dave, Morning Zeus, Morning Mrs Dave and son and maybe the girlfriend is still there.:D Hope you got some shut eye last night? Its a new day, hope you and Zeus get some nice walkies in.:)

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dear Raggedrobin, SoyHJ, Pottypeg, 2jays, Rathbone

(The newly appointed Nighty, Nighty Team)

Thank you for all your messages of sleepiness but I will let you know that.........
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Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dear Raggedrobin, SoyHJ, Pottypeg, 2jays, Rathbone

(The newly appointed Nighty, Nighty Team)

Thank you for all your messages of sleepiness but I will let you know that.........

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh, I'm am sorry, thought I finished that sentence off

Silly me, here it is (my cut and paste is not all that it used to be) :D

Well, I do leave my PC on 24/7, never hit the power button (where is it anyway?) - I have it set up so that if I do not hit a key or move the mouse for 1 hour, the PC has been trained to randomly show all my images on each screen but if I still do not return within another hour Dear PC gets a strop on and powers down into sleep mode

Once in sleep mode (I love this bit) I sneak up to my mouse giving it a hard shake where it fires back into live with a startle, this rarely happens as I never too far away from the PC most of the time

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oh, yes, got side tracked, sorry

The part I missed out was that at 9pm last night I went up to take a shower then put on my nighty (oops meant Pyjamas) on, felt great as not worn them for a week or more

Well my bathroom is en-suit to my bedroom so I have to pass my bed to get back downstairs.

My bedside clock was showing 9:25 as I walked passed

I just could not take it any more, I said "OH to heck with it" and jumped into bed for the first time in ages

Just woke up 8:05am this morning (today) (yesterday if you are reading this post tomorrow) :)

I had 11 hours in a bed and feel GREAT as heck right now

So that was the tiny bit of information that I forgot to post on my 08:37 post this morning

Sorry :D :D
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Registered User
Mar 16, 2013
See! The nighty nighty team were successful, distance training seems to be working so far. Right Dave, ready for the day time nagging team to take over? Though if needed, our shifts can overlap..... x


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
WELL DONE! :D a good sleep is the best thing for you.:) well I'd better get going, got to get to the care home before mother starts kicking off. Awful but I just wake with this sense of dread about seeing her in case she is in a strop.:( Its a nice day though, maybe I will take myself for walkies in later :D Now you will behave yourself while I am out, won't you, Dave?

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Thank god for that. Do it again tonight :D

I won't promise but I will try

The only downside to my marathon sleep was that the puppy was left alone for 11 hours and get did wee wee's in his bead :(

I could not point this out to him as I neglected him, Oh my goodness, now I am a puppy neglecter (only kidding) :D

Bed was easy to sort out, removed from bottom, put in washing machine, turn knob to 95C, put powder (well liquid really) in dispenser then pushed the "Go for it" button

Zeus has 2 cotton double duvet covers (no filling) so pretty easy really

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
WELL DONE! :D a good sleep is the best thing for you.:) well I'd better get going, got to get to the care home before mother starts kicking off. Awful but I just wake with this sense of dread about seeing her in case she is in a strop.:( Its a nice day though, maybe I will take myself for walkies in later :D Now you will behave yourself while I am out, won't you, Dave?

Promise, promise and promise again

(ooo, a leaf blowing in the wind, chase it.....)

What was I saying?

Good luck with Mum, I hope all is different today for you

You can always come here for a bit of humour.

I seem to be missing a post from yesterday, must have forgotten to post it :D


Registered User
Feb 28, 2013
new zealand
DARN - no use me joining the nagging team. I'm sleeping when you are (meant to be) sleeping. Never mind - I know the rest of you will keep up the good work
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