Tonight I actually snapped

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Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Oh, this must mean so much to you, what a brilliant suggestion. That's the cause of so much family trouble, nobody talks to each other. Maybe through just misunderstandings sometimes.

Perhaps wife's daughter felt her asking could be seen as an intrusion, so didn't like to

Yes it was a great idea and families, who would have them, we all love them and we all hate them :D


Registered User
Mar 16, 2013
Wife's daughter was waiting to be asked, so why didn't she ask? - Seems like I have to think for everyone, not only my wife and the decisions I have to make but for everyone else that is not directly involved

Now I know why I get / am always so tired

I've been in this same position myself with one particular family member. I know where you're coming from. It's hard enough trying to cope with your own problems and those of your OH without also constantly trying to take into account someone else as well. Tiring? Stressful? You bet it is.

PS just seen your latest post. If you were a drain and a burden on us why would we all keep checking in on you? Cos we care about you, that's why!
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Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
I've been in this same position myself with one particular family member. I know where you're coming from. It's hard enough trying to cope with your own problems and those of your OH without also constantly trying to take into account someone else as well. Tiring? Stressful? You bet it is.

I am searching shopping sites for my perfect "Crystal Ball" but am finding it hard.

Anyone know where I can buy one from?


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
I will try to limit my updates from now on in as it does seem that I have become a burden on all of you, never really though of it this way
........You know when kids come along, you wonder if you will ever manage to care for them all, but you do???:confused:

Well, being a TP carer is just like that, your caring space expands to fill the time available ( and then some!!):D:D

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
I am lucky as I have 4 stacked monitors (for my work) OH is stood by my side jiggling away (I think it is called) to Elvis Presley on the top right screen) obviously I have not included my wife in the photo to protect her identity

She seems to like (Love) Elvis a lot, her era


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
I really hope so, but I have learnt to never count my chickens until they are hatched, I am going to calm down and take things day by day or even hour by hour

I have had my hopes dashed too many times to expect that nothing will go wrong

I never thought about taking wife's daughter with us for the results, why did I not think of this, I should have thought of that, but, no I didn't

Wife's daughter was waiting to be asked, so why didn't she ask? - Seems like I have to think for everyone, not only my wife and the decisions I have to make but for everyone else that is not directly involved

Now I know why I get / am always so tired

Now, don't get grumpy! be thankful for the small mercies that have come your way - it matters not from where. It's the best news you've had in a long time Dave and we are all really pleased for you. But don't give up on your own quest to be heard because you are the one who has to deal with it face to face 24/7. Hang on to that and keep adding to your list. Have a good evening and a good night's sleep - one habit you need to perfect. Love X Shelagh:)


Registered User
May 17, 2014
West Sussex
Thank you for caring, Oh no, just thought, does that mean I have 20 or 30 carers caring for me here on TP, who are caring for somebody else too, Oh gosh, I must seem like a real drain on you all

I will try to limit my updates from now on in as it does seem that I have become a burden on all of you, never really though of it this way

I do thank you all for helping me out, especially the nagging team as the past 2 years have been dreadful for me, I know I only joined TP (in desperation) a couple of months or so ago) solely to find more information with regards to AD and ended up here on this forum pouring my heart out day after day, night after night

I am sure I am only on the start of my journey but with your help, care, love and guidance I have achieved so much over the past week or two

I thank you from the bottom of my heart (right to the top of it too)

Nag Police reporting for duty! Stop it, stop it! X:)

We are delighted to be here for you and everyone else. How great to have someone at our backs always. X
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Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
That must have been music to your ears Dave, now just maybe, she was waiting to be asked to help in other ways, but didn't want to tread on your toes or seem interfering? Sounds as if it would be good for you two to have a chat x

Absolutely correct, It looks like our family are scared of treading on each others toes, thank heavens we are not a family of dancers otherwise there would be a blood bath in this house


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Dave what would we do without TP. that's why we all come on here to help or be helped. Its great.:) happy for you that Mrs daughters stepping up, may she keep doing so. It makes you feel better getting it off your chest. Mums gone off home in a huff told her it was time to go home be cause cw will be coming, to do night meds. She normally goes about 6.45 7.00ish. doesn't like to be told:mad: hey hoe. She wont remember time she gets to hers. peeded off with the football. Can't wait for it to be over. So I'm tapping away on TP for a chat. Bet your glad the nagging team was on your case and will continue to do so, weather you like it or not lol. Both the boys are out with their girls. Hubble dog and me are stuck in front of the TV, oh how life changes. Off to Dorset soon YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS, can't wait:D

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dave what would we do without TP. that's why we all come on here to help or be helped. Its great.:) happy for you that Mrs daughters stepping up, may she keep doing so. It makes you feel better getting it off your chest. Mums gone off home in a huff told her it was time to go home be cause cw will be coming, to do night meds. She normally goes about 6.45 7.00ish. doesn't like to be told:mad: hey hoe. She wont remember time she gets to hers. peeded off with the football. Can't wait for it to be over. So I'm tapping away on TP for a chat. Bet your glad the nagging team was on your case and will continue to do so, weather you like it or not lol. Both the boys are out with their girls. Hubble dog and me are stuck in front of the TV, oh how life changes. Off to Dorset soon YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS, can't wait:D

I don't like football (never have)

Dorset was the County that I was born in

TP is a godsend, my only source of humour and help

Nagging team: My saviours (as well as Zeus of course)


Registered User
Nov 13, 2012
N E Lincolnshire
I am lucky as I have 4 stacked monitors (for my work) OH is stood by my side jiggling away (I think it is called) to Elvis Presley on the top right screen) obviously I have not included my wife in the photo to protect her identity

She seems to like (Love) Elvis a lot, her era

Dave, have you thought about putting a compilation together of Elvis tracks and others from you wife's era? Put onto an i pod (or whatever's "in" nowadays ), complete with her own headphones could possibly keep her occupied for an hour or so, giving you a a tiny bit of peace?

Dave K

Account Closed
Apr 14, 2014
Barnsley (UK)
Dave, have you thought about putting a compilation together of Elvis tracks and others from you wife's era? Put onto an i pod (or whatever's "in" nowadays ), complete with her own headphones could possibly keep her occupied for an hour or so, giving you a a tiny bit of peace?

I am afraid I have done that aeons ago, even got her a PC and screen loaded with 60's music but I am afraid that was a no go as she wants to be with me when she watches the videos.

The only way I can calm her down is with Elvis Presley playing on the top right monitor, I move this monitor to point to her whilst I carry on working, the only time I mute it is when a call comes through from a customer

Wife can not operate iPad's, iPods, PC or any device that was not around 20 or 30 years ago any longer, this includes a microwave, front loading washing machine with fancy dials, mobile phones except the one I got for her with a special app for "Elderly use" (push face picture to call that person) she even struggles with answering a call as she forgets how to swipe the button to answer (this, I wish I could change but Android phone will not let you change this feature with the app I am running)

She has a book of her kids phone numbers and addresses written down and prefers to use this

My wife has never been into technology or any new device invented after the 1970's no matter how I try to explain how to use such devices. I have even put permanent marker arrows drawn on the washing machine controls to turn the knob to the arrow and push the GO button, she simply can not work this out or understand the instructions

So I do it all, my life is better if I work the gadgets but listening to Elvis Presley and only Elvis Presley is hard to take on board as I can put the same 2 hour concert on every night and she watches it as if it was the first time she has ever seen it


Registered User
Nov 13, 2012
N E Lincolnshire
I am afraid I have done that aeons ago, even got her a PC and screen loaded with 60's music but I am afraid that was a no go as she wants to be with me when she watches the videos.

The only way I can calm her down is with Elvis Presley playing on the top right monitor, I move this monitor to point to her whilst I carry on working, the only time I mute it is when a call comes through from a customer

Wife can not operate iPad's, iPods, PC or any device that was not around 20 or 30 years ago any longer, this includes a microwave, front loading washing machine with fancy dials, mobile phones except the one I got for her with a special app for "Elderly use" (push face picture to call that person) she even struggles with answering a call as she forgets how to swipe the button to answer (this, I wish I could change but Android phone will not let you change this feature with the app I am running)

She has a book of her kids phone numbers and addresses written down and prefers to use this

My wife has never been into technology or any new device invented after the 1970's no matter how I try to explain how to use such devices. I have even put permanent marker arrows drawn on the washing machine controls to turn the knob to the arrow and push the GO button, she simply can not work this out or understand the instructions

So I do it all, my life is better if I work the gadgets but listening to Elvis Presley and only Elvis Presley is hard to take on board as I can put the same 2 hour concert on every night and she watches it as if it was the first time she has ever seen it

Sorry, I should have known that you would have already thought of it, it just popped into my mind when I read your thread. Your wife sounds like my husband, he can't control any of the gadgets in our home anymore (not that he ever tried to work the washing machine!!). I even have to turn the television over for him now. He can't read and his language has all but gone.
What keeps amazing me is that I bought him an i pad and installed netflix etc, as he has always been a film lover, and he manages to work that fine. He even remembers to charge it. He goes to bed early each night and watches at least one, sometimes 2 films. I do sometimes get given it to "sort out" when it needs passwords or updating but I can cope with that. As I said, it amazes me that he can manage to use the i pad but not a phone or any of the other gadgets, in fact, he can't even manage to lock a door. This dratted disease is a strange affair.
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