

New member
Dec 10, 2023
OH has diabetes and Alzheimer's with Lewy Bodies. I'm concerned about his feet, principally because of the diabetes. Basically, he's decided that he's not going to cut his toenails - which are VERY long - until he's 'home'. He is, of course, home - we've never lived anywhere other than where we are now, but he doesn't believe that. In fact, it seems that in 'one of the other rooms' (?) a German welder has taken up residence.
How do I get a stubborn former RAF officer to cut his flipping toenails?!!!
There are many suitably qualified Chiropodists/Podiatrists . Maybe you could have a quiet word with them beforehand and perhaps mention the fact that the RAF is important to them . I’m sure with a little cajoling there won’t be much opposition. I’m a retired Nurse and have had dealings with stubborn clients and once they overcome their fears or whatever is concerning them all will be fine . Good luck .


New member
Dec 10, 2023
Ah yes, there used to be chiropody for diabetics. There also used to be an automatic foot check every six months. Both of these seem to be in the past now. I go with him to appointments and have done for two years. At no point in that time has he had his feet checked.
All Diabetics should have at least an annual foot check . This is the protocol . If it hasn’t been done then it needs bringing to the attention of the practice right away . The practice receive funding for every service carried out . I was a practice sister for 16 years and this was part of my job.