

Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
I have just found another horde of tissues under her pillow and on further searching, under the mattress. She has another pile in her makeup drawer and and a big pile next to her chair in the lounge. I keep takeing them down to a reasoable height but they keep growing, What is it with tissues and kitchen roll. Piglet grow up in an age when there wasn't any such thing, so where does the obsession come from? She will not leave the house to go in the car without tissues in all pockets even though I have a plentyful supply in the car. ???? Ahup she's off again about how she used to go hiking with a couple of girls and fourteen boys. This appears to be when she was about 17.


Registered User
Dec 21, 2022
My dad also had a thing about tissues and kitchen roll. In the kitchen there was the kitchen roll on a holder and next to it two boxes of tissues in different sizes. When I dared to take away one of the boxes I was told they were for different things and no, he couldn’t fold one in half. Oh, and don’t forget the other boxes around the house and numerous folded pieces of roll. Fortunately he never started on the toilet roll!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
Oh yes. Tissues in pockets, up sleeves, stuffed in drawers, in the wardrobe etc etc etc.
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I don`t know what it is about tissues.

My grandmother died in 1983 at a time when I don`t think tissues were is such common use. She used cotton handkerchiefs.

She lived with me and when I handed her freshly laundered clothes to take to her room, she took everything and put them away in the correct places.

She didn`t have dementia but she put all her handkerchiefs in her handbag. She wouldn`t hear of having one in her handbag and the rest in a drawer.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
It's wet wipes here. insists on having them which isn't a problem but the piles of used ones keep growing just as quick as I bin them. I get told off because they are kept 'encase they come in handy.' For what?????


Registered User
Jul 26, 2020
AHH toilet roll! we go through a pack and a half of mega toilet rolls a month. EEK
Same issue here! Carefully folded and placed in handbag, under pillow, in every pocket, in drawers, in glasses case and in her purse.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Another thing mines doing is he likes the latte in sackets. Used to make his drink and put them in the bin which is only a metre away from where he makes it, but now stores them in his pocket which I have to keep emptying. Goodness knows why that's started. When I asked I just got 'Oh I was going to get around to putting them in the bin so doesn't even want them. Not like the used wet wipes which 'come in handy' 😂😂


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Yeah, really does make you woder whats going on in their head, My piglet is, a this momemt, polishing /dusting all the surfaces, table, chairs, ( soft and hard) tv robocat, with kitchen roll. She does this every day sometimes twice. Saves me having to do it.


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Lucky you tonebear. Mine just sits in front of the T.V all day doing ****** all


Registered User
Dec 9, 2023
I had a spell about 6 months ago where my wife (dementia) was getting through £5 worth of paper towel every week. She was using it for everything instead of washing things with a cloth. Considering she doesn't do any cooking or washing up it was way over the top. I took the paper towel away from the kitchen and put it in the small spare room which she rarely goes into. I go for paper towel when I need it and only take what I need into the kitchen. If I take more than I need the extra disappears very quickly on needless tasks. I have cut our usage to about £1 per week which is where it should be in a normal household. It takes a bit of effort to get the paper towel now so she doesn't bother with it. Those suffering from dementia have no concept of money and certainly have no idea when they are wasting it. I have to keep a close eye on water usage as well.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
I had a spell about 6 months ago where my wife (dementia) was getting through £5 worth of paper towel every week. She was using it for everything instead of washing things with a cloth. Considering she doesn't do any cooking or washing up it was way over the top. I took the paper towel away from the kitchen and put it in the small spare room which she rarely goes into. I go for paper towel when I need it and only take what I need into the kitchen. If I take more than I need the extra disappears very quickly on needless tasks. I have cut our usage to about £1 per week which is where it should be in a normal household. It takes a bit of effort to get the paper towel now so she doesn't bother with it. Those suffering from dementia have no concept of money and certainly have no idea when they are wasting it. I have to keep a close eye on water usage as well.
Yes, I have developed a tendency to follow piglet around ( quietly) and turn off the taps she has left running and the thermostat that she has wagged up to 30c.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Premium kitchen roll. 4.50 for 3 from Iceland. At least 2 sheets at a time for excess salivation. Dropped everywhere, always 2 or more rolls beside OH bedroom, lounge and kitchen. Csn get through 3 rolls a day if so minded. Tried getting him onto teatowels as they dry in between and can be washed. No luck so far. Iceland delivery love us, Light if bulky load, does not require freezing.3 rolls in a pack 8 pack maximum multibuy £32.00 add a couple of other items to reach free delivery threshold 40.00. Every fortnight


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
Yee gods what an exciting lives we all live. When i was young ( a long long time ago) i thought my life was very full and sometimes very exciting now i know different. I am old and run off my feet trying to keep up with the changes, physical no real problem ( because everything moves at piglet pace, very slowly,) mentally i'm totally wrung out.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Yee gods what an exciting lives we all live. When i was young ( a long long time ago) i thought my life was very full and sometimes very exciting now i know different. I am old and run off my feet trying to keep up with the changes, physical no real problem ( because everything moves at piglet pace, very slowly,) mentally i'm totally wrung out.