So bizarre !

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

The cafe would definitely have won with me, too, Spamar :D Anything and everything is an acceptable reason to avoid the paperwork! I didn't know you were going on holiday either - hope its somewhere nice and that you have a lovely time :)

I'm not surprised you are exhausted, JM - where on earth do you get your energy from? Though I bet your cycling is probably a huge stress-buster for you - I know OH always feels better for getting out for a ride, he may come in limping and aching and physically shattered, but insisting he feels 'great' :D

That garden centre looks gorgeous, Jenny - but sadly too far away for me, we are in North Wales - however, we are hoping to travel further afield in Old Red next Summer, maybe having a whole week rather than just the odd weekend away in her, and we have talked about heading down south, so I will keep that place in mind - thank you :)

Slugsta, I hope that the bowel accident your Mum had was a one off, maybe caused by the UTI or some other infection? I am glad (for her sake and the carer's) that she was wearing the pull ups - they do make it an awful lot easier when it comes to clean up, I found the quicker and more efficiently I could get Mil sorted after something like that, the less chance there was of her becoming overly-upset and it leading to melt downs and more agitation. Mil went through several brief periods of bowel incontinence, once or twice possibly triggered by an infection or tummy upset, but mainly it seemed to be just one of those 'phases' - she would tell me that she 'didn't realise' that the pain in her tummy meant she needed the loo, or that she was 'waiting till she got home' to use the toilet - and then after a few days of regular accidents, they would stop, maybe for a several weeks, before she would go through another brief period of either not recognising that she needed the loo or of wanting to 'wait' until she was at home :(

Didn't go to see Mil yesterday, had a lazyish morning just pootling through bits of housework, then settled down with a book on the sofa in the afternoon - and crashed out, despite the good nights sleep the night before :eek: When I woke (after TWO hours!), dau told me that the hospital had rung, that I wasn't to worry but could I ring them back as they said there had been a 'incident' with Mil. Straight on the phone and she has had an 'altercation' with another patient, the two of them had apparently battered at each other with rolled up magazines, resulting in Mil getting a skin tear. The nurse assured me she was fine, that even just a few minutes later when they were dressing the skin tear Mil had no recollection of how she had got the injury. Again its the 'POVA' thing - seems that in this instance, a POVA is very different from what I had always thought it to be, seems to be a way of creating a record of this sort of incident and its more to warn staff to be 'aware' that Mil can behave in this way, than anything else. I'm betting its the lady that I've mentioned before, that Mil has taken a dislike to - there have already been two previous incidents where Mil has 'gone' for this lady (and to be fair, the lady has 'gone' right back!), though in the last couple of weeks, two more ladies have been admitted and I've noticed that they can be quite feisty too - Mil has made a few comments that indicate she isn't too keen on them either :rolleyes: I intend going to visit this afternoon, after I finish work for the day, probably just after 4 - heaven only knows what tale she will give me to explain the injury - that's if she even rememebrs that she has an injury in the first place, bless her!

Work today, got a list of things I want to do and expecting to be very busy - hoping my IT stuff starts arriving as its really hampering me not having it, though once it arrives, I have to schedule in a trip to our nearest IT support and get everything 'hooked up'.

Hope you all have a good day xxxx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Morning! Bright blue sky here for a change!
I'm hopefully off to Cornwall on the 1st October, well, to Dorset that day and Cornwall the day after.
I go nearly every year these days, staying with one of my cousins and his wife, the one with whom I went to NZ.
I'm not absolutely sure I'll be going, though, depends on how I feel. Still a bit breathless, unfortunately. Probably won't know for certainty until the morning I'm due to go!

Meanwhile must go shopping later and pick up that spray from surgery!


Registered User
Jun 15, 2015
Lovely pic Ann, wish I could do as well. What do you think? Coffee shop of course. I went to a new-to-me one, although I am familiar either others on site. Not at a garden centre or farm snoop, but at a concert hall! It's quite a complex, lots of quirky shops, always a nice walk round! This one only opened in May, converted from a pre concert eating place. I guess they thought it must be better to use it every day, all day! It's on the river where OHs ashes are scattered.
I did put these on another thread, but just to save you looking!
Have started paperwork this am!

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Hi Spamar, thanks for your reply to my PM but I can't get back to you as your in box is full. Sue (from mid-Suffolk - not a million miles away) Sorry to others for hi-jacking this thread.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England

Ann, I'm so glad that you are starting to relax enough to actually sleep! I'm sure the extra couple of hours on the sofa were needed, you have been short on sleep for a rather long time.

I know I shouldn't laugh - but I'm afraid I did find the image of two elderly ladies setting about each other with rolled-up magazines amusing :eek: I'm glad that MIL won't remember the incident.

Spamar, I do hope that you will be well enough to take, and enjoy, your holiday :( I will wave on 30th in the hope that you will be passing through Dorset that day.

I have popped in on Mum twice since Friday. Each time I brought back a load of wet washing, I wonder if the carers are waiting for a full load before they switch the washing machine on? TBH, I'd rather wet stuff was done straight away, even if only rinsed out! I've ordered a few multi-testing stix, I'm told they can be pressed into a wet pad and still give accurate results. I will be able to test leucocytes and nitrites, for infection, and glucose, for diabetes, with the same sticks, which I hope will be helpful. Thankfully, there has been no mention of further faecal incontinence thus far.

I started going to a new choir a few weeks ago and am really enjoying it. It's mostly 'modern stuff' but I find that I enjoy singing things that I would not enjoy listening to! It's a pity that hubby has no interest in singing as we don't do many things together.

The weather has really changed here and it was dark before 8pm :(


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Slugsta, with luck, I shall be spending the night of the 1st in Marnhull, and earlier in the day be in Sturminster Newton, any closer for your wave?

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Slugsta, I was also inclined to grin at the idea of Mil and the other lady battling it out with the magazines! At least Mil didn't lob her zimmer frame at the other woman - I believe the staff have had to dodge out of the way of her doing that a couple of times! Like yourself, I wouldn't want wet clothes hanging round, even if they were in the machine waiting to be washed - I'd do them straight away, if only to avoid the lingering smell that I think can very quickly 'perfume' the whole house if urine wet clothes aren't dealt with promptly. Could it be something as silly as the carers not knowing how to work the washing machine? (I know, daft - but I have actually come across that in young carer's I've worked with!) Or could it be your Mum tells them not to do the washing? I know that was a big issue when Mil had home care. Glad you are enjoying the choir - I can't sing a note, but we have a local community choir that I've ben lucky enough to work with a few times, and I do love to listen to them :)

Been extremely busy here - contacted a few organisations that I could possibly work with over the next few months and have had a really good response - which means that I am now up to my neck in meetings and planning. Also, got told yesterday that I've been booked into a training session - in London - for next Monday so between all that, trying to sort out my 'office' (struggling with what on earth to do with Mil's hospital bed and other belongings) and finding my feet generally, I haven't stopped. Todays agenda includes 2 meetings, quite probably having to chase up my train tickets for Monday and hopefully a visit to Mil after the second meeting, before heading home for an evening of going over notes and handbook to try and prep for Monday. Its really non-stop, though for the first couple of months I'd pretty much guessed that it would be this hectic!

Hope you all have a good day xxxxx


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Thinking about it, Slugsta, my dad definitely stopped his cleaner and his carers using the washing machine, telling them it was broken. He was, in fact, convinced one of them had broken it. After he was in hospital, my brother and I discovered it worked fine - he'd just forgotten how to use it. Ditto, the Dyson. Ann's idea of finding out if they've been told not to use it sounds like a good idea!
In haste -- wet room refurb STILL not finished - house in chaos...


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
struggling with what on earth to do with Mil's hospital bed and other belongings

Surely wherever MIL goes she won't need the bed as a suitable bed will be supplied so you can get on with ebaying it?

I assume you are holding onto her other things to see what she needs when she moves into a home. Once she moves into a home you'll be able to see what she needs and get rid of everything else.

I know it brings home how final it is that she won't be returning to your house but you are clogging up your daily life with her things.

Given that we have way too much stuff in our house I am guilty of keeping too much so it is easier to say than do, RedLou will pop up and remind us about decluttering soon, I could do with her coming to my house to get rid of stuff. Son needs his room sorted for homework and highschool.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Bless you Red - I hate living in the middle of DIY and house alterations - hope its finished soon for you x

JM, you would think that about thje bed, but if Mil had gone into the EMI home where she went for DC, the bed would have gone too - and the mattress, pillows, etc. Apparently it saves the home having to order one for her. I'd never heard of this before, but apparently it works that way in some homes - and as we don't yet know where she will be going, we don't know whetehr or not the bed could go wth her yet. It takes up a lot of space, even dismantled - and it weighs an absolute ton!

Yep - thinking of it does make everything seem so final - its feels sad :(

First meeting out of the way, went better than I could have hoped for - and now about to leave for meeting number 2 of the day. I'm really shattered, which is to be exected I guess as this is all so different - but settling and getting used to being so busy. Suspect some shouting to begin soon, as family need a bit of a prod about me being dumped with all the household chores still - youngest has already had a minor strop over being asked to help a bit more, so I foresee a stormy few weeks ahead :(


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Suspect some shouting to begin soon, as family need a bit of a prod about me being dumped with all the household chores still - youngest has already had a minor strop over being asked to help a bit more, so I foresee a stormy few weeks ahead :(

My real annoyance is leaving plates on the table, I think in the morning they can bring from dining room into kitchen and put in dishwasher.

However with dau having been ill we are having to tell her to do less, she is meant to cycle alternate days at the moment, but on the days with no cycling she is filling her time up with chores (although not upset at the baking she is doing).

Son is settling into high school and as expected has quite a bit of homework and also making friendships so not expecting too much from him at the moment.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
No, no, not me, it was JM ( the second quote )!
I would never think that of you Red!! On the other hand, if the cap fits.....
Sorry, couldn't resist!


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Evening all,

Ann, it does sound as if you are starting to get stuck into things with the new job. I hate the early days when I feel incompetent but something tells me that you will not feel like that for long (if at all)! I'm sorry you will need to give the family a poke about doing their share. I remember that my son used to be a proper toe-rag about it, even though I had always worked. I used to despair as it certainly wasn't the way be had brought him up! You wouldn't believe it now, he's a lovely, considerate man - and it seems that most teenager go through the stage and come out the other side.

How strange about MIL's bed, I have never heard of it being needed in a CH! Mind you, I thought that - as a nurse - I knew how things worked but I didn't have a clue :eek: I can see that getting rid of MIL's things would bring home the finality of the situation, a bit like rubbing your nose in things :(

Red, I do hope that the wet room is soon finished. Then we can all take the pegs off our noses :D We are looking to de-clutter big style as we are thinking of moving house. From a 3 bed semi with plenty of storage (including garage) to a 2 bed flat will mean having to get rid of a lot of stuff - some of which has been in the garage since we moved here 28 years ago!

Spamar, Lytchett is around 12 miles from us, so I won't have to wave too hard :D

Mum was in quite good form today. Yesterday's carer had put the wet sheet through the washing machine! The training pads seem to be helping on that score, several mornings the pad has been wet but not the bed. Last week's problems have settled, for now anyway. Her speech is slow and conversation virtually non-existent other than 'I love you' and 'I wish I could stay with you all the time' repeated every few minutes :( She's had a few of the small portion Wiltshire Farm Foods so I've ordered more, am not worried about her having toast and honey on DC evenings if she's eating on the other days.

It was quite a lot cooler here yesterday but warmish again today with temps around 22C. Mind you, it was chilly by dinnertime and I was glad to snuggle into bed!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

With me, JM, its the leaving soft drink bottles/cans on the kitchen work tops - when they have to pass the patio doors, with the recycling box just outside them, on their way to the kitchen! Though I suppose that's better than opening the curtains and finding cans/bottles on the window sill, or even just left on the sofa, with crisp packets or biscuit wrappers :rolleyes: OH generally will get stuck into the kitchen on a regular basis, or (very occasionally!) the ironing - but the sighs and eye rolls when youngest is asked to even just wash the dishes, have to be seen to be believed. If she (and the older two, when they are home) would just pick up after themselves, it would make a difference - all the time I spend collecting cans/bottles/wrappers/discarded socks/coats/bags/all the other stuff, and either throwing or putting them away actually adds up to quite a big chunk of my day. And I know she has school, and her volunteering work at the local baths, but she could still at least do the dishes occasionally and clear away her own clutter!

Slugsta, I still feel like I'm not very sure of everything I should be doing with the new job, tbh - I feel very nervous about dealing with the admin/IT side, as it is very complex and will take up just under half of my working week once I am properly set up. The meeting yesterday morning gave me a boost, as it went so well - the afternoon one, not so good, as - well, lets say that though the people I met were lovely in themselves, they were not particularly 'open' to anything new.

Not sure about my gang improving as they get older, lol. Oldest daughter at 23, will quite happily cook, and put her own clothes through the wash - but she is without doubt, the messiest person on the flipping planet - she leaves a trail behind her wherever she goes, and even when she has been in uni digs or wherever, she seems quite happy to live in untidy chaos! After her last visit, she left a couple of items behind, which I found a day or so after she had gone - took them up to her room and found 3 large damp bath towels, just dumped on the floor, amid yet more washing and the inevitable cups/cans/bottles - OH has said he feels sorry for her BF now they are living together, and I quite agree!

Glad the carer dealt with the sheet at least, and glad that things seem better than last week. It does sound like, from last weeks problems and what you've said about your Mum's speech yesterday, that this infection has knocked her quite a bit, poor thing. Fingers crossed that things continue to improve for her xxx

I called in to see Mil yesterday, found her in the dining area with one otehr patient, one of the activity staff and a new trainee nurse. They were making salt dough, and Mil seemed quite intent on rolling the pastry and she looked fine - until she spotted me. Then her eyes filled with tears and she needed cajoling to continue with what she was doing. Conversation was quite hard work - I was glad of the other patient being there because her continual attempts to eat the flipping salt dough at least provided a distraction and filled in the silences that followed Mil's monosyllabic responses to everything I said to her. I stayed for about 40 minutes, but it was quite hard work and as soon as I said I had to leave, more tears and the pleas to 'Oh Ann - take me home with you, please take me home' began. One of the staff told me that she had been a 'bit nowty' for a couple of days now, which I guess was one of the factors in the magazine duel . There's a fair size dressing on her arm, covering the skin tear, but she never once referred to it - which is unusual when a dressing is that large and obvious. I plan to go again tomorrow - can't today, as I'm stuck in waiting for delivery of the train tickets for Mondays jaunt off to London!

Hope you all have a good day xxxx


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Spamar, I wish I had one of those moving emojis that stuck out its tongue. So there.

--Actually, it's really good to see you so vivacious. You offer us all cause for optimism.

Ann - you remind me of when I used to be worrying about my father because of his mood. It strikes me you're in a similar situation - not as far away and able to visit more often - but still, not a CH where you can ring and get proper trusted updates that put your mind at rest so you worry between visits. I notice you posting early again. But very good to see you so absorbed with the new job. I'm sure there will be ups and downs, but it definitely feels like there will be lots more of the former.

I can come round and throw things away for any of you btw! Very therapeutic. ;)
--Wet room finished and looking very smart, though I say so myself. OH, who was a bit iffy about the refurb, actually said, 'You were right.' :eek: :eek: :eek: --Something has definitely shifted in the space-time continuum!


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
or any good, Red?

A first, I don't think anyone has ever called me vivacious!! I need you as a pick up!

Very glad the wet room is looking good!

I did notice I was writing in a different way, though not sure why, it's just what comes out!
I'm eating better as well, I wonder why that is, the interrelationship of mind and body never ceases to amaze me.
Yesterday our local age uk had a joint meeting with several of their groups with a fish and chip lunch. Good to catch up with a few old friends. I left early to go shopping! Then fell asleep in front of bake off (btw, see Mary Berry is leaving).
Today my and next doors mower are going for service, I have tree surgeon in to sort tree branches and a tall hedge at back, two doors down seem to be tarmacking their drive/standing area. It busy round here today!
Weather is dry, warming up. No heating on yet! Though I've found a cardigan the last few evenings!
Have a good day!


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
You sound very busy Spamar, I need to give myself a good shake and be busy, nothing apart from washing achieved so far.I do agree with Red, you are sounding a lot brighter.

Ann - I don't have cans/soft drinks bottles problem as I don't buy them on environmental and cost grounds. Both kids drink water out of choice (I buy squash) but then I just have glasses left everywhere, dining room, living room, kitchen worktops/table, and on raiding daus bedroom she can have several glasses and several mugs, and cycling drinks bottles.

Non cycling day for dau yesterday so she hoovered car, it hadn't been done for a while so needed it, but then I go in her room this morning and she has abandoned yesterdays school uniform in middle of floor. Think some teenage behaviour seems programmed.

I hope to keep heating off for a while yet, dau was feeling the cold last year so it went on early, hoping that with iron issues identified it won't be so bad this winter.

Slugsta - food wise at least mum is eating at DC. Honey and toast is still food, a bit of fruit for vitamins and not too far wrong.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
I don't do very busy any more, JM, only wish I could! Out again tomorrow and Sat ( twice) though. Sunday I shall sit down all day. I'm doing that now cos after making coffee for tree surgeons, tweaked my back! No option at the moment. It's the first back ache I've had for ages! Nasty surprise!

You could find yourself unable to provide a drink for anyone cos there's no cups or glasses left in cupboard!