Say hello and introduce yourself

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Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Welcome to Dementia Talking Point :)

However you have been affected by dementia, our community is a place to get support from others.

Say hello

This is our welcome thread - the place many members start. Our volunteers and regular members are here to say hello to you and to welcome you to our community.

This thread is for you to say hello and tell us a little bit about yourself, and your connection to dementia.

Whatever you're facing today, we hope you find our community to be helpful and supportive.

How to use the community

You can find out how to navigate the community here.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about using Dementia Talking Point, you can email us on or Use our Contact Form - we're here to help.

Harriet :)


New member
Jun 20, 2023
Hello, just joined hoping to find support/advice in caring for mother-in-law currently undergoing assessment for dementia.


New member
Jun 21, 2023
My mum has been diagnosed, initially it was just bad memory and difficulty trying to find words, but in the past couple of months she's begun to forget her members of her family and is losing the ability to perform simple tasks, such as make a phone call, make a cup of tea.
It's beginning to become a source of stress for my family as both myself and my wife work full time. I'm looking for somewhere for useful tips on how to deal with the practical issues, and also for morale support on how to cope at home.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Tony-A. You’re certainly in the right place for tips and moral support!
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New member
Jun 19, 2023
Hello to you all. I have joined because I have major concerns about my friend I care for. Agency carers brought into help me and it’s been hell.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Welcome to the forum @Tony-A and @Coffeetime from me too. You have come to the right place as our friendly and supportive members have a wealth of experience of many different aspects of dementia.
You are more than welcome to raise any issues or questions, or just come here to let off-steam. Have a good look around the forums and ask anything you like. We will always try our best to give you helpful suggestions.


New member
Jun 21, 2023
My wife recently diagnosed with FTD after initially being diagnosed with GAD. Her anxiety and distress is still bad and we are concerned that the medication she's on is making worse, or even causing, her anxiety. Was googling for info when I stumbled across the site. Joined to hear of others' experiences.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @aytch and welcome, and I'm glad that you've found us as this is a friendly and supportive place with lots of really useful shared experience. I don't personally have experience of FTD (my mum has Alzheimer's) but quite a lot of members here do so take a browse around and if there's something specific you'd like to post about, or even if you just need a vent, this forum might be a good place to start:


New member
Jun 23, 2023
Hi I am Martine my Dad has got dementia diagnosed 2 years ago he is 86 my mum is 85 still quite fit and healthy but struggling to cope living with Dad on her own, myself brother and 2 sisters help as much as we can but all still work, mum could do with support and someone to talk to. Dad is still able to get about feed and dress himself but repeats things 100 times that is what mum struggles with most.


New member
Jun 23, 2023
My mum has been diagnosed, initially it was just bad memory and difficulty trying to find words, but in the past couple of months she's begun to forget her members of her family and is losing the ability to perform simple tasks, such as make a phone call, make a cup of tea.
It's beginning to become a source of stress for my family as both myself and my wife work full time. I'm looking for somewhere for useful tips on how to deal with the practical issues, and also for morale support on how to cope at home.
Hi Tony so sad to hear your mum has dementia I have just joined this group and like yourself am looking for any help and support especially for mum. At the moment Dad can remember mum and his 4 children but not always our names but not grandchildren or great grandchildren but when he sees them they cheer him up. Don’t know if this is of any help but mum gives dad little jobs to do to keep him busy she also has a white board she writes on for him to read if she has to nip out without him she writes it down, dad repeats the same thing over again just agreeing with him seems to help but mum struggles with it some days I’m hoping these chats might help.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @MartineR and welcome to Talking Point

It sounds like you are getting a lot of things organised.
Do have a mooch around the forum and feel free to join in the conversations. If there is something in particular you want to talk about, though it is best to start a new thread. You can ask about anything, or even just have a moan- we all understand

Curly Moon

New member
Jun 22, 2023
I don’t know how to do this! This talking point thing - or - anything else! I’m here to see how other people manage, maybe I can find some tips!

Curly Moon

New member
Jun 22, 2023
My husband (of 34 years) has started accusing me of sleeping with the lodger/handyman! Not all tge time - he looks and sounds like him, uses the same language - but the meaning is so different!

Curly Moon

New member
Jun 22, 2023
Hi I am Martine my Dad has got dementia diagnosed 2 years ago he is 86 my mum is 85 still quite fit and healthy but struggling to cope living with Dad on her own, myself brother and 2 sisters help as much as we can but all still work, mum could do with support and someone to talk to. Dad is still able to get about feed and dress himself but repeats things 100 times that is what mum struggles with most.
I’m new to this as well - but I’ve found ‘connections’ a phone line (? For Dorset) v helpful as they are attached to the Older Persons MHT ….. I think carers groups will also be useful!

Curly Moon

New member
Jun 22, 2023
My wife recently diagnosed with FTD after initially being diagnosed with GAD. Her anxiety and distress is still bad and we are concerned that the medication she's on is making worse, or even causing, her anxiety. Was googling for info when I stumbled across the site. Joined to hear of others' experiences.
I also think medication (mirtazapine) has made my husband worse


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
I don’t know how to do this! This talking point thing - or - anything else! I’m here to see how other people manage, maybe I can find some tips!
Welcome @Curly Moon to Dementia Talking Point. Our supportive and friendly community of people have experience of many aspects of dementia.. I am sorry to hear about your husband and his behaviour towards you. It is so upsetting. Try and remember it is the dementia, not the person. Easier said than done I know!

You are more than welcome to raise any issues or questions, or just come here to let off-steam. Have a good look around the forums and ask anything you like. We will try our best to give you helpful suggestions.


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
Hello I’m new member today,looking after 92 year old mum
shes not been diagnosed, refuses any kind of help, other than me,
struggling to look after her on my own, she still lives alone,but I worry about her constantly.
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Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Scampston and welcome to our supportive and friendly community. I am sorry to hear about your concerns for your mother. Raise any issues or questions here and our understanding and empathetic members will try to help.
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