on duty 24 hours a day!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Elaine , Just wanted to say am thinking of you & hope you have a good rest
tomorrow & hope the Meeting & Visit goes well on Tuesday .

Sending much Love , Support & Prayer's to you & Gary

Take Care

Love Grove x x


Registered User
Aug 20, 2008
Hi Elaine

What with one thing and another, holidays, crises etc, I haven't managed to keep up with your thread.

Tonight I have sat and read through every single post on it.

I'm shocked at quickly things have changed with Gary.

I'm also pleased for you that you took the steps you did to get help for Gary (and you).

Just now everything's bound to be so difficult, but let the staff tinker with Gary's meds and see if they can't be controlled to give you some more quality time together at home.

Use the time to look at some possible local CH's and don't settle for anything you're not happy with. There are some fantastic cH's out there.

Hope fully you won't need them just yet but, at least now, there's time for you to look around lots and find any that may be suitable.

Take care now.

I'm thinking of you.

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Thank you all, I've just been printing some photos for his room, the nurses suggested it today so they had some point of contact with Gary. Looking at them I can't believe the change in him in just over a year, it's all happened so quickly, no sooner do I get used to one phase that we slip into the next it seems. I suppose if it continues to progress at this fast rate he will, at least be unaware of this nightmare soon


Registered User
Mar 31, 2010
Elaine, hi
It is so heartbreaking when you see things change so quickly, my heart really goes out to you and Gary.

I've been printing off photos for hubby's album for when he goes into his first respite, not an easy option but the only one with my mum's breast cancer operation, we are visiting the home tomorrow and hope against hope that it's a good one. This disease is so frightful to everyone it touches.

Take good care of yourself and know that you are appreciated for your loving and attentive care of Gary by so many people on here, we need you to take the same care of yourself now for both your sakes.
With best wishes from Jo


Registered User
Sep 9, 2009
cornwall/real name is Angela
Good morning Elaine, from yet another misty damp Cornwall!! I swear my house is sitting under a mist/damp cloud permamently.I have had to put the heating on every morning to warm the house thru and get rid of the damp.

Anyway,hope you are OK,and feeling a little bit better today.

Will catch up later.Take care.

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Thank you Sylvia, I slept until 6 which is plenty of sleep I think, compared to how it used to be. I shan't visit today so I'll probably be ok but we have a meeting tomorrow and I'll visit then so will probably be wrecked again then. The next step will be to look at care homes for respite/full time care, whichever I'm going to need, I'm not relishing doing that


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Hello Elaine, how are you today? Have you got any treats planned at all? ( You are allowed treats, did you know that? ;)) x

sonia owen

Registered User

Hi Elaine,

I have been keeping up to date with your threads.
I hope you have been able to do something with your daughter today,as its so lovely out. Not so good for the rest of the week.

I feel that your Gary is slowly becoming more calmer, maybe not too settled, but that would be expected by anyone who is away from home.
I wanted to ask you if you have ever had a Carers Assessment, during your time of caring for Gary.
I had one the week after meeting you all. Some say they are no good, but I found mine to be very good. I suppose its because it was all about my needs ,health, support, how I was feeling and no one else.
Had a letter from the carers support and development worker. They are going to do a review in 6 months time. I had had some serious health issues over the years to over come and one on going problem.
I am pleased they are going to do this, as you never know from one day to another just what could happen.

Just a thought Elaine, just maybe they could also offer something for You
We all think of you every day.
Love and hugs.
Sonia xxxxxx

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Today I just pottered in the garden, my daughter was here at the weekend Sonia. I went to the supermarket and came straight home, i can't get used to not being on duty. I can spend whatever time I want doing whatever I want but somehow ....I can't.
Paul went to see Gary this afternoon but it wasn't a good visit, Gary is always at his worst in the afternoons. He was initially pleased to see him but soon became hostile, the staff say he's not drinking much so I guess he'll be brewing a urine infection, he was uncooperative with his personal care this morning and he's still, after a week on a level 3 watch. He asked Paul if his mum was coming to see him (first time he's asked this) and Paul told him she wasn't with us anymore :( Gary went ballistic and the staff said he'd better leave. Poor Paul was devastated, I'd never thought to tell any of them how to respond to that question, it had never come up before.
Our social worker phoned me today, he's the one who got Gary admitted to the unit (I thought he was a cpn:eek:) and I really think he's going to be a good one, very reassuring, very proactive. He's told me if I have any issues with the treatment Gary's getting that he will address them and act as an advocate. He's been in touch with the unit today and is bang up to date with what's happening, he's also told me not to look into care homes yet because it's too soon in Gary's treatment and we have no idea what his needs might be yet. He reassured me that although the unit get twitchy about their 6 week programme of treatment I don't have to rush things


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
Glad to hear that you have got a good social worker, Elaine and that you had some time to potter in the garden.

It's a shame about the 'mum' question, but you can be sure Gary will probably have forgotten all about it by now.

Well done for getting through another day. Sending a hug. x