Sole full time carer - trying to undertand the issues & what might be ahead


Registered User
Feb 21, 2014
My Mum has had vascular dementia for probably 6-8 years. Reading through the posts of others she is doing ok for the moment. Her memory is seriously impaired, she cannot recall things that happened two minutes ago, or concentrate for any length of time. Her recollection of times past is also becoming muddled or fading completely. We have been through a period when she was verbally aggressive, when she did not realise anything was wrong. Now I think she knows something is wrong & this leads to her sometimes becoming argumentative over simple things I have reminded her to do. I have had to give up work to care for her as she cannot be left alone now. I also have to lock the door & keep the key with me as she once wandered off & couldn't find her way back, luckily I found her. She packs her bags a couple of times a day to 'go home' although she lives with me & has done so for almost 30 years. Her appetite has just started to show signs of reducing, & she is resisting using her knife with her food often using her hand to push food onto her fork. I try to take her out every day for either a walk or a drive and sit with her every afternoon while she watches her fav. TV program. I am trying hard to learn everything I can about dementia/alzheimers to prepare for what is to come, but I feel quite overwhelmed sometimes by everything I Don't know. I have applied for LPA's for both welfare/finance in preparation for the future. I don't live close to my siblings who are not much use with caring anyway. I just want to do the best I can for my Mother, but with no prior experience of this I wonder if I am up to it. Merrymaid


Registered User
May 19, 2013
Hi Merrymaid and welcome!
the thing is with dementia is that however well equipped you may be things can always through a curveball.
Treat each day as it comes, if things EVER get to much ask for help, it may get better but it will get worse again.
As your a relative whose caring try and deal with the guilt thing, if your doing your best try not to bang you head against a wall when things are going wrong or if you feel that you are not doing enough. If you need time out..... make a hell of a lot of noise! (come on here and post but also try and make sure you can get cover when you need it)
I really appreciate what your doing, you're so brave.
Take care

Sal x


Registered User
Jan 17, 2014
Hi merrymaid sallys right your doing a great job but deal with things as they come. as best you can and if you can't please try and not to feel guilty. Take the help that you need to get through this disease, we can only do so much. Good luck sending you hugs Linda xx


Registered User
Feb 21, 2014
Sally]Hi Merrymaid and welcome!
the thing is with dementia is that however well equipped you may be things can always through a curveball.
Treat each day as it comes, if things EVER get to much ask for help, it may get better but it will get worse again.
As your a relative whose caring try and deal with the guilt thing, if your doing your best try not to bang you head against a wall when things are going wrong or if you feel that you are not doing enough. If you need time out..... make a hell of a lot of noise! (come on here and post but also try and make sure you can get cover when you need it)
I really appreciate what your doing, you're so brave.
Take care

Sal x[/QUOTE

Thankyou...sorry it has taken so long to respond just getting to grips with the system :D
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Registered User
Feb 21, 2014
Hi merrymaid sallys right your doing a great job but deal with things as they come. as best you can and if you can't please try and not to feel guilty. Take the help that you need to get through this disease, we can only do so much. Good luck sending you hugs Linda xx

Thankyou...sorry not replied sooner just learning this system :D

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