Mum accusing staff of beating her daily


New member
Mar 31, 2024
Mum is late stage Lewy Body dementia. I cared for her at home with increasing support from carers until a year ago where it became necessary to find residential care for her. We found a beautiful home which I was really happy with but a few weeks ago we had to find another care home more geared up to aggression as she was starting to attack staff physically and verbally. We found one recommended nearby, moved her across and everything has got so much worse. She is fighting staff and causing injury to herself and to them, she is verbally incredibly abusive to staff, to family and to other residents. She is refusing to eat, take medication and just horrible. I know it's not her, it's the disease but the person in front of me still looks like and sounds like my mum, it's so hard.
She is now accusing staff of physically abusing her and family saying they hate her. It's projection completely as everything she says happens is actually exactly what she is doing to others, but she is so miserable and I hate to think she is scared of staff even if the reality is false.
The care home staff are nice and seem caring but they are so busy, I feel like I'm bothering them when I try and build a relationship with them. I can tell they don't really enjoy looking after mum and I don't really blame them if I'm honest, they show me bruises and scratches from mum on their arms and I feel so guilty but I don't know what I can do!
Do I look for somewhere else? Part of me thinks nothing will change wherever she is but at the moment she thinks I'm ignoring her when she says she is not safe.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Do I look for somewhere else?
No, it won't change her actions.
Is she on any medication?
With my wife's LBD memantine and low dose Epilim (chewable sodium valproate) calmed her down.
Antipsychotics, including atypical, were ruled out because of high chance of making things worse.


New member
Mar 31, 2024
Unfortunately she is very limited in her medication options due to a liver transplant and kidney failure. The CPN have said there is nothing additional they can prescribe. She is already on antidepressants and propanalol (plus a huge amount of other medication for other reasons)


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Unfortunately she is very limited in her medication options due to a liver transplant and kidney failure. The CPN have said there is nothing additional they can prescribe. She is already on antidepressants and propanalol (plus a huge amount of other medication for other reasons)
The medical mantra is "first do no harm". Does the local hospital have Palliative Care specialists? If so could you get a referral or just plain go in or write to them to get advice? Palliative care is about making life comfortable and bearable, it's not about the end of that life. Long past kidney and liver problems may be stopping your mum getting the treatment she needs now. Treatments that may affect or be affected by kidney and liver damage might become worthwhile if further damage will take longer than mum might have left to her.