So, so tired


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Good morning everyone.
My second sleepless night with a chest infection plus I am asthmatic so struggling abit.
At 7 p.m yesterday my O.H said he wanted to go to bed but I persuaded him to stay up and watch the Rugby game. He didn’t relax, wandering around, filling hot water bottles etc., and at 8 p.m said he was going upstairs. After about 30 mins I decided to join him, tired after coughing and wheezing all day. He was already in bed…….and looking for an argument, saying I was taking him for a mug, making him watch rugby matches etc.. I just said I’d sleep in another room as my coughing etc., would disturb him. I. did this but he followed my, getting more abusive. When he’s like this I feel trapped, so went downstairs to try and sleep on the sofa, he followed after a few minutes, saying come upstairs. Feeling pretty awful, I followed, got into bed, starting coughing, he started swearing at me so I got up and went to another room! Again he followed, asking me if I was waiting for someone to join me! By this time it’s midnight and again for a quiet life I went back to his bed…………and lay awake all night trying not to cough. Have been up since 5 a.m feeling shattered. He has no empathy told me not to be a hypochondriac and just concentrates on his own needs and wants. God knows how I’ll manage if I get seriously ill in the future, I am starting to feel resentful towards this man. I know, I know it’s the disease, but how does one cope with someone so self centred. Hope to get some rest today, but doubt it.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Oh dear @Skylark/2 the total lack of empathy when we are ill is hard to take. Yes, we know that it is the disease but that does not make it any easier to bear. I hope that you manage to get some rest through the day.