

Registered User
Oct 31, 2022
My parents both have dementia and live at home with a live in carer. They have a 14 year old cat that they cannot care for. The carer feeds him but cannot manage all his needs. Mum and Dad are currently in respite whilst the carer has a break and I discovered to my horror today when checking on their house that it is infested with fleas. Pest control are booked - at huge expense. My dilemma is whether we surrender the cat to a charity for adoption as we are concerned about its welfare. Has anyone else faced this question and do you have any suggestions? We never see the cat as he is so elusive so trying to manage flea treatments etc is so difficult and we don't feel it's fair to put it on the carer.

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I think you already know that the cat needs to be rehomed and as he's elusive, your parents may not even realise that he's missing. You can buy a mechanical cat if the pet leaves a hole in their lives; not cheaper but probably far less expensive than pet control.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2022
I think you already know that the cat needs to be rehomed and as he's elusive, your parents may not even realise that he's missing. You can buy a mechanical cat if the pet leaves a hole in their lives; not cheaper but probably far less expensive than pet control.
Thank you. You're right.