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Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
Oh, warm, warm, tight hugs, Aisling. I miss so much these days. I come in to pm and don't keep abreast of posts in my daze.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Oh, warm, warm, tight hugs, Aisling. I miss so much these days. I come in to pm and don't keep abreast of posts in my daze.

Thank you Molly. I still can't figure why someone would give OH a present of a foto frame?? Yes I am like a dog with a bone!!

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
me again!! I need to talk to someone. I was in A and E all afternoon with OH. He fell and cut his head. Deep cut on back of head. My heart was breaking watching him and keeping as calm as possible. My lovely strong, intelligent guy reduced to fear and confusion by this horrific disease.

I think of all of you daily and keep you in my prayers. I read posts and reply when I think I can help in some small way but sometimes I don't know what to say....... It is such an awful deteriorating disease that can change on a daily basis as you all know so well.

I question who minds the carers? Must we wait till carers become seriously ill for some genuine ongoing support? I need someone to mind me for a while. Selfish? Yes..... It is an ongoing grieving process.

Am not going to moan on and on........ OH is in good care. Am like a lost soul........ Just trying to get through each day and avoiding going stark raving mad.

Virtual hugs and support to all of you,

Aisling xxxxxxx


Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
Oh Aisling it never rains but pours. Sending all the hugs you can handle. xx Hope T is ok
nothing worse than A&E to make them more confused. Hope he is has settled back down again. xxx


Registered User
Jun 7, 2015
We are all here for you Aisling, I wish it could be in person, I wish one of us could have sat besides both of you in the hospital to show our support or even just to run to the coffee machine.

Carers do deserve so much better than we get, lets be honest we get almost b*gger all so it wouldn't take much to improve out lot.

Down the invisible lines of the internet we are all holding your hand. We will help you through with silent good wishes, love and prayers and when you need to talk we will be right here for you. x


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
I think so many of us will be able to have some understanding of what you're feeling Aisling. I always try to value this aspect of TP. There are always people around who have trod the path before and who understand. You have summed up our situation very well in your penultimate paragraph.

You are in my thoughts.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
I think so many of us will be able to have some understanding of what you're feeling Aisling. I always try to value this aspect of TP. There are always people around who have trod the path before and who understand. You have summed up our situation very well in your penultimate paragraph.

You are in my thoughts.

Gorgie, Stanley and Lavender, thank you so much for your support. Appreciate it so much. Yes I am an angry little camper re support for carers and fear this will eventually lead to serious breakdowns and illness. Unfortunately I know about breakdowns.

Sitting in an empty silent house is difficult. I don't blame myself for feeling this way but so difficult...... Awareness of AD needs to be raised. When I feel better, I hope to do something about it. The worse part for me is if I say something to locals I get the usual platitudes and how " lucky I am.... Get on with my life etc, etc. you all know the story!! My reaction is probably not being healthy but I am a bit anti social now and am a bit allergic to " happy clappy " people!!! I totally ignore the invisibles and avoid listening to any gossip!! Opinions can be amazing at times!! The good part of all this is that I am very aware of other people I meet casually. Nobody knows what problems people can have.

The good news is that OH is back settled in NH. Had a late tea and is now waiting for night time snack. Bit tired from local annestetic, 9 stitches in head, tetanus injection and on antibiotics. Will be back to him in morning PG. I have phone beside me.

I don't know what I would do without TP. You are stars! Thank you so much.

Blessings always,

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 21, 2015
A hug from me down here Aisling. Am glad T is back at NH and hope that you yourself can get some sleep this night x


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Hope today goes smoothly aisling and everyone has recovered. Hope you had some sleep to help. X


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
I understand you perfectly kassy. Only you run out of understanding don't you? As I am sure Aisling has, long ago.
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Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
Thinking of you, Aisling. I know I'm pretty useless at giving support lately when you are so kind to me.

I feel I could do with a few weeks in a NH myself tbh, and I haven't been dealing with what you have been. We do have each other here. Family mean well -- or maybe not -- but each deals with it differently. Fact is one person takes the burden and it takes its toll. I like you find platitudes, untimely 'advice' and paper tiger help insults into the bargain. I hold my peace because I know it won't change but when I'm struggling I want to smack them.

I don't see you as 'unhealthy', I see you responding, at a visceral level, to too much and niw protecting yourself from even more. T is blessed to have you as his beloved.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
I meant to add -- but forgot because I'm a basket case and am finding it hard to navigate threads and posts -- I only saw your post niw about poor poor T. But as you say, he is safe and has you. It's you who neefs some care and TLC. Sending you a wheelbarrow full.


Registered User
Mar 27, 2016
I meant to add -- but forgot because I'm a basket case and am finding it hard to navigate threads and posts -- I only saw your post now about poor poor T. But as you say, he is safe and has you. It's you who needs some care and TLC. Sending you a wheelbarrow full.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Hi Kassy and thank you. Amazing how people can find you when they need something!!i totally understand. Yes they are feeling awful. You will give them some help, I would do the same but You need to look after yourself and your health. Please keep space for yourself.

Aisling xxxx
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Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
I understand you perfectly kassy. Only you run out of understanding don't you? As I am sure Aisling has, long ago.

Hi, it is patience I have run out of !!! We will continue to understand but we must realise that we can't do everything or indeed change some peoples' understanding. Listening skills seem to be going out of fashion!!! Then we meet the stars, on TP of course and sometimes in the strangest of places..... TG for them.

Aisling xxxxx