Dear diary.......


Registered User
Feb 26, 2024
Love this 🤣🤣 has made me smile! Dangerous animals on the risk assessment will now take on a whole new meaning!
@sdmhred - glad you liked it. They aren't really dangerous, but you cannot expect most people to like snakes (she says, sitting here wearing a sweatshirt with a snake on that says "don't hiss me off"). I bought the sweatshirt when Daddy was in hospital and he thought it was hilarious.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
It shouldn't happen to a carer number 300 odd.....

Just to say, no animals or people were harmed by this update...

New representatives from the cover care agency came round yesterday to introduce themselves.
All was going well, Daddy making a huge effort, even Hercule the parrot introduced herself, much to everyone's delight.
We then do a quick tour of the house. All is well until we go into the box room, where the reptile cages are (my father has always kept exotics). I am doing my spiel about how they never come out of their cages when.........carers says what is that on the floor?

Readers, it was a python, out of the cage and wedged behind the radiator!

Trying to do my best "nothing to see here" act, we make our way downstairs and I suspect we go to the bottom of the list for people to supply cover carers too!
Later I managed to get the python back in the cage - they aren't aggressive, they just like small spaces and Daddy had forgotten to close the glass on the tank.

We all had a cup of tea, and Daddy pipes up with "He was probably hungry" (the snake that is). Not helpful.

I now add snake wrangling to my list of attributes. To be honest, I always used to help him with animal care, so they don't scare me, but it had been a while since I handled one.

Another day I am glad to see the back of. Funny, but sad as he was always so hot on keeping animals properly.
Good morning @Helly19682,

Yes I remember when mum's friend lived in the same village as us in Malaysia saying I saw a python in the garden the other day!


PS: I hope your dad's okay. Jacky is outside basking.


Registered User
Feb 26, 2024
@MaNaAk - Daddy was always very excited when seeing reptiles in the wild. He went to Madagascar and saw a large Panther Chameleon making it's way across the beach. He talks about that a lot.
He is still a bit unsettled - he had a fall yesterday and changes to the cover care staff have unsettled him. His main carer goes on holiday next week and we have not yet met her replacement. I think it is going to be a difficult week..
I hope Jacky has a good bask.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
@MaNaAk - Daddy was always very excited when seeing reptiles in the wild. He went to Madagascar and saw a large Panther Chameleon making it's way across the beach. He talks about that a lot.
He is still a bit unsettled - he had a fall yesterday and changes to the cover care staff have unsettled him. His main carer goes on holiday next week and we have not yet met her replacement. I think it is going to be a difficult week..
I hope Jacky has a good bask.
I remember being fascinated by a colourful chameleon in the grounds of the flats next door. Hope your dad feels better soon and I hope you're okay. Hope he's okay next week.


PS: I still remember the wife of mum's former employer making a decision to never go in the garden again after meeting a snake (no idea what sort it was and being in Malaysia it could be anything)


Registered User
Feb 26, 2024
@MaNaAk - chameleons are beautiful. We are lucky in this country if you see a snake at all (or unlucky depending on your view).
My sister has been over for a few days so good to get her perspective and get a break from Dadmin. Daddy's live in carer is off on holiday today, so we will see how he adjusts to the new carer. I am hoping it goes smoothly as work is pretty busy at the moment.
We are making the transition with my father, to my managing all of his finances. He now cannot remember his PIN for his card. He gets very obsessed with having cash (and can still understand real money) in order to pay his neighbours for odd jobs - something he has always done. I am trying to limit the cash he has, as it always gets lost and I don't want to give the carer more to worry about. His bank card is now "lost" (i.e. I have it) as he couldn't use it much and even when he did, tended to shout his PIN from the rooftops, which is not ideal. I am hoping he forgets about the card and we gradually reduce the cash.
We are always having to think about the next obsession/emergency/wild card aren't we?


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
@MaNaAk - chameleons are beautiful. We are lucky in this country if you see a snake at all (or unlucky depending on your view).
My sister has been over for a few days so good to get her perspective and get a break from Dadmin. Daddy's live in carer is off on holiday today, so we will see how he adjusts to the new carer. I am hoping it goes smoothly as work is pretty busy at the moment.
We are making the transition with my father, to my managing all of his finances. He now cannot remember his PIN for his card. He gets very obsessed with having cash (and can still understand real money) in order to pay his neighbours for odd jobs - something he has always done. I am trying to limit the cash he has, as it always gets lost and I don't want to give the carer more to worry about. His bank card is now "lost" (i.e. I have it) as he couldn't use it much and even when he did, tended to shout his PIN from the rooftops, which is not ideal. I am hoping he forgets about the card and we gradually reduce the cash.
We are always having to think about the next obsession/emergency/wild card aren't we?
my husband has the banking app on his phone as they couldnt put it back on mine. hes sussed how to use it and keeps checking his balance. hes out with my son buying a new bird + cage + accessories.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh Jennifer! I do hope they come home with something suitable 🙈🙈🐥🐥 i am looking forward to a new member of the forum!


Registered User
Feb 26, 2024
Oh Jennifer! I do hope they come home with something suitable 🙈🙈🐥🐥 i am looking forward to a new member of the forum!
Yes, lets hope it isn't a parrot, they are a bit feisty of a tortoise, as you now know all about those.....


Registered User
Feb 26, 2024
New week, new conundrum.
Daddy's cover carer rang last night. Daddy agitated as she had removed a can of beer he had hidden down the side of the armchair. Daddy used to be a big drinker, but since he came out of hospital, with a diagnosis of stage three kidney disease, he has not had access to alcohol.
Daddy has also had a number of falls.
I think his neighbour probably bought it for him, after being pestered by my Dad. In fairness to the neighbour, he did buy items for Daddy (and was paid) previously.
So, I will obviously need to speak to the neighbour. I need to tread carefully as the neighbours have been very good to him and he goes round there almost every day.
I am in two minds as to whether to speak to my father about this at all. Any mention is likely to be met with denial, hostility and anger at being treated like a child. It may actually do more harm than good. As Daddy does not leave the house alone, we may be better to expend more effort in trying to ensure alcohol does not make it into the house.
Alcohol free beer - I suspect he would notice the difference. I am not even sure how it would affect him if he did have a drink, given that it has been about three months since he last had one.