Nursing homes


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
Just been reading through your thread, Aisling, and can well understand how you are feeling what with all the stress of your husband having to go into care and the ongoing stress of that situation, then added on top worrying about your financial situation.

I feel tired all the time too, could sleep for 14 hours if I was allowed - I think it's something to do with being under a lot of pressure.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Just been reading through your thread, Aisling, and can well understand how you are feeling what with all the stress of your husband having to go into care and the ongoing stress of that situation, then added on top worrying about your financial situation.

I feel tired all the time too, could sleep for 14 hours if I was allowed - I think it's something to do with being under a lot of pressure.

Thank you Nita. My husbands illness came to the point where he needed full time nursing care. I am in a very strange place at the moment. I miss the wonderful man I married. He doesn't know who I am but I console myself by telling myself that I know who he is... Sometimes I know that he realises I am part of his life and amazes me at times with his insight. His Nursing home is excellent and he is happy.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Jun 7, 2015
I know it's not the same as being with you in person, but there are so many people on TP who really care about you and we are all here to offer any support we can. Luv and more hugs Lavender x


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
I know it's not the same as being with you in person, but there are so many people on TP who really care about you and we are all here to offer any support we can. Luv and more hugs Lavender x

Thank you Lavender. I really appreciate all the support. Am in a kind of numbness at the moment.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Jun 7, 2015
Hope I'm not being a pest, but just nipping back to check on you. Hope you have had an ok day. Sometimes numbness is needed as a way to cope when it's all too much. From my own experience (though it wasn't to do with dementia or a partner) things eventually get better or if not better we somehow adapt given time. Luv and prayers Lavender x


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Hope I'm not being a pest, but just nipping back to check on you. Hope you have had an ok day. Sometimes numbness is needed as a way to cope when it's all too much. From my own experience (though it wasn't to do with dementia or a partner) things eventually get better or if not better we somehow adapt given time. Luv and prayers Lavender x

Thank you Lavender, you are NOT being a pest. You are great. Yes you are correct but I didn't think about it. Numbness is a way to cope. Fluctuating emotions..... Numbness for the past week and amazing anger. I can't really explain as I don't want to rant on about it. It would sound trivial to people coping in much more stressful situations.

Yes my energy is used going to see T and making sure he is ok. I need some type of social life.... About an hour per week would do me but at this stage I am light years away from joining in conversations! I really don't know what is happening. All I can do is go with the flow at the moment. I realise I have become incredibly sensitive too. Not good. It would be great to be able to talk to people who understand but no support groups of any kind around here.

Invisibles visit T an odd time...... They don't engage with me at all. Why someone would give him a present of a picture frame for 3 photoes baffles me..... No photoes in it.

I better stop now... Life is just so lonely.....

Bless you,



Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Does anyone know where I can get a picture of JB Keane please? Have trawled the net!! Am organising T bedroom.

Thank you,


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