Nursing homes


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
How are you Aisling, we haven't seen you for a while.
Hoping you are coping and/or have some help to cope with everything
please come and tell us how you are. Its worrying when troubled people disappear. xx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
How are you Aisling, we haven't seen you for a while.
Hoping you are coping and/or have some help to cope with everything
please come and tell us how you are. Its worrying when troubled people disappear. xx

Thank you. Appreciate all the support I am getting here on TP. Am in a strange sad place now. Exhausted and struggling still. The great news is T is settled in NH. Lots of input from me, meetings etc. I haven't been able to respond to all my friends on TP but the support is invaluable. Thanks to everyone.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 21, 2015
Thank you. Appreciate all the support I am getting here on TP. Am in a strange sad place now. Exhausted and struggling still. The great news is T is settled in NH. Lots of input from me, meetings etc. I haven't been able to respond to all my friends on TP but the support is invaluable. Thanks to everyone.

Aisling xx

Thinking of you x


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
thanks to all you wonderful people who are keeping me going at the moment. Am amazed at your generousity in contacting me even when I am not able to post.

Tbh, I think what is happening to me is some sort of nervous exhaustion. Yes,I am still struggling...... When will it stop being so difficult.... I don't know...

I worry about the lack of support for some carers. Must we wait for carers to get seriously ill before something is done.

I had many difficult times in my life and always managed to be strong so am now annoyed with myself... Many years ago I almost died after a car accident. I could hear people talking around my bed but I couldn't respond. I was not a " happy camper" Anyway I lived to tell the tale TG. I know I am a strong person but I realise I have limits. As you all have told me I am not super human... Just human and you are absolutely correct.

The great news is that OH is getting the best of care and he is happy TG. My heart sinks going in to see him as it feels so strange and sad. My lovely strong gentleman. He has his awkward days but he is understood. Life throws so many challenges. I believe the " invisibles" visit him when it suits them. They have offered to take in some neighbours to see him. Sure isn't that great?. None of them contact me. My beliefs falter at times.....

I have a good male friend who lives in the middle of nowhere..... But he was asked recently about a car outside his house..... Well......

I don't see many people as I got fed up with the questions and advice.... There is a limit to what I can take about how I can now get back a quality of life. A quality of life?? Hobbies? Etc, etc. If I get caught out some day with questions etc., my answer is that I am thinking about taking up sky diving or some thing similar. No lie, I can think about stuff. Maybe even deep sea diving....

My outlook on things is changing. I suppose "I can look at life from both sides now" and understand this awful disease a bit more. For me it is trying to enter the world that my OH is experiencing. Am getting fairly good at it. There are moments when he amazes me. Knowing when to talk, when to actively listen and when to stay in the silence. He enjoys the book of pictures I made for him and this is an ongoing project.

When I get my mind right ..... I am going to contact our Minister of Health to remind him about a few things. He might never see my letter but I can try.

I need to renew a parking permit for OH now. That is becoming a huge challenge.... Unbelievable.

I have an eye infection and trying to put drops in.....

Thanks a million for all your support and kindness. I am lucky to have all of you in my corner.

Blessings always,

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 21, 2015
Hello Aisling.

So lovely that you've posted - I bet that took a lot of inner strength to put all that down? I do hope that it's helped, maybe just a little. You most definitely are a strong person, we can all see that. You are amazing.

As for the nosy neighbours, gossips and invisibles - yes, have you considered a new hobby? It's called "witchcraft" ;) Tell them you're thinking of joining a coven. And do, when you have the energy, let our Minster for Health in on the reality out there. That would be a very satisfying achievement.

It's good that T is happy. I do so hope that happiness returns to your own life very soon too xxx


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
You are moving forward aisling, a tiny bit at a time. It will never be easy but things are happening behind the scenes.
Its such a learning curve for everyone but you can only do what you can.which at the moment is heal yourself taking as long as it takes.
You felt able to post which is a definite move forwards, please keep posting so we can help you on your journey, which is now so important.
Take care, see you soon. Xx


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
So glad that you're able to post all this Aisling, and the news that your OH is getting such good care and is happy is great to hear.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Good for you Aisling. And definitely, do write to the Minister for Health - the poor child! :D You will most likely get a reply from a Secretary, assuring you of the Minister's attention! I wrote to the previous Minister, accusing the Govt. of committing euthanasia by stealth on the elderly, ill people of this country by withholding the funding to enable them to have adequate care, which was hastening their deaths. I said much more besides, along the lines of how the elderly ill, the disabled etc. are regarded as not a good economic investment, the Government won't see a return on money put into services for them, and so services are being cut in those areas. Let him have it with both barrells! :D I got a very polite and soothing reply from his secretary, assuring me that nothing could be further from the truth. That the Government and the Minister regard these matters as a top priority and are developing a strategy, blah de blah de blah! :D:D I found it very reassuring.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Hello Aisling.

So lovely that you've posted - I bet that took a lot of inner strength to put all that down? I do hope that it's helped, maybe just a little. You most definitely are a strong person, we can all see that. You are amazing.

As for the nosy neighbours, gossips and invisibles - yes, have you considered a new hobby? It's called "witchcraft" ;) Tell them you're thinking of joining a coven. And do, when you have the energy, let our Minster for Health in on the reality out there. That would be a very satisfying achievement.

It's good that T is happy. I do so hope that happiness returns to your own life very soon too xxx
Thank you hilly billy. Witchcraft? Now that is an idea!

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
You are moving forward aisling, a tiny bit at a time. It will never be easy but things are happening behind the scenes.
Its such a learning curve for everyone but you can only do what you can.which at the moment is heal yourself taking as long as it takes.
You felt able to post which is a definite move forwards, please keep posting so we can help you on your journey, which is now so important.
Take care, see you soon. Xx

Thank you Bemused. Yes am taking tiny steps.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
So glad that you're able to post all this Aisling, and the news that your OH is getting such good care and is happy is great to hear.

Thank you Stanley. I just started to post and then all the words came flowing out. It was good to do it.

Aisling x


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Good for you Aisling. And definitely, do write to the Minister for Health - the poor child! :D You will most likely get a reply from a Secretary, assuring you of the Minister's attention! I wrote to the previous Minister, accusing the Govt. of committing euthanasia by stealth on the elderly, ill people of this country by withholding the funding to enable them to have adequate care, which was hastening their deaths. I said much more besides, along the lines of how the elderly ill, the disabled etc. are regarded as not a good economic investment, the Government won't see a return on money put into services for them, and so services are being cut in those areas. Let him have it with both barrells! :D I got a very polite and soothing reply from his secretary, assuring me that nothing could be further from the truth. That the Government and the Minister regard these matters as a top priority and are developing a strategy, blah de blah de blah! :D:D I found it very reassuring.

Fair dues Lady A. Yes they can bull....... away and great on assurances of top priority. They couldn't develop a strategy for boiling eggs.

Aisling x


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Fair dues Lady A. Yes they can bull....... away and great on assurances of top priority. They couldn't develop a strategy for boiling eggs.

Aisling x

True, that!! :D But they can hire a load of expensive consultants to develop strategies and compile reports! :D


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
True, that!! :D But they can hire a load of expensive consultants to develop strategies and compile reports! :D

Of course!! We seem to have consultants for everYthing!! They can organise fact finding
missions too. Nice travel, 5 star hotels, expenses etc!!

Aisling xx


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Good to have you back Aisling, your on the road to recovery and we will all be with you on your journey;) Loves and Hugs sent to you.xx

Thank you Jorgie. I was with T today. Still trying to get parking permit signed!! Strange how minor things become major!! I was really tired so am in bed now, am lucky to be able to rest unlike so many TPs.

Aisling xx

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